This could be your future

Recently one of my Coaches told me a powerful story about a Code Red Rebel and WHY she joined Code Red.

She was on a walk with some family, including two women who were sisters, and over 20 years older than she is.

One of them was so obese and sick that she was in a wheelchair and had to be pushed along.

The other was healthy and leading the pack (including people 20+ years younger than she was).

For this Rebel, watching these two sisters was like seeing two possible futures playing out right in front of her.

In one future, she would end up like the first sister…so unhealthy that her kids had to push her around in a wheelchair.

In the second future, she would end up like the second sister, who, at nearly the same age as her sibling in a wheelchair, was at a healthy weight and out-walking people young enough to be her kids.

This Rebel realized the actions she takes NOW will determine which of those futures she ends up with.

Same with you.

Your actions now determine whether you’ll end up like sister number one (pushed around in a wheelchair) or sister number two (out-walking people 20+ years younger than you).

You get to decide which future you get.

The thing is, the power to do that starts NOW, not “someday,” not Monday, not when the kids leave the house, not when “things are less crazy,” or whatever excuse your mind keeps feeding you to kick the can down the road.

NOW is where your power is.

If you don’t want to end up like sister number one, change your fate NOW, by TAKING YOUR LIFE BACK with Code Red!

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1) Go to from your laptop (or an Internet browser like Chrome on your phone or tablet) and create your free account.

2) Download the mobile app version from the App Store or Google Play by searching Code Red Lifestyle™.