Stay on Track with The Code Red Weight Loss Blog
The Code Red Blog features a variety of motivational articles, weight loss strategies, success stories, health tips, and other Code Red-approved content. Whether you’re just starting your Code Red Lifestyle toward optimal health or looking for ways to keep that fire burning on the road to results, the Code Red blog is a valuable resource for you to take advantage of!
Weight loss strategies, tips & INSIGHTS
the CODE RED Blog
Is A High Protein Diet Good For Weight Loss?
You’ve probably heard a lot of weight loss and fitness influencers talk about how great a high-protein diet is. If
This will probably get some pushback
Jules at Massage WoRx (a place in the Boise area) has been giving me a 90-minute full body massage every
Just because you CAN eat it doesn’t mean you SHOULD
Hazel and I recently ran five errands early in the morning. We walked all over downtown Boise and got in
What Are The Side Effects Of Losing Weight Too Fast?
Are you confused about rapid weight loss and whether or not it’s safe? Watch my video to learn about the
WHAT did you say…??
A Code Red Rebel on a recent Ringside chit chat with Cristy said something pretty incredible (and pretty transparent) to
The missing piece in your weight loss
When most people decide to undertake a transformation like losing weight, what do you think they do? Probably the same
Which Are The Best Nuts To Eat For Weight Loss?
Nuts. Are the good for you, or not so good? Are they good for weight loss, or not so good?
When other people’s comments make you want to quit
“OMG. What is that stench??” I’d arrived at my cabin and pulled into my garage… Only to be confronted by the overpowering STENCH
The problem with NOT giving up certain foods
Let’s say someone you know is an alcoholic, and they decide to get clean and sober. To do that, they’d