Code Red Protocol

The Inspiration Behind Code Red Protocol

Giving Back to The Brave and Selfless Men and Women of Our Nation

Cristy has always held a special place in her heart for the men and women who devote their lives to keeping their communities safe. When Cristy “Code Red” Nickel was growing up, her father was a police officer in California and Idaho. Even at a young age, Cristy recognized the dangers associated with her father’s noble work.

Cristy also trained the NYPD at Trinity Boxing Gym in New York City, where she was once again reminded of the toll that this type of noble work takes on people who choose to devote their lives to the greater good. It was around this time that she discovered that the FBI estimates that 8 out of 10 police officers are overweight…

A light bulb sparked, and she knew she had to do something to make a positive impact on the brave men and women of law enforcement, emergency services, and the military, sparking the beginning of the Code Red Protocol.


Being a member of law enforcement, emergency services, or the military can be a demanding and stressful career choice. These individuals are often called upon to put themselves in harm’s way to protect the safety and well-being of others. However, that doesn’t mean that their personal health and well-being should be put on the back burner.


Through the Code Red Protocol, law enforcement officials, emergency services workers, and military personnel have the opportunity to prioritize their health and well-being with the help of a weight loss coach, all while meeting the demands of their duties in a more efficient and effective way.

Code Red Protocol helps them build the physical and mental resilience they need to stay safe and healthy in the line of duty and to enjoy a long and fulfilling life outside of work. The superheroes of our society are human, too; they need to take care of themselves just like everyone else, and the Code Red Protocol is designed to help them do just that!

Find Out More About Code Red Protocol Today!

If you’re one of the millions of law enforcement, military, or emergency services personnel who is overweight, stressed out, or just plain tired, Code Red Protocol is here for you with individual and group programs available to help you get healthy and lose weight.