Keeping up with healthy eating during the holidays feels impossible to some people.
It’s not impossible, but I get why it feels that way.
For one thing, the holidays usually stir up nostalgia and the emotional comfort you associate with traditions and certain seasonal foods (including several that may not be healthy…and part of you doesn’t care that they’re not healthy).
If you’re involved in church or other groups, or there are office Christmas parties or meals hosted by friends or family who aren’t Code Red, you may face pressure to “go along with” what everyone else is doing instead of being the “weirdo” with different dietary needs.
Holiday schedules can be crazy and outside your normal routine, leaving you so overwhelmed that you don’t see how you can possibly keep up with healthy eating.
Some people see certain foods as “only being available during the holidays,” so wanna overeat them while they’re available.
The holidays are emotionally difficult sometimes, and food is a way to “get through them” and cope with loneliness or family drama.
And this is one not a lot of people talk about…but if you spend most of your time putting others first while putting yourself dead last, you may view “holiday treats” as something you deserve for being such a “good person” all year.
Whatever obstacles you’re facing over the holidays, here’s what I can tell you for sure:
YOU are worth the effort to stay on track…and to start the New Year proud of yourself instead of sick and bloated and wondering what the heck happened.
And most important of all, you do NOT have to go through it alone. (If you’re the suffer in silence type, I especially want you to hear me on this!)
There are people in the Code Red community who are staying on track. They’re planning meals, they’re planning what they’ll say, and they’re planning what they’ll do.
The extreme amounts of sugar most people eat over the holidays is NOT healthy.
If you ate that way one week a year and were 90% on point for the rest of the year, would it be a big deal?
Probably not.
But that’s not what most people do.
Most people eat copious amounts of sugar and processed crap all year, and then double or triple it for the holidays.
Your body’s not made to handle that much punishment year after year after year.
That’s why every year at this time (the holidays) I harp on this over and over.
Some people won’t listen to me no matter how much I bring it up.
But there are some who do…maybe even you.
If so, please know that yes, it IS possible to stay on track for the holidays.
Will it be easy?
That depends on which challenges you’re facing.
Will it be worth it?
YES…if what you want is to be active and healthy next year at this time, instead of sicker, heavier, and in a wheelchair a few years down the road.
It’s your call, as always.
And this year – and each year after this – you can decide to choose YOU instead of food.
If you need help doing that, follow the link below to join us in the Code Red network for support, education, information, and love (including the no-B.S. kind).
Come join us in the Code Red network! We’ve got communities, tons of videos, podcasts, articles, motivation, tips, programs, meal ideas, and more! It’s free to join, and you can join in either of these two ways:
1) Go to www.coderedlifestyle.com/app from your laptop (or an Internet browser like Chrome on your phone or tablet) and create your free account.
2) Download the mobile app version from the App Store or Google Play by searching Code Red Lifestyle™.