In a survey I sent out in 2019, one of the people filled it out cried, “I just want to lose weight without feeling deprived!”
Listen, feeling deprived is no fun. I don’t like it either.
What gets me is how many people slap the “feeling deprived” label on eating foods that heal instead of foods that poison.
“But Cristy, the foods that poison taste SO good!”
Believe me, I get that too.
First of all, Code Red isn’t one of those “two lettuce leaves and half a cherry tomato” programs. We eat real, rich, filling food, including, meat, vegetables, nuts, eggs, seeds, seafood, and healthy dietary fat, like butter, extra virgin olive oil, heavy cream, and so on.
Ain’t nobody gonna be deprived eating like that!
But if your idea of being deprived includes not eating your weight in junk food and sugar, my question for you is this:
What is eating foods that poison depriving you of?
Is it depriving you of being able to tie your shoes without seeing stars?
Is it depriving you of being able to walk through a room without having to map the whole area out to make sure you can actually fit?
Is it depriving you of being able to do stuff on trips besides stuff your face, or is eating all you have the energy and ability to do?
When you’re determined to see everything through the lens of “feeling deprived,” you completely and unknowingly gloss over the areas where you actually ARE missing out.
Instead of dwelling on what you’re leaving behind, focus on what you have to look forward to.
Instead of focusing on what you’re “losing,” focus on what you’re GETTING.
You’re getting a body that’s strong and able to do what you want it to do.
You’re getting to buy clothes that fit AND that you actually like, instead of settling for whatever frumpy frock that kinda sorta fits.
You’re getting to play on the floor with your grandkids and know you’ll be able to get back up without needing an EMT lift assist.
So cool it with the deprivation mindset, okay?
You have SO many amazing things headed your way…things you cannot get from a freaking donut, no matter how good it tastes.