Fat – it’s not a bad word!
Not when we’re talking healthy dietary fat that regulates hormones, helps you feel full and satisfied, and trains your body to burn fat for fuel (including your stored body fat).
To be clear, there are some kinds of fat that are very unhealthy, and I’ll touch on them in my video below.
What’s scary about these unhealthy fats is that they’re not only everywhere, they’re peddled as “healthy.”
Plus, mainstream society lumps healthy and unhealthy fats together and warns us to steer clear of them ALL, and this “advice” is proving to be deadly.
Click below to watch my video about healthy vs. unhealthy fats and learn…
– Why we NEED fat to be healthy (so long as it’s the right kind)
– More of HEALTHY fat’s many health and weight loss benefits
– Which super-common unhealthy fats to stay away from (they’re in almost ALL of today’s processed food)
Video is below!