My mom and her husband Brian got new carpets put in their spare bedrooms recently, which meant moving furniture, beds, and bedding in and out of both rooms.
“Do you want me to come over and help you put stuff back?” I asked.
“No, I already did it,” Mom replied.
“Wow, Mom,” I said, surprised. “That’s amazing you were able to move all those beds, and the mattresses, and put the furniture back and everything by yourself.”
“Oh, I just took my time,” she explained. “I just inched things in a little at a time, I took a break, I put little Moving Men under the furniture legs and I moved things slowly.”
Mom moving all that furniture herself reminded me that we can get pretty far and do pretty impressive things when we’re willing to take our time.
Taking our time is something fewer and fewer people are willing to do these days.
“Eat real food, drink water, and sleep? Naaah, gimme a shot.” (Even though the shot doesn’t get the weight off faster than Code Red.)
Amazon Prime same-day delivery, grocery delivery, Uber Eats…we have all these conveniences that supposedly save us time, yet most people feel like they never have enough time to actually TAKE time for what’s important.
It makes me think of a funny saying you may have heard: The hurrier I go, the behinder I get. 😂
Listen, I get that you may be in a hurry to get the weight off.
And when you correctly and consistently follow Code Red, it comes off pretty fast (especially with a Home Study program).
But when you’re in such a hurry that you get “so frustrated” and quit, or do something extreme and hurt yourself, well, that’s a problem.
Instead of driving yourself crazy and quitting or getting so desperate that you hurt yourself, do the work AND be willing to take the time it’s gonna take to get your result.
Like Mom and her spare bedroom furniture, focus on a little at a time. You’ll get there!
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