On a Code Red Ringside Q&A, one of my Rebels shared this:
“One of my friends has signed up for the 10#TD because of my success with CR. She decided to jump into the food list last week. She has terrible RA, and just told me that last week was the first time in a long time she hasn’t had debilitating pain! She already seeing the benefits of eating real food, water, and sleep!”
I LOVE that.
And if it surprises you, I get it, but here’s why it’s not a surprise to me at all.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune problem.
Inflammation feeds autoimmune problems.
Remove the inflammation, and symptoms of the autoimmune problems – like debilitating pain – can come under control, often without medication.
One of the biggest sources of inflammation out there is the food we eat.
Not ALL of it.
But sugar, excessive carbs, and grains can all contribute BIG TIME to autoimmune problems and their awful symptoms. So can inflammatory seed oils (which are used in most processed food and to cook food in restaurants).
Eating the way we eat on Code Red cools the fire of inflammation, along with all the symptoms it’s feeding into, because your body stops attacking itself trying to get rid of what it THINKS is “the enemy” (the sugar, carbs, and grains).
Pain relief is one of MANY possible benefits you’ll experience while eating the Code Red way, drinking water, and getting sleep.
If you’ve tried everything you can think of to be free from pain EXCEPT a diet change, it might be time!
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