Wanna know my favorite CR-approved foods?

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If you follow me at all online, you’ve figured out I am not a foodie!

For me, food is fuel. I’m even good with eating the same thing every day, which you know if you watch my What Do I Eat videos!

I have a few Code Red-approved staples I enjoy eating on a daily basis. They provide plenty of nutrients, healthy fats, and a bit of protein.

They aren’t the only foods I eat! But most days, especially when left to my own devices, I consume at least one of these foods.


Broccoli and Brussel sprouts are jam-packed with all kinds of vitamins and minerals, and I love them both! I also enjoy a big salad.

Healthy fats

Avocado, butter, eggs, macadamia nuts, and salmon are some of my favorite healthy fat sources. I use butter on my veggies, along with Himalayan pink salt.


I’ve moving towards a more plant-based diet, but I still eat meat from time to time.

In addition to salmon and macadamia nuts, which contain protein as well as healthy fat, I enjoy sirloin patties, and cook them quite often.


This one isn’t gonna shock you at all: WATER is my number one! I drink a gallon a day, no matter what.

In the morning I love a couple cups of coffee with heavy whipping cream or coconut cream, a bit of cinnamon, and a little liquid Stevia.

In the evenings I drink herbal (decaf) tea with a bit of liquid Stevia.

I lot of my Rebels end up with favorite Code Red-approved foods they enjoy on a daily basis, too.

Everyone’s “staples” list is a little different. On the Code Red Lifestyle, even though you eat from a list of foods approved for weight loss mode, you’re not required to eat everything on the list.

That separates my program from a lot of the weight loss programs out there, which insist you use detailed meal plans with complicated recipes.

The Code Red Lifestyle’s simplicity is a paradigm shift for most people. But when they wrap their heads around it and jump in, they love the freedom in it.

If you’d like to dip your toe into the Code Red Lifestyle, click here to get on the waitlist for my 10 Pound Takedown Challenge. It’s how thousands of Rebels got their start on the Code Red Lifestyle!
