108: SHIFTING THE POWER – How To Take Control Of Your Life And Power Over Your Health

What Is This Episode About…

More and more organizations are helping you take the power back! And Code Red is also helping you shift the power from the diet industry, food industry, insurance companies, government, etc., back to YOU so that you can take control.

Are you sick and tired of buying pills, powders, shakes and hoping that they will work and you will feel better only to end up disappointed? Are you tired of all the disinformation you have been fed by the processed food industry? It’s time to take back control of your life!

It’s time you freed yourself from society’s expectations and lived your best life. It’s time you freed yourself from the pharmaceutical industry, and it’s a pill for every ill paradigm. It’s time we took back our power from these big predatory corporations. 

Code Red is all about giving you back your power because you are extraordinary ?…. despite what you have always been told. You don’t have to suffer; the days of feeling powerless are over. 

I believe you are strong ? and capable, and you have everything it takes to succeed at taking your life back and maintain a healthy weight.

Tune in to today’s episode and learn why you need to Stand and Join the rebellion today, become a Code Red Rebel, and start shifting the power back to you!

Key Takeaways

  • The Code Red Manifesto (02:53)
  • Shift the power and take control of your life (05:32)
  • Taking back your power from the food industry (11:05)
  • How we get the power back to Code Red Rebels (13:04)
  • How to free yourself from the pharmaceutical industry (17:45)
  • Why you need to free yourself from people’s expectations (21:21)
  • There’s no money in healthy people (22:22)
  • Unlearning what we have been brainwashed to believe for decades (25:52)
  • The days of feeling powerless are over (32:41)

Learn More About The Content Discussed…

Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.

Join the next 10-Pound Takedown Challenge here.

When Was It Released…

This episode was released on April 14, 2021

Episode Transcript…

The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors

Cristy  0:00  

This is the easiest hard and see that you don’t have to deal with what you’re dealing with that you can take control. Even if your dad’s in the hospital, your son got a DUI or your husband sleeping with the Secretary, you find out something horrible. That’s happened. You don’t have to suffer. You have the power, you always control the last eight inches from here to here. And, and you got to learn that about yourself. I think a lot of people feel so powerless and then those days are over guys. 

I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle where we believe food pulls the power to heal or poisoned, and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight up truth, because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening. Welcome back to another episode of rebel weight loss in lifestyle. I’m your host Cristy Code Red author, entrepreneur, retired professional boxer. And I am so thankful that Cari was able to break away from her chickens or pigs, her peacocks and her turkeys to come You know, I was thinking about you opening up some sort of retreat, because I think people would love to stay like and one of your like, stay at a little room and then be able to go down and pet your animals. 

Cari  1:25  

I had somebody recently offer me money just to come be a farmhand. And I’m like, but I do all the farm handing, but they can come down and pet puddles the pig like that would be okay with me. I was gonna tell you at the time of this recording Cristy on Sunday, I actually found very hard to find a female. I can’t say peacock because that’s the male version of what it is. It’s a pea hen.

ari  1:49  

So a peacock is the boy but their pee foul PAP foul. So I found a p hen, which is the girl peacock. So I have two boys, Bo and Luke Duke. And this is going to be Daisy Duke. So I’m going to pick her up on Sunday in the farm continues to expand. Well, let me tell you for what they’re charging me I for what they’re charging me for this pin. I could probably go into the business if I really wanted to. But I don’t want to go into business. Well, it’s a lot of fun to watch. Of course, you know, my favorite is the pig cam in the middle. I mean, in the beginning and in the mornings, because you put the camera right next to the pig bowls. And they got it’s just so it’s I don’t know, I don’t know what it is. And they give you some side eyes as to the camera and I love those pigs. Everybody loves him, don’t they? They do. They absolutely do. And if I don’t do it, like I didn’t do this morning, people get all upset.

Cristy  2:48  

We rely on anyway I have. I appreciate you being here with me. And today guys, we are talking about shifting the power. And I want to start off by reading the Code Red  Manifesto. If you guys all have your code, red revolution books, Kerry’s got hers handy, I’ve got mine handy. Take out your books and turn in the Bible. Remember when we were kids? Oh, turn in your hymnals to page 197. And that’s right. But this the code red manifesto can be found in the very first page of the Code Red revolution book. And it is awesome. I’m going to read it to you guys. You are extraordinary. Did you know that the media, the food industry, the diet industry, they all want you to believe that there’s something wrong with you that you don’t have enough willpower, that you have the wrong genetics that you’ll never be enough. But you are strong and you’re invited to stand and join our revolution. We’re taking back our lives and we’re doing it our own way. 1000s of men and women who say no more. Being a code red rebel is all about taking your life back and rebelling against the rules you’ve been told to follow like exercising the weight off and losing the pounds slowly. were rebelling against pill shattered powders, shakes, GMOs, low fat artificial ingredients, manufactured Franken foods, were rebelling against people who say it’s genetic, you’ll always be fat. We’re rebelling against the diet industry, which is always trying to convince you there’s something wrong with you. And that this pill or this shake will fix it. If you just been enough money. were rebelling against anyone or anything that makes you hate your perfect, beautiful body, especially yourself. We’re rebelling against the external search for willpower because you have all the willpower you already need inside you. And we’re joining together to offer support when one rebel stumbles or feels weak. We are taking the power back, we are finally taking control of our lives. No one gets to tell us what we should look like not TV, not the magazines, not YouTube, not the insurance companies or the government. No one has the right to make us feel bad about our progress. Or tell us that we’re doing it wrong or assume that we’re just going to gain it all back. No matter who you were before you join the revolution. You are a new person now, you are whole and perfect and strong. You are a code red rebel, you can overcome any challenge that stands in your way you can achieve your goals, we believe in you. Amen.

Cari  5:13  

I love that. Thank

you for reading that whole thing. I had been a while since I crack this open, although I keep one of these at my desk and a cookbook for reference when I’m helping people. But that was awesome. And I think what we’re going to focus on today is the line here in the middle of the second page, guys, we are taking the power back. 

Cristy  5:32  

The very first day of the every challenge. I always read the Code Red  Manifesto, because it is show it perfectly describes who we are what we believe in and what we want you to start believing. And today we are we’re talking about shifting the power, taking the power back power in general.

Cari  5:49  

So I think it’s been implied for me anyway, since I’ve been working for you. And since you started the code red revolution, that we are a company that shifts the power, however, so that’s always been our message. However recently, Cristy M is become an affiliate with another company. And we both were fans of the company before she became an affiliate. And I’m sure we’ll put the link in the code and everything in the podcast. But what happened to me was watching their message of power made me think about how strong our message of power is. So if you don’t mind I’m gonna take you just a second to explain it to you. The company is girl clothing, gr l Ll right Chris are our three R’s, g r r r L, I always get that wrong. Look it up you guys girl clothing. So they make leggings and workout wear and they have you know they have great stuff. I love their quality product. I love it because it comes up really high on my waist and it comes I love that high waisted I feel supportive. It’s quality. But let me tell you what I like the best. The founder, her name is Courtney Olson. And she is giving the power back to women. Although there are some men that wear it. And it’s hilarious. They always post pictures, it’s great. But we’re giving them the power back to women, the power to wear workout clothes, the power to not be like what Cristy says not be told what our sizes told what this is so. So one of the things they do, of course they have every order you get, you get a sticker, and it has a manifesto that is actually pretty similar to Cristy’s. And the other thing is, when you go to pick a size, you just take your measurements, and then they whatever your measurements are bring you to a page of an athlete or a woman, it doesn’t matter if she is little big, small, tiny, short, whatever. And you look at her and they say you must fit with the Amanda or you must fit with the Heather. And I love this because I don’t go Oh, I need to share Get A Six or an eight in these, which is always my dilemma. Because sometimes sixes run pegs and times eights are a little small, I don’t know what to do. So I love it that I can take on measurements and they give me an athlete name, what they’re doing, and I’m sure it’s very smart, but they’re giving power, taking it away from the clothing industry, and the industry that tells us what we have to look like and they’re giving it back to women. And I love it. They’re all about body positivity and empowering women. And so that made me go, Cristy at Code Red, we do the same thing. We don’t do it with leggings. But we do it with the way that we show and teach and preach our message. 

Cristy  8:35  

Absolutely. And by the way, we will link it up below grrrl.com and you can get 20% off by using the code Code Red and they are they have been we’ve been following them for years and I really like that they don’t go with size. Now Cari and I don’t have the hang ups that other people do as far as you know, like a certain size I guess I kind of got over it because sizing is so to me, it’s just so I don’t care like sometimes I’m a size six sometimes I’m a size 10 and it’s like okay, that’s just the way this certain pair is fitting and I don’t get mad. I don’t shame myself for a certain size. But a lot of women do a lot of women shave themselves and and social media now I love social media. Like I love Instagram you know it’s fun for me I like to scroll I don’t I like to I like to be on social media, but it really has warped our thinking of what is normal and what is supposed to be this way and girl clothing as a company and we do too. We support being metabolically healthy. We support the five markers of metabolic health. And I’m sorry to say this but having cellulite or not having cellulite does not mean that you’re healthy or not healthy that is not a metabolic marker of health. And so I like that girl clothing, really, they embrace. Women being healthy as long as they are metabolically healthy, you know, so I really resonate with that.

Cari  10:03  

The other thing I like they do Cristy is that they, when they take pictures of their models, they’re real people like they are real power lifters or they are real. And again, Cristy and I don’t think that exercise is a way to address weight loss. But we do think every single one of you should be moving your body moving your body daily, it doesn’t mean CrossFit. I’m just saying moving. So they give clothing to no matter what size what proportion woman that So then she can feel comfortable moving her body and she has the right equipment to do that. I love that. But the other thing they do Cristy’s they don’t touch up their photos. 

Cristy  10:40  

I know they don’t Photoshop No, no, 

Cari  10:42  

if you got dimples on your hiney like I do. I mean, let’s just be honest, I got them on the back of my legs. I’ve had them when I was skinnier. I’ve had them when I’ve been heavier. It’s the same cellulite I’ve always had since I was 20. Probably they don’t touch it up. Krissy if you got a big zit, they don’t touch it up. They just don’t I love that about them. I love how real and honest they are. And that’s what you get when you come to code red, you get real, obviously, are you would not be listening to this podcast because we are very real and very honest. And we get in you get direct, you get the opportunity to take the power back. Now you might be asking me who are you taking the power back from? Oh, let me tell you, as far as Code Red goes, we are giving you the power back from the diet industry. How many times as Cristy said, the lies that you have been told. And we’ve all bought into about the diet industry. 

Cristy  11:37  

And I am a capitalist. And I believe that that people and companies have a right to create products for the marketplace, the marketplace has the right to buy it or not buy it in the marketplace will chew you up and spit you out. If you are not meeting the need. The market will decide who the experts are and who the experts aren’t. But the diet industry preys on people, especially women. I mean, 93% of our clients that code red are women preys on people who are desperate and hopeless and feeling like they don’t have a way out and I I’ve been there too, I’ve ordered the I’ve gotten the phentermine pills, I’ve gotten the shakes, I’ve done the detox, I’ve done all that. And Cari has to. So not only are we taking the power back from the diet industry, but we’re taking the back from the food industry in general, because the food industry, I mean, listen, if you if you addict a customer, you get a customer for life. And these food industries have the most powerful scientists on the planet. In fact, my husband’s daughter has a PhD in biology and plant genetics. And she is be headhunted by these big companies that want her to come and work for them. And as a scientist, and it’s so frustrating to me, just because I know they are genetically engineering addiction right into their food. And then you got Lowe’s and Home Depot and nothing against them. But you got Hobby Lobby and different that are putting junk food at the eye level of your children right there where you wait to be called to the next cashier. And so the deck is stacked against us. But we do we give the power back to rebels. 

And the way we do that cracy is by getting you off the sugar and letting your body detox from it. You feed your body real food, you let your body sleep and you hydrate your body appropriately when those things happen. No longer. Now, I’m not saying the pool isn’t there because I think the pool is there. It does get better with time. But no longer do you feel almost nervous when you see those sweetest fish going through the line. No longer do you feel panicky when you go and you’re at the checkout and the m&ms are staring you down. which is how I felt like I just felt so compelled to buy those things. You said the word pray Cristy p r e y. And that reminded me there’s another influencer that I follow on Instagram. She’s amazing. And one thing that she does is she will take pictures up she just had a baby. So she’s got some stretch marks. And you know, some, of course, my god like we praise you when you’re pregnant, then we get mad because you’re not back in your pre body weight in two weeks. So she’ll put pictures of herself out. And so she’s so popular, someone stole her image and use it for a weight loss, saying does your stomach look like this? Well, then you need our products. Yes, even though she promotes psitivity. She promotes being metabolically stable. She promotes health. And she promotes be happy with yourself while you’re on your health journey. They use her image on stretch mark commercials and on weight loss commercials and she put it up there and she’s like, this is exactly opposite of what I promote. So they’re using a popular person’s image and I mean I’m sure that’s out there for you to Cristy I mean I’m we have maybe have a disgust Actually, I

just I just contacted my attorney who just sent a scathing letter to someone who was trying to steal my likeness to promote their product. And man, we jumped all over that Like, why don’t right and I was like, oh, we’re ready to show you like I’m prepared to sue somebody. So I hope her attorney goes after that company,

Cari  15:07  

there’s no safe place Cristy, social media is not a safe spot. If you are a woman, I’m not even going to say a woman who’s overweight and wants to get her life back and take her health packets unhealthy. I’m not even gonna say that, I’m gonna say even women who are metabolically healthy, probably never feel like they can get to this unattainable standard. And that’s the praying PRP, why that I’m talking about that we give you control back, because we teach you how to love yourself. But also get to a point where you can bend over and tie your shoes and you can get on the plane without the seatbelt extender. And you can go to a yoga class if that’s what you’ve always wanted to do. So that is one thing that I think Code Red does really well. That’s one power differential that I think we do the best.

Cristy  15:56  

I am so proud of our code red maintenance program, we have the best maintenance program hands down that I have ever seen of any program out there. I am not kidding. I’m always scouring the internet and scouring my competition to figure out what they’re doing. But our maintenance program is second to none. And we have mostly women in their 50s and 60s, even some in their 70s in our maintenance group and our maintenance program working their way through the program, learning how to live life at goal weight. And it’s so funny to me because and I love working with women in the 50s and 60s simply because the confidence. I love that now we have a couple of women in their 30s and a little younger, but mostly it’s 50s 60s and 70s. And these women are getting to high school graduating weight, goal weight, and they’re doing it at that point in their life as an older adult, which nobody I mean, society wants to brainwash you to believe that that’s not possible. And it absolutely is. We have people we have hundreds of people in our maintenance group right now that are doing it. But it’s not about being swimsuit ready for these ladies anymore. It’s about being able to like did they want to put on a swimsuit because they want to take their grandkids to the waterpark and they want to go down the waterslide it’s more about being able to climb the stairs to the waterslide and then going down the waterslide and not being out of breath. It’s more about the fact that these ladies are no longer on loads of medication. They’re no longer asking for the seatbelt extender. They’re no longer a slave to food and a slave to the industry. And that’s what I love, but it’s a real shift. It’s no longer about MTV spring break. They don’t care about the cellulite, the stretch marks of varicose veins they just that’s just not a that doesn’t determine whether you’re healthy or not. These ladies are about being healthy for their grandkids and for just living the best their best life the last few years that they have left. When

Cari  17:45  

you said boatloads of medication that reminded me Cristy that we here at Code Red, we’re not saying cure, because we won’t want to say that. But we give you the opportunity to work with your physician appropriately to get free from the pharmaceutical industry. And I can tell you from personal experience during the medical screenings for Code Red, that we have people that have gone down on their insulin, the we have people that have gone off their Metformin off their insulin, they have reduced their thyroid medication they have reduced or stopped with the help of the doctor, I just want to make sure our lawyer hears that. Get off the autoimmune disorders, terrible Remicade infusions and other things that are just so horrible blood pressure medications, statens Oh my gosh. And again, we are not telling you to stop taking your medication. If you are working for code. If you are doing Code Red , I’m saying they are partnering with their primary care provider to do those things. But these people were slaves, they had to have that shot, they had to have that pill. They had to have that infusion every two weeks. And Cristy they don’t. So not only do we give you a freedom from the diet industry, when you choose to take your life back with Code Red , you’re getting freedom from the pharmaceutical industry as well. 


Cristy  19:01  

There’s so much dread to go to a traditionally trained medical doctor who does not understand because they were not trained well meaning highly intelligent medical doctors who were not trained in nutrition therapy. And what they were trained when it came to nutrition and losing weight. They were trained wrong. It’s really disturbing and depressing to go to that and that person tell you well, you know, like look at the doctor’s office chart and you need to weigh this and well here’s some phentermine pills where you just need to move your body more and you’re doing orangetheory six days a week and ain’t helping. It is really depressing because it is the traditionally medically trained doctor is it really kind of on a pill for every ill kind of a paradigm and boy, a show many people have come to us and they had no hope because they were never taught that there was a different way and then they found a different way. And it’s incredible to watch them become free.

Cari  19:56  

I love how you say pill for every ill because I do feel like Sometimes, and I think they’re very short staffed, they don’t have a lot of time to spend with patients, they do kind of just throw medications at them. And it’s because they’ve been taught, hey, in the first 90 seconds, you What was it, the average listening time was like 37 seconds before they interrupted, right walking in the door, you know, and again, it they have a lot of patients. But so I do think the system is broken, not the doctors, the system is broken,

Unknown Speaker  20:23  

let us be broken.

Cari  20:25  

We love physicians and, and, and and mid level practitioners. But they just have to make a decision and get them sometimes to shut people up. Because if you say clean up your diet, start walking every day, don’t nobody want to hear that. They want to eat whatever they want crusty, and they want to take Metformin, or they just want to turn up their insulin, y’all you cannot have your cake and eat it too. You cannot have a foot in both worlds. I just talked to someone on the Help Desk. That’s our site where people go to submit a ticket for assistance with Code Red, if you’re a code red client, we can help you. And I do the medical ones. And also I check on the staff and make sure they’re doing their job. And they always are. They’re amazing. But I just talked to somebody who had had gastric surgery and wants to do it the way her doctor told her which has had her have no success, but also kind of wants to do Code Red . And I said to her, you got a foot in both worlds. So we give you freedom from the pharmaceutical industry, from the diet industry, and also from the expectations that other people have of how you should look and how you should lose weight Krissy and how many times we said it. Don’t nobody say a word when you’re drinking a gallon of diet coke every day. But everyone’s got something to say if you come and you’re drinking a gallon of water. And Marie, my daughter said right here this morning. And she said to one of her friends. My mom drinks a gallon of water every day. And the little girl said, Isn’t your mom gonna die?


Well, eventually, but probably not from that. But yeah, she couldn’t believe it. But no one says a word if you’re drinking milk is all day. So people have expectations on how you should lose weight and how you should look and how you should progress. We can set you free from that,

Cristy  22:18  

Can I get an amen? I think the best statement that is the overall biggest umbrella over everything that sums up things perfectly is there’s no money in healthy people. And across the board industry. I mean, our old school food pyramid, even our my plate is driven by industry. And it boils down to money. There’s no money and healthy people. Healthy People make a lot of sense, but they don’t make a lot of dollars. And it’s up to us to take the power back back from the food industry back from the government back from education that was just wrong, which again, is driven by I mean, listen, that your schools are subsidized by Nestle and Coke and Pepsi. So they’re not going to and that’s why I get a lot of people that asked me Cristy, why don’t you speak in schools more, I would love to speak in schools more. I would love to I would love to speak to children. More than anything, everybody knows I have a soft spot for kids. But there’s, I speak out against the very companies that subsidize our schools. So it’s going to be difficult for me to come into a school to teach about healthy habits and say don’t eat the very things that are making money off your kids and that are paying for your kids education. And it is I mean, the deck is stacked against us. There’s just no money in healthy people. And if you addict a customer, you get a customer for life. So of course they’re going to try to get your kids addicted early on. And that way they’ve got your kids buying their products for for the entire their whole life.

Cari  23:47  

This reminds me of two things. Cristy, okay, you’re gonna remember both of them. Do you remember number one when we had a former coach that got called into the principal’s office because she was packing a code red approved lunch for her children,


Unknown Speaker  24:01  


Cari  24:02  

because she was giving them pepperoni and cream cheese and veggies with ranch. There was no bread in there. There was no bread she got called in and had to give an account for what shows feeding your child. Wow. But nobody calls them the parent that sending a pb&j and chips nobody says a word. Nobody says a word to that parent. And I know you’re you told me one time or this in an MRI school when they reward the kids with candy bars, big ones even kingsize Baby Ruth and stuff.

You are definitely fighting an uphill battle. Okay, ready for the second one? You’re gonna remember this one. Cristy and I went to a conference in California, of course, when we get to go to conferences. It’s so much fun. And I think we’re due for another one. It might be some more tropical. That’s all I’m saying. Okay, now, anyway. And we got to hear and meet for the very first time Dr. Berry’s speak. I think it was Dr. Berry. Do you remember the story the woman in the audience who had a diabetic daughter And she wanted her to take in as little insulin as possible. Feel free to watch our podcast on insulin, right? flash it right there guys. Okay, they’re gonna flash the number so you can go watch it. So anyway, she actually had Child Protective Services called on her because she would not feed the child. The child was not underweight, the child was not unhealthy. The child was taking in very little insulin, which is amazing. But because they thought that she wouldn’t, it wasn’t like she wasn’t. She wasn’t taking away the insulin because of course the child would have died. But she got Child Protective Services had to go to court and explain the way she was feeding her child. But we don’t go to court and talk about kids that are drinking Mountain Dew out of bottles. Okay. Yes for another podcast. 

Cristy  25:52  

That’s exactly right. And that’s why Cari, I feel so passionately about not only learning but unlearning, we’re unlearning what we were brainwashed to believe for decades, for 70 years, we have been brainwashed to believe low fat, we’ve been brainwashed to believe eating frequently, we’ve been brainwashed to believe that you have to exercise off the weight. And we feel so strongly about taking that power and shifting it back to you. And back away from those industries and the education that was wrong. Not backed by science, but backed by industry, by money by lobbyists. It’s wrong, guys, we are the sickest and fattest in human history. It ain’t working. I just posted something on Instagram. This morning, they said something about like eating, the government wants you to eat six times a day. Of course, they want you to eat six times a day, they want you to consume more food. It’s not working. And we are so passionate about shifting that power away from the government, the education system, all those things, and back onto you. 

Cari  26:49  

We are giving the power from school lunches back to you, Mom and Dad, from school lunches back to you now are you going to get some flack, probably. But trust me, your children will eat pepperoni and cream cheese, and carrot sticks and ranch dressing and olives, and a little bit of ham and they’ll be thrilled and they’ll be just fine, they will be just fine for it. In Code Red, we are taking the power away from the diet industry, from the pharmaceutical company from other people’s expectations and from the schools. And we’re giving it back to you. And that is how we are working actively every day. That’s what Cristy and I spend all of our time energy on is how can we shift the power back to you, the consumer back to you, the mom, back to you, the wife that just wants to fit into a dress to be able to go to dinner with her husband, I get that. So that’s what we’re doing, we are shifting that power back to you guys. 

Cristy  27:46  

I think in some small way, I’m doing my part by never filtering out my photos. And by never hiding photos of like hiding what I really look like. And it’s hard because you take an unflattering photo of yourself. And you have five to choose from, you know, you guys know I always take photos of myself with my dogs when I’m out running or walking or things like that. And I’ll take you know five, and I’ll pick those flattering one. But sometimes it’s hard. It’s hard to fight against that. But somehow, someway, if I have something on my body that this society would deem undesirable, a bruise a stretch mark a scar, some say light or something. I forced myself to keep it up. Because I want people to see that. No, I’m not filtering. I’m not putting sparkly eyes. I’m not face tuning, I’m not filtering my photos. This is okay to be like this. I’m healthy, I’m happy, I’m strong. And this is normal. Let’s normalize those things. Let’s just make sure that we and that way you feel more free or more able to post a picture of yourself looking real and normal. I don’t even know what normal is. But you know what I’m saying I know what is normal.

Cari  28:53  

The other thing I think we set people away from Krissy that we set them free from is the expectation of a certain progress ladder now we do hold your feet to the fire code. Red has always done that y’all. If you know old school Code Red. That’s what you pay us for. That’s what you’re doing with us. So we aren’t like, ah ha wine night YOLO we’re not saying that. There’s no guilt and shame in the mess up. We just set you up. So it’s really tough to fail. All you have to do is the program guys, which is the easiest hard thing you’ve ever done in your life, guys. I mean, this is you could you know you could just do it program. So we’re not saying that but we are taking you away from the ideas that like the weight watchers has given us you know, where you have to lose weight really slower. It’s not going to stay off or you have to lose weight in a certain way. Or Oh my doctor says that I can’t get below this. Wait, I can’t if I had $1 for every time I have read that on my custom program. Your doctor who has a weight problem is telling you how skinny you can get. So we are setting you you know what what We’re giving it away, I don’t care if in 1978, you weighed 125, you can get back for 125. If that’s where you want to be, if that’s part of your health journey, don’t let so the expectations of what the journey looks like, and how the journey goes for you. That’s you were giving you that power, you can do this quick and get it done. I mean, we have had people just boom, busted his weight loss and go into maintenance. That’s what we want for you guys. Because losing weight isn’t as fun as maintenance. I’m just gonna be honest, it’s hard work. It is. Again, it’s the easiest hard thing you’ve ever done. But we’re giving that power back to you, we do hold your feet to the fire, because that’s our job. Otherwise, we’re wasting your money. And we’re not respecting your process. That’s what the coaches are trained to do. But as far as the Oh, well, I’m a grandma, I can never build away below, I can never be below size 12. Well,

Cristy  30:54  

I mean, yeah, you can, if that’s what you want, we’ll get you there. And because everyone’s bio individual, we do in your custom program, I do give you a couple of different options on how fast and how slow, you can lose the weight, you can, if there are things going on with you, maybe you have a hormone imbalance, maybe you have some sort of situation with you will shift your rate of loss. And we’ll make it to where every program is not cookie cutter, but it’s personalized just for you. And that’s for our custom program. I’ll link that up below. And that is that’s great. But for the most part, yeah, we I have never had we’ve never had anybody not hit goal weight, that just because of their age, and we’ve done other podcasts on this age is not a determining factor. You You are 100% responsible for getting the goal weight. And we I like we do what you said that since you said we make it difficult to fail. And we do we leave no stone unturned and we make it difficult to fail. And I love that about our custom program. But we do give you a couple of options. That way you can bend and flex, and you can kind of do the journey the way you want.

Cari  31:59  

I love that about us. Because I think that it’s important that again, this goes along with the diet industry, but the expectations that are put on people for you know, just the way that we do it just the way that we set people up. And then we wonder why they fail. And we wonder why they struggle. It’s because they have these on spoken


Cari  32:20  

And it’s terrible. And it makes your diet journey. Yes, you can eat me and bacon and eggs and lose weight. Yes, you can have full fat dressing. So we take you away from society’s expectations of what this process looks like. And we give you a whole new paradigm. And that is another way I think we give power back to the people Cristy.

Cristy  32:41  

Now I love the way we shift the power on Code Red. And the best way to get started shifting the power is a 10 pound takedown, because that’s going to be 30 days of me coming live Cari and I some I do by myself and some I do with Cari but we come live with you every morning. And we teach you something that is new. So we don’t just say do this, here you go, you’re on your own, we actually have this learning and unlearning process where we prove to you that society was wrong, the government was wrong. And here’s the proof that this works. And at the time I’m recording this over 46,000 people have come through our program. So this is our jam. This is what we do. We know how to get weight off people, we’re experts at this and we would love to have you dip your toe into the lifestyle and and see that this is the easiest hard and see that you don’t have to deal with what you’re dealing with that you can take control. Even if your dad’s in the hospital, your son got a DUI or your husband sleeping with the Secretary you find out something horrible, that’s happened. You don’t have to suffer you have the power you always control the last eight inches from here to here. And and you got to learn that about yourself. I think a lot of people feel so powerless. And then those days are over guys.


Cari  33:52  

One of the funniest videos Cristy ever did was talking about the last eight inches before your mouth, and she was acting like there is bread in the air and it’s just gonna Lalalalalala just fall into your mouth. And that’s how ridiculous people I couldn’t help it. Yes, you can. Yes, yes, you do have the power. And Cristy I used to have people come into the ICU and they would hand me a handful of pills. And they’d be like, or a bag full of pills. I

don’t know the doctor just tells me to take it. No, no, you should know why you believe what you believe. You need to have this book and understand the parts are in it. Understand the science understand why we do what we do. That’s giving you power knowledge is power. I don’t give medical advice on the program. Because of course I can’t I’m not a licensed practitioner. But I will give you my thoughts and then you take that and you take your own research and then you take what we teach you and you take the power back and you take your life back at the same time.

Cristy  34:53  

I’m definitely sick of hearing people say I can’t help it. I can’t help it man. You can help way more than you think you Have more say so you have more power you have, you can control the more than what you think. And we’ve done other podcasts on that too. Now I know. I know. Alright, I’m gonna link it up below you guys 10 pound takedowns calm the number 10 p o u and D takedown calm is where you go to get started, we would love to have you on the next challenge we have every month. So if you missed the last challenge, we’ve got another one starting soon. Thank you Cari for this episode. And you guys have a good one. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle. Do you have a question that you’d like me to answer raw and uncut on the podcast? Then all you have to do is head over to Apple podcast on your phone or computer and do three simple things. leave a rating and review telling me what you think of the podcast. And in that review, ask anything you want related to help weight loss or mindset. And if you want a shout out, leave your Instagram handle or name that’s all been listening to hear your question answered live raw and uncut on the next q&a episode, so I’ll see you on the next episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle.