Did you hear that WW took backlash earlier this year for launching its own “obesity drug” service? Meaning, WW brought on doctors to prescribe obesity drugs.
WW’s methodology of letting you eat anything as long as it fits with your points is flawed, but they’ve at least TRIED to talk about lifestyle changes (which is what it takes for LASTING, permanent weight loss).
But because so many people are falling for the lie that Ozempic will “fix” their weight problem, WW is desperate to compete…
So they’re selling out by trying to capitalize on the Ozempic frenzy.
It’s pretty disturbing that our medical system and so many businesses of every shape and size – even WW and Noom – are turning into what amounts to drug dealers.
Spas and anti-aging services are even getting on the Ozempic bandwagon. It’s sickening.
“But Cristy, Ozempic’s not an illegal drug!”
Not the point.
The point is that when the focus is about getting people on drugs they can supposedly never stop taking if they want to keep the weight off, instead of supporting them in fixing the underlying issues, it’s clear our priorities as a society are completely effed up.
What frustrates me most about all this is that obese people do not need an obesity drug to lose fat, just like they don’t “need” shakes, diet pills, diet foods, surgery, or exercise to lose fat.
Your body needs what it’s always needed and will always need, no matter how many shiny new drugs come out:
– The right real foods in the right amounts
– Enough water
– Enough sleep
Ozempic won’t fix the root cause of your weight problem any more than a shake powder will.
It’ll just send you for another expensive lap around the weight loss mountain…except you’ll have spent thousands of dollars and put yourself at risk for major (and possibly permanent) health complications.
It’s COMPLETELY unnecessary to do that in order to lose weight.
To learn how to lose weight WITHOUT doing drugs, join me on the next 10 Pound Takedown on Facebook here.
All I ask is that you give me 30 days before you try more drugs.
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