Cristy’s top two emotional eating triggers

I have yet to meet someone without an emotional eating trigger, and that includes me! My two biggest triggers are:

– Taxes
– Firing an employee

In both cases, I wanna open the fridge and dive in.

What surprises me about this is that for years, I didn’t even realize I had emotional eating triggers!

It was only after watching What’s Eating You (a digital course Code Red offers about how to master your emotional eating) that I realized I was an emotional eater.

Most people are, even if they don’t see it that way.

But if you eat (or feel the urge to eat) when you:

– Are stressed
– Are bored
– Want comfort
– Want to distract yourself
– Want to feel better
– Want to procrastinate
– Want to feel in control
– Want to numb feelings you don’t wanna feel
– Want to celebrate
– Want to reward yourself
– Want to punish yourself
– Are grieving
– Are tired

…then you’re probably an emotional eater. (And this isn’t even an exhaustive list!)

The urge to eat for emotional reasons is one of THE hardest parts of managing your eating even a tiny bit.

It also makes eating for weight loss feel harder than it actually is.

One of the problems we get into is using food to manage our emotions instead of finding and leaning on the support available to us.

Most people try to fight their emotional eating war all on their own.

But most people cannot do it alone, especially in today’s world, because we’re SO conditioned to eat for a million reasons that have NOTHING to do with being hungry.

When you’re in that triggered place, where your brain’s screaming “FOOD NOW FOOD NOW,” it REALLY helps to have a community you can go to for strength. (I say this from experience as well as from seeing what successful Rebels do.)

If you have a support system, use it!

If you don’t, get connected with one, because being healthy in today’s obese, sick world is TOUGH, and most people can’t do it all on their own.

Yes, it can feel vulnerable to ask for support, but that’s a small price to pay for your health!

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