Recently (at the time of this post) I got the following comment during one of my Code Red Ringside live Q&As:
“My student told me she hates how the shot makes her mom puke. It was a reminder to me that I have no desire for a daily injection… insulin, weight loss crap or whatever.”
This lady is a piano teacher, and her student was referring to her mom getting the weight loss shot.
Here’s another comment from this same lady:
“A couple of my students’ parents have done the shots. One of my students said, ‘it’s amazing how you can lose weight when you puke all the time.'”
I think it’s really easy to forget how closely kids watch their parents.
And what are they gonna grow up thinking is good to do if they see mom or dad throwing up and celebrating it because they’re “losing weight?”
When I was a kid, puking to lose weight meant you had an eating disorder.
Now we’re celebrating it, and teaching kids to celebrate it, too?
What the heck??
People do some pretty out there things when they’re desperate. I get that.
But before you dive for a shot that’s gonna make you puke, crap yourself, and screw up your digestion, please remember this…
Your kids (or grandkids) are watching you.
Is puking, pooping your pants, and ravaging your stomach to lose weight the example you wanna pass on to them?
Is it something you’d want them to do for themselves?
Or would you rather they learned how to manage their wellness with real food, water, and sleep?
They’re your kids and its your call.
Just understand that there ARE ways to get the weight off without gimmicks.
Code Red is one of them.
I can teach you to lose weight without puking, crapping your pants, and setting an example for your kids (or grandkids) that you may not wanna set.
Will it mean doing things a little differently?
Yes, it will. If you didn’t need to do things differently, you could keep doing what you’re doing and drop the weight.
Puking, crapping yourself, and paralyzing your stomach are all ways of doing things differently, too.
So again…is that the example you want your kids to follow?
If not, come find me at www.coderedlifestyle.com/app, and TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK in a way you won’t be embarrassed for your kids to model (or, better yet, that they won’t ever need, because you showed them how to manage their weight safely and sustainably).
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1) Go to www.coderedlifestyle.com/app from your laptop (or an Internet browser like Chrome on your phone or tablet) and create your free account.
2) Download the mobile app version from the App Store or Google Play by searching Code Red Lifestyle™.