With just 18 days to go until my bodybuilding show, I was standing at the Starbucks counter, pouring my pre-measured Nutpods into the coffee I’d ordered, when my neighbor, “Dan,” walked in.
“Hey, stranger!” he greeted.
“Oh, hey, Dan!” I replied.
He opened his mouth to say something more…
…and then his words died in his throat as he spotted my pre-measured Nutpods.
“Cristy, you are way too hard on yourself,” he scolded. (You’d have thought he’d spotted some medieval torture device instead of my little container of Nutpods!)
“I’ve got big goals, Dan,” I reminded him.
Dan stared at me for a few more seconds…
…then shook his head and walked out.
Disappointing, but in a way, it doesn’t surprise me. It’s just how most people react when they see you being meticulous with your food intake.
Suddenly you’re worse than Hitler because you’re eating for a goal and caring what you put in your body.
Pretty screwed up, isn’t it?
Especially because those same people would never DREAM of saying to an obese person: “You are way too loosey goosey with your food and health. You need to be harder on yourself.”
I sure hope ALL the people in your life will be more supportive of you than Dan was of me, especially as we head into the holidays.
But if they’re not likely to be supportive…
If they’re likely to tell you that you’re “too strict” or you should pig out “just this once”…
Then remember that it’s still COMPLETELY FINE to do what’s right for you.
That urge to fit in, conform, “not make waves” can be incredible strong in the moment. Especially when you’re with people you’ve spent a lot of time around.
A couple of questions you can ask yourself in those moments are these:
“When I wake up in the morning, which decision will I be most proud of?”
“What would the version of me who is MOST determined to get this weight off do in this moment?”
Use these questions to guide you when the pressure’s on or you feel like going off plan!
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