Why isn’t “what works to lose weight” more obvious?

After a grocery shopping trip to Costco and Winco recently, I pulled up outside The Grove Hotel (I live in a condo above the hotel) and grabbed the small cart from the private closet inside the homeowners’ elevator.

I pushed the cart back to my car and filled it with groceries. It was quite a haul, so the cart was bursting with stuff.

As I pushed the cart back to the homeowners’ elevator, I spotted a guy from the company that’s slowly replacing all the elevators in the hotel.

He’s always really nice to Hazel, so I gave Hazel a go free-type command, and she ran over to see him.

“Oh, hello, Hazel! How are you?” he greeted. Then he looked at me. “So what are you guys out doing? You just out going for a little walk?”

To recap: I’m standing there with a cart full of GROCERIES in front of me.

Costco doesn’t bag your groceries, so my groceries were in plain view, along with receipts from both stores.

And this guy still asks me if Hazel and I had been on “a little walk?”

This guy’s not dumb. He’s an engineer who works for a Fortune 500 company.

Yet even seeing my cart overflowing with groceries, he thinks Hazel and I had just been on a walk.

It just goes to show: Sometimes what’s obvious to you (or me) isn’t obvious to other people.

It’s also true that the answers YOU need aren’t always as obvious to you as you think.

Take my weight regain in late 2023.

In just one month, I regained ALL the weight I lost to compete in my bodybuilding show.

It didn’t happen right away. I kept it off for five freaking months, and I literally would have bet that I’d never gain it back.

Yet, I did. I made three big mistakes that, in hindsight, were SUPER obvious…but at the time, I grossly underestimated how devastating they would be to ME.

If you’ve ever regained weight you swore or believed you never would, you know what it’s like.

What to eat to lose weight in the first place also isn’t obvious to a lot of people.

Part of that is because there’s a ton of conflicting information on what actually works…including what to eat or not to eat, whether or not to exercise, how often to eat, etc.

There’s also no shortage of gimmicks, like shakes, magic pills, processed diet foods, and even extremes like surgery and shots.

On Code Red, we eat real food, drink water, and sleep to lose weight.

It doesn’t get more obvious than that.

Yet when a lot of people hear it, they dismiss it as “too simple to work.”

That just tells you what a great job the diet industry has done making weight loss seem more complicated than it actually is.

Your body was designed to eat real food, drink water, and sleep.

That’s what our ancestors did, and most of them didn’t have a weight problem.

Yet we’ve abandoned the idea of real food as the answer.

Heck, more and more people don’t even understand what real food is (and it’s not a surprise).

There are a million and one ways to lose weight.

Some work to keep it off, and some don’t, because they’re not something you wanna do as a lifestyle instead of a “diet.”

Code Red works as both a way to lose weight and a way to keep it off…provided you live the lifestyle correctly and consistently….because it utilizes what your body is already designed to thrive on: Real food, water, and sleep.

If you wanna improve your wellness and drop weight, then eat real food, drink water, and sleep, because like I said…it doesn’t get any more obvious than that!

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