It’s true.
I could make SO much more money in Code Red if I just told people” what they want to hear.”
I could release cookbooks full of nothing but desserts and tell you to binge on ’em until your gut explodes and still expect to lose 100 pounds in 6 seconds.
I could offer workshops about how to cheat your way through the holidays, gorging on enough food to feed a small country, and still force your body to lose 56 pounds of pure fat between Thanksgiving and New Year’s.
Heck, I could start offering magic pills and powders. Everybody loves a quick fix!
But I’m not doing that stuff, even though it’d be way more profitable for Code Red.
And you know why?
Two reasons.
First, stuff that promises you results like the ones above is LYING to you.
I’m here to tell you the no-B.S. truth, even if you get upset and click away from this page.
There are plenty of sugar-coaters out there. I ain’t one of them.
Second, because unlike the people telling you what you supposedly “want to hear” about the 50 billion ways to avoid doing what it actually takes to get and keep the weight off, I actually give a crap about your success.
If I didn’t, I’d roll out the pills and powders.
But that’s not what I want for you.
I don’t want you to keep eroding your self-trust and self-worth by binging through the holidays “just one more time before I get my act together” when you already secretly know that you won’t get your act together.
I don’t want you to live your life so obese, sick, and miserable that you can’t even walk 50 feet to an airplane entrance without being wheeled there in a wheelchair.
I don’t want you to melt down and panic at the thought of forgetting your medication on a trip because you’re scared you’ll drop dead without the fistfuls of pills that a healthy diet could eliminate the need for.
(I can’t “promise” you’ll get off all your medications if you do Code Red, but safely getting off most – even all – medication with your doctor’s supervision happens for almost everyone who does the Code Red program correctly and consistently).
If “sweet little lies” are what you’re looking for, I’m not the girl for you and Code Red’s not the program for you.
I’m not saying that to make you feel bad. It’s just the reality of how Code Red works and how I operate.
But if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired…sick of letting yourself down…sick of living in the 24/7 prison of your own body…and you want to be and do BETTER…
Then cheating your way through the holidays won’t cut it.
“But Cristy, I’m not sure I CAN stay on track for the holidays!”
You can and will if you truly make your mind up to do it.
Nobody’s pinning you to the floor and force-feeding you the cheats.
There’s no puppet master making your hands stab your fork into that apple pie, or chew it, or swallow it.
Look, I get what you’re saying.
You’re worried you’ll give into temptation.
Whether you do or not, it is 110% a DECISION either way.
I can’t make the decision FOR you, or you won’t be successful, ever.
Listen, if you secretly know you’d buy a cookbook from me if it was full of desserts you could binge on and still lose 100 pounds in 6 seconds…
Or a you’d buy a workshop about how to cheat your way through the holidays, gorging on as much food as you want, and still force your body to lose 56 pounds of pure fat between Thanksgiving and New Year’s…
There’s nothing wrong with you.
Heck, it even sounds appealing to me!
But it’s BULLCRAP.
It’s a ploy to get your money at the expense of what will actually work to get the weight off you.
If all that worked, you wouldn’t still be overweight!
So maybe it’s time to stop believing the “sweet little lies” (including the ones you tell yourself) and step into the truth?
And maybe it’s time to start NOW?
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