Recently I decided to come back from my cabin a night early.
I left at dusk, that time of night when it’s starting to get dark but it’s not there yet.
Hazel (my dog) and I were well on our way when three deer suddenly leaped right into the middle of the road in front of us.
That was the deafening sound I heard as my Tesla – even braking on its own faster than any human could – slammed into the third deer.
It happened SO fast.
Rattled but okay, I pulled over and checked to see if the deer was dead.
She was a doe, and seriously injured, but still alive.
I couldn’t let her suffer, so I returned to my car to get my 9 mm.
It only took a few seconds.
But when I returned to the doe, she’d died.
(I’m grateful I didn’t have to discharge a firearm, though I would have done it to spare her more suffering.)
I returned to my car and spent a few minutes holding Hazel, who’d bounced off the front seat when my Tesla hit its brakes. She was still shaking.
While we sat there, Hazel in my lap with me comforting her, three cars stopped to see if I was okay.
All things considered, I was.
Hazel and I weren’t physically hurt.
The front of my car was smashed in, but it was driveable, so I was able to make it back to Boise.
It could have been a lot worse…
Although, I wasn’t exactly jumping for joy that it happened. It was a super annoying time to hit a deer.
Then again, is there EVER a good time for something like that to happen?
In a weird way, the fact there’s never a good time to hit a deer reminds me of people who refuse to start or stick to a healthy diet “because it’s not a good time.”
It might be because their kids are home from school, or they’re going to Europe for three weeks, or because it’s the holidays.
Listen, there is always gonna be a reason to kick the can down the road.
One major key to success is to quit grasping for reasons to procrastinate and start finding reasons to get going NOW…
Because doing otherwise is just doing the same old thing and expecting different results.
If you want different results, do things differently…like treating the holidays differently than you usually do when it comes to how you eat.
A lot of people think there’s “no point to even trying” to lose weight over the holidays, but that is total bull crap.
You don’t have to starve yourself to do it, either.
You can be successful over the holidays without only eating lettuce and cucumber for every meal.
You CAN navigate parties, holiday baking, and bossy relatives without belly flopping off the wagon.
You CAN start the new year weighing less than you do now.
It starts with a commitment to do things differently, so you can finally get (and KEEP!) the (different) results you want!
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