Maybe it’s because I’m such a black and white person, but if there’s one kind of post I can’t stand in my Code Red Facebook groups, it’s the YOLO post.
YOLO stands for You Only Live Once.
People who fall off the wagon – not all, but some – try to make light of it with a YOLO post giggling about how they cheated.
I don’t like these posts, and I take them down.
See, we don’t celebrate cheats on the Code Red Lifestyle™, because they’re not funny. Cheating yourself out of taking your life back isn’t funny.
Having type II diabetes so badly that you’re going blind and have to get a foot amputated isn’t a joke.
Gagging down eight medications twice a day and still feeling like crap isn’t a laughing matter.
Being SO freaking obese you’re ashamed to step outside your house because you might run into someone you know isn’t a “LOL!” moment.
Your nutrition plays a SERIOUS role in your weight and physical wellbeing.
And to get and keep your weight off, you’re gonna have to get serious about it.
If that’s a big joke to you, that’s fine, but Code Red’s not the program for people who aren’t ready to get serious.
Code Red IS the program for people who are sick and tired of being sick and tired.
It’s the program for people who don’t wanna go to bed each night wondering if they’ll die in their sleep.
It’s the program for people who’re fed up with not being able to do the exciting things they wanna do because their body’s too sick and obese to move how they need it to.
If you’re not at that point yet, that’s okay. But like I said, Code Red’s not the program for you.
If you’re at rock bottom, and anything less than getting the weight off, keeping it off, and feeling BETTER so you can do the things you wanna do is unacceptable…
YOU are ready to take your life back on the Code Red Lifestyle™.
The red button below will take you to the 10 Pound Takedown, where you can dip your toe in the lifestyle, get some results, and see what you think. Click the button and check it out.