What Is This Episode About…
Everyone loves being catered to; someone to cook for you, serve you, wait on you, and clean up afterward. But someone has to pay the bill. And I promise you – they’re not doing it from the goodness of their hearts. You will get the bill, and YOU WILL PAY.
The same goes for weight loss. It seems like it’s just one donut or one pizza. But the bill comes in the form of eczema, IBS, medications, migraines, or weight gain.
Don’t lie to yourself; everything you indulge in right now will have to be paid back at some point. If you indulge in unhealthy foods, the time to pay will surely come, and you will have to do it.
When you go to a fancy restaurant and enjoy a fine dining experience, somebody pays the bill. The same case with our health, when we indulge, I promise you that you’ll have to pay for it. Those calories are gonna show up somewhere in your body. You can pay now or pay later buy pay you will. There’s no running away from it.
Commit today to a healthy lifestyle such as the Code Red Lifestyle that is based on real food, water, and sleep. If you don’t, your poor food choices compound and start manifesting in your body through headaches, pains, inflammation, etc. It’s all fun and games till the bill comes.
Make wise choices today no matter your age. Pay your dues and avoid boatloads of heartache later. When it comes to your health, it’s either you pay now or later. You can’t get away from it. Click Play on this episode and learn how to pay the piper today!
Key Takeaways
- Why the statement pay now or pay later holds true in weight loss (10:33)
- If you indulge in something, you’ll have to pay for it (12:22)
- I promise you, none of these calories are free (13:00)
- You can’t get away from it; you’ll soon get the bill (14:01)
- How your poor choices compound and start manifesting in your body (15:42)
- You can take care of your problem now, or later when it gets worse (18:38)
- How to save yourself and your family boatloads of heartache later (23:08)
Learn More About The Content Discussed…
Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.
Join the next 10-Pound Takedown Challenge here.
When Was It Released…
This episode was released November 25, 2020
Episode Transcript…
The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors
Cristy 0:00
At that moment, at that time, that is the most glorious thing you’ve ever tasted for that few seconds, where you are biting into it, it’s dissolving on your taste buds, and then you swallow it down, it literally lasts a few seconds. But at that moment, that is the most heavenly thing you’ve ever tasted, right? And then the bill comes, you pay now or you pay later when it comes to your health, and your weight loss. But I promise you, you are gonna pay.
I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle where we believe food holds the power to heal or poison, and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight up truth, because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening.
Cristy 0:59
Cristy Code Red author, entrepreneur, retired professional boxer and your host for rebel weight loss in lifestyle. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for joining me, I absolutely appreciate the fact that it’s because of you and only you that we are doing so well. The podcast is doing so well that we’ve got so many ratings and reviews. And we’ve got people finding hope and healing from this podcast. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your ratings and reviews. Again, it does not go unnoticed. And it’s because of you. Hundred percent. All right, I can’t do this without you. I am really excited to talk about this podcast. Pay now or pay later, is one of the one of the subjects that I’m the most passionate about. Because the bill is coming. Now let me backup and tell you something. I’ve been married a couple times. My sister Cari was here, she would have some smart alec comment. Yeah, like, you know, look, look at the way I was raised. I was raised very strict Pentecostal and, you know, you don’t have sex before marriage. And so if you wanted to have sex, well, you better get married. And that’s that’s a lousy reason to get married just to have sex. So I’m sorry if this makes anybody uncomfortable. I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna go into details. I’m just saying that a lot of times. That’s the way you just you just did that. Well, marriage is very little about sex and about so many other things. And I didn’t have marriage figured out I didn’t know what I wanted. I thought my dad was perfect. And I wanted to marry someone like my dad and bla bla bla bla. I mean, I’m telling you, I have just a lot of things that I that I was wrong about. And so I thought the answer was always getting married. So that’s, that was my biggest mistake right there. However, I did marry a man named Jason nickel. That’s how I got the name Cristy nickel. And Jason was and is a very good man. Now, Jason did not. At the time that we got married in the year 2000, we thought we wanted our lives to go in a certain direction. And I became a professional boxer. And that was completely out of the blue. And my life took a different turn. And we thought we were going to have kids at you know, in five years. And when five years came and my boxing career was at the peak of I was at the peak of my boxing career. And I didn’t want any kids. And I never wanted kids, but I thought that I just would. And he did. He did not want to stay married. If I was not going to have kids, and I didn’t want to be married because I wanted this boxing career and I it was just kind of a mess. It turned into a mess. It was never always a mess. It just turned into a mess. Because I don’t think that I think my boxing career kind of screwed up that marriage, you know, and my life took a different turn. And that’s not what he signed up for. And since then he has remarried. He has three kids, two girls and a boy. And I think it would appear that he seems happy. I know his kids are cute, and he seems like he is very happy with his wife and etc. But that was where I got the name Jason nickel, and I fully support them and he fully supports me and I just wish him the best. He’s a very good man. So Jason nickel, and I got married in the year 2000. our one year anniversary in 2001. We decided remember I lived in Memphis, just right just south of Memphis in a small town. We built a house in South Haven in the year 2001. And we decided to take a our one year anniversary trip down to New Orleans. And we were going to go to the commander’s palace. anybody here know what I’m talking about? Anybody here been in New Orleans? I’ve been in New Orleans several times. Not my favorite place on Earth.
But that was a great trip for us. You know, we could drive down there. And we stayed at a hotel. We went to the Aqua center or something. I mean, my mind. I mean, guys, it’s been, you know, 19 years ago. I’m just not remembering a lot of the details, but I do remember commander’s palace. commander’s palace was back then I don’t know anything about it now. But it was a five star restaurant back then. And I had never been to a five star restaurant. I came from a family that was poor. I was raised on a farm. I had the ranch life, I took care of farm animals. I had never been to a fancy restaurant before. So here I am, what, 2024 years old. So Mike, that I’m 44. Now that would have been 24. Yeah, about 24 years old at that point, 25, something like that. And it’s just I just hadn’t, I just never had been to a five star restaurant. Well, Jason came from a family with money. And he had been I mean, for his college graduation, he got a brand new Lexus. That was what he got for his college graduation present. Plus, he was the only child. And you know, they just, I wouldn’t say he was spoiled. But he didn’t. He didn’t, you know, he want he didn’t want for anything, you know, but he did go play football for Ole Miss. And he worked hard and got good grades. And he was a good kid, you know, he stayed out of trouble. And he was just a good kid for them. So I understand why they did so much for him. But they had money his parents did. And they had been to fancy restaurants. They had the country club memberships, and they had been to Europe together and all that stuff. So there was a little bit of a difference between Jason and I as far as going to this fancy restaurant. And I vividly remember, remember, there’s not a whole lot that I remember, because I do have head injury from my boxing days, and my memory is not as good even at only 44 years old, my memory is really not good. So I remember specifically going to commander’s palace, my first time at a five star restaurant. And it was so fancy. And I remember the waiters, like they just you know, everything was just fine dining and crystal and shine and silver and the service was impeccable, the food was impeccable. And then when they brought you your food, they lifted off the tops of the plate of the food. At the same time, everything was an ordeal, it was just it was a it was an act it was a performance or a production, you know the whole thing was such a big deal. And we all think of you know wanting to be catered to, you know what happens when your cater to, you know, when you hire a caterer or your cater to you know, everything is taken care of the food is prepared, the food is served, you do nothing. You do nothing. They clean up they do everything for you. There’s no thought you don’t have to think about anything. When you’re catered to. You don’t have to worry about anything, every little thing you could ever want is right there somebody is at your beck and call. You know before you even think about if you even gesture I remember that at the commander’s palace. If you just if you just gesture, if they’re reading your body language, if you even look like you might want something bam, there’s the waiter with a white cloth over his arm. And he’s just like, I mean, he they just anticipate your every move. And it’s just impeccable. The food is impeccable. The coffee is impeccable, the drinks are impeccable, everything is impeccable. And it really feels good to be catered to. It feels good to be waited on at that level. And it’s so much fun and you feel like a princess and you feel like royalty and it’s just so super fancy. But then let me tell you, the bill arrives. And somebody who’s got to pay for that. You see these celebrities with private planes private jets. Okay. Everybody thinks Wow, to be a celebrity with a private jet. But somebody’s got to pay that bill. And do you have any idea how much of private jet costs? Let me give you an idea. from Boise to Salt Lake City. It’s a 44 minute flight from Boise to Salt Lake City. I take that flight all the time on Delta Airlines that take that flight constantly. Almost every week I go someplace new. And I have got to take that flight all the time because that’s a Delta hub Salt Lake City is and show to take a private jet from Boise to Salt Lake City a 44 minute flight You guys ready for this? $9,000 that’s just that this gives you an idea. Okay. So you see these celebrities with private jets? And you’re like, wow, wow. But somebody has got to pay that bill being catered to is so cool. It’s so neat. And when you’re in the moment, it feels so good. And it’s just like, wow, this is the life until you get that bill. Oh, they didn’t do that for free.
They’re not doing any of this for you out of the goodness of their heart. Nobody’s giving away these services for free at gas. cost a lot of money. These private jet pilots cost a lot of money. Nobody is doing this for fun for you, those waiters at commander’s palace, the Ritz Carlton in London, all that stuff cost money. And they are very profitable for a reason. Because people you know, they’re not giving it away for free. You pay now or you pay later. And let me tell you, the bill is coming. You’re enjoying it in the moment. But they are gonna lay down that bill and you are gonna have to pony up. That’s how it works. And there is nothing that holds more true to this statement that pain our pay later than weight loss. Because you are indulging like you, you know, you’re like, Oh my gosh, let’s go to Krispy Kreme. Let’s go to Krispy Kreme. Oh, yes. You know, they do this thing. They make this doughnut. I’ve actually, I’m not bragging. I have seen this on documentaries on how they make donuts. But I’ve actually never been to a Krispy Kreme. And I know that sounds like oh, Cristy, like all of you guys are rolling your eyes. I’m not saying that. Listen, I have made plenty of bad food choices. But Krispy Kreme is not something that would be something I would go indulge in. If I was indulging in something. That’s just not the way I’m wired. Okay, that’s not that doesn’t do it for me. But I have watched documentaries on on Krispy Kreme and on donuts and I’ve watched a Food Network and I understand what they make. So you’re like you’re thinking Alright, let’s go to Krispy Kreme. Okay, Krispy Kreme donut, or any donut probably is the worst thing you can possibly eat because it’s a combination of fat and sugar. And when you combine fat and sugar, then you have an especially volatile metabolic reaction in your body. It’s worse when you combine fat with the sugar, but it causes your sensors to fire on all cylinders. Like it literally lights up every sensor of your body in your brain. It’s the ultimate in pleasure for the human body. And the brain is a doughnut because of the combination of fat and sugar. So, you know, you you indulge in something you treat yourself in something or you like you know what, just tonight we’re going to order Domino’s Pizza, a pizza is also the carbs plus a fat. And that does. And of course, if you chase it with some cinnamon sticks, you are getting you are again, you’re hitting all the senses of the body. So if you indulge in something like this, at that moment, at that time, that is the most glorious thing you’ve ever tasted for that few seconds, where you are biting into it, it’s dissolving on your tastebuds. And then you swallow it down. It literally lasts a few seconds. But at that moment, that is the most heavenly thing you’ve ever tasted, right? And then the bill comes, you pay now or you pay later when it comes to your health and your weight loss. But I promise you, you are gonna pay. I promise you, the bill is coming. I promise you, none of these calories are free. I promise you, it’s gonna show up somewhere in your body. I promise you, you will have to pay the price. It will manifest itself as a headache, as diarrhea as constipation as a gut ache as some sort of inflammation throughout your body. This will manifest itself and show up on your body. It will I promise you you can’t get away with it. It’s not free eating chemical crap garbage like doughnuts or pizza, or pop tarts or lean cuisines are any that is not free. Even in your 20s. Remember, I mean you guys all on your paperwork. When you guys do custom programs with me, I have a 33 question questionnaire that you guys fill out. When you want to fully customize program with custom programs, you can lose 10% of your body weight every month, on a customized nutrition program that I write for you. You have to fill out a pretty extensive, almost three dozen questions. If you’re young. A lot of people say like, well back when I was a kid, I could get away with this. I write plenty of customized nutrition programs for people in their 20s they aren’t getting away with it. They’re not. You can’t just go run yourself. Like when you were a 20 and you ate a pizza and you just went and run it ran a mile and it was totally fine. We just aren’t getting away with it even as even young kids anymore. They’re not getting away with it. They’re getting the bill too. But let me tell you it does catch
up to you. Maybe you did have a rapidly high metabolism of a gazelle when you were 22 years old. And then at 32 or 42. You are now having to change your diet you’re now having to think of things a lot differently. Getting a few more salads, and some more broccoli. A few more steaks, not as much pizza and beer. That might be the case for you but it is going to catch up to You, you will get that bill is pay now or pay later, the time is going to come where all those bad choices are gonna catch up to you and they’re going to manifest themselves some way in your body. That is the way it works. And if you are listening to me right now you haven’t committed to the Code Red lifestyle of real food, water and sleep or you haven’t committed to some sort of a version of that some sort of healthy lifestyle, I don’t care if you do whole 30, I don’t care if you do paleo, I don’t care if you do keto, they all have rules. As long as your program is based off real food, water and sleep, I don’t care what you want to call it, it’s the proper human diet.
Unknown Speaker 15:40
Cristy 15:42
if you are doing that, if you haven’t committed to something now, and you’re still eating like garbage, and you’re still drinking way too much, and you’re not drinking enough water, and you’re cutting too low on your sleep, and you’re letting your stress run high, that is going to catch up to you. Show if you are letting it go right now, believe me, you don’t just get out of this, it’s not going to just ignore you, it’s not going to just go away, these poor choices that are manifesting that they will manifest themselves, they will show up in your body, that’s what that means they will show up in your body eventually, in some way, it might start off as just a mild headache, it might start off with just a small pain in your little finger, it might start off as just, instead of a size six, now your size eight, it might be small, but you are not going to get away with it forever. Eventually, those things compound. And as you get older, you get away with it a lot less it is it shows up. It compounds all these poor choices for years on end, it finally catches up to you. So you can make the decision at 25 years old right now to say, Whoa, whoa, whoa,
let me nip this in the bud and start adopting a healthier lifestyle before it gets out of control, which I don’t really know a whole lot of 25 year olds that do that they should. Or you can wait until it gets so bad that you have you’re on medication and the C pap and that you have impotence because your blood sugar’s are too high. Or you can wait till it gets bad if you want, but it’s gonna get bad and you’re going to get the bill. People say, Well, I’m 997 for a custom program from Cristy, holy crap, that’s a lot of money. They say, cheese, we 997 really 1000 bucks. Wow. Oh, oh, yeah, you can pay me 997 to write a customized nutrition program for you and coach you through your weight loss and good health and make make all those healthy decisions and stay and have access to my coaching staff for the next three months. Like you can pay me that thousand dollars, or you’re gonna pay it to a doctor or you’re gonna pay it to gastric bypass, or you’re gonna pay it to a big pharma for your medications, you’re gonna pay it to somebody, you can pay it to me now, and let me teach you how to keep this off the rest of your life. And you have a nutrition program that you can actually keep the rest of your life and refer to if your weight ever gets up again. Or you can go ahead and give it to Big Pharma for your Cialis or your Lipitor. You can give it to them or or you can save it you can give it to your doctor for copay. Because your eczema or your rosacea has gotten out of control way too bad.
Unknown Speaker 18:38
Cristy 18:38
you can go ahead and give it to Domino’s, you’re spending that money somewhere. You will spend the money. It’s either now 997 with me, or it’s later $30,000 for gastric bypass. It’s now or later. It’s now you can take care of your problem while you’re only 40 pounds up or it’s later. You can take care of 140 pounds up. We write custom programs for people all the time that have 200 plus pounds to lose. That does not shock us coming through the program. It does not shock us to see someone who has to lose 224 pounds. It does not shock us going from 375 down to 130. It does not shock a seeing people like that. We take extra precautions with people like that, you know, everybody comes to our custom program. They get medically screened everybody, but we might get a doctor’s notice for somebody who’s pushing that kind of weight. It does not shock us. So I’m telling you, nobody gets away with it. These problems. They don’t go away and you can’t be catered to.
Unknown Speaker 19:49
You can’t
Cristy 19:50
waltz into a Krispy Kreme or beat boo boo people call up Domino’s and continue to get away with it. It just doesn’t work that way. It’s paying our pay later. A lot of times people see, they see like Jennifer Lopez, for example, you know, she turned 50 I think she’s getting ready to turn 51 and she just has a banging body. And she talked about on Oprah or Ellen or someone you know, like I have, I love sugar. I love sugar. She says, I love sugar and like you watch your Instagram, I quit following her on Instagram because I don’t politically line up with what she believes. And I don’t want to see someone’s politics on Instagram. I mean, I follow her because she’s a great dancer, and she’s pretty and I like how real She is an honest but when people start posting their political bullcrap, I mean, I just can’t do it. I can’t do it. I just, that’s why you don’t see me posting political stuff on it on Instagram or Facebook. Because I don’t want to turn you off if you don’t line up with what I think. And that has nothing to do with weight loss. So why even talk about it? So Jennifer Lopez, she’s just got this big body and people say, and you hear her say, like, you’ll see your post on Instagram, like, suck like eating a cake pop or something, you know, or she’ll be like pasta, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, or whatever, you know. Oh, believe me, believe me to keep Jennifer Lopez his body. She does not have that food all the time. You can’t. She can’t be having sugar. She busts her butt in the gym. She eats a very clean diet. She drinks her water. She doesn’t drink alcohol. Like there are so many you just don’t see the grind. You don’t see the boring part. You just see her modeling for Gucci. You just see her doing a coach ad where she’s got her flat belly at 51 years old. You don’t see all the in between. That girl pays her dues every day. She makes good decisions every day. You don’t see all that part. You just see her eating a bite of a doughnut and like smiling at the camera. Believe me. You don’t you you might see her opening your mouth and I promise you she’s not eating that whole doughnut. But you don’t see that. So you’d like oh JLo eats donuts? I can too. No, she can’t and you can’t. The rent is due and you’re gonna have to pay up and it’s pay now or pay later. I am telling you the influencers that you follow and the celebrities and stuff that people that have the really good bodies and stuff. It doesn’t matter what you see them in pictures doing the reality is very different. My neighbor Kris Gethin, you guys know, I am a huge Kris Gethin fan. He’s a buddy of mine, and I just think the world of him. He’s a professional bodybuilder. He’s a world class celebrity trainer. He’s incredible. Everybody wants a body like Kris Gethin. But do you know that every morning when I’m making my bed, my my bedroom window points up towards his house, His house is a little bit higher than mine. So I can see when I look out my bedroom window, I can see his house. Which sounds creepy when I say it like that, but it’s not. And in every morning because we get up about the same time. I see his red light therapy light glowing. Every morning is in a minute his meditation room, meditating and doing red light therapy. Every morning. He writes down his goals. He sets up His day every day he does the grind, but you don’t see that. You just see what he posts. You don’t see that every day he pays the Piper. Every day does the grind because every day the rent is due in his pay now or pay later. You can pay now and save yourself a whole heart ache or boatloads of heartache later. But I’m telling you, the bill is coming. It’s all fun and games until the bill comes. I was just watching this documentary on the Ritz Carlton in London. I think it’s the most famous Ritz Carlton Ritz Carlton, as you guys know, is a luxury hotel slash restaurant slash kind of a resort spa. They’ve been around since what 1907. And the Ritz Carlton is like Uber just dripping off the fingers. Even the Queen herself goes to the Ritz Carlton. And you watched a documentary of the people like having tea and having little you know, patisseries and stuff and yet, they you don’t you don’t see the part where they have to lay down that credit card, and they gotta pay the bill. It’s very, very, very expensive. And you wish for that until you got to pay that bill. Believe me, you’re wishing for that Krispy Kreme donut, but the bill is due, that bill is coming and you will have to pay that price. It is not worth it. And you think of what does that mean? I could never have a Krispy Kreme doughnut again, Cristy? Is that what you’re saying? No, that’s not what I’m saying.
I’m saying that. make wise choices. Make sure that you know what you’re doing. And that’s the great thing about our maintenance group. Once you hit goal weight, we transfer you into our maintenance group and I teach you how to have what you want. But do it strategically so you don’t gain your weight back. Because you can’t go back to your old ways you have to adhere to the rules. But I promise you all the fancy stuff you see people doing and all the fancy stuff you dream of it comes with a price tag, it comes with the bill and someone’s got to pay that bill. And you will pay it now or you will pay it later. But I promise you, it’s going to hurt a lot less if you pay it now, before it gets out of control. When your weight and your health gets out of control, you got medications, you got surgeries, you’ve got to have to buy bigger clothes, you can’t travel because you can’t fit into the plane seats. Every time you turn down the biscotti cookie on the plane, that’s less time, that’s fewer times you actually have to ask for the seat belt extender is one of the other the rent is due. And every time you turn down the biscotti cookies, you’re paying the rent, Hey, you know what, or I guess you could look at it the other way, I don’t know. I’m like now I’m now starting to confuse myself, I think you get what I’m saying. Pay Now or pay later, I’m telling you right now, you are going to pay up, you do not get out of paying, nobody gets a free ride, when it comes to their health. And you are responsible for you, nobody is coming for you. nobody’s looking out for you. Nobody’s gonna make sure you do it, you’ve got to make sure that you do it. Do you want to be a burden on your family, because they’re gonna have to pay your bills do you want to be not able to even make to pay your bills because you can’t work? That day is coming, if you don’t get your health under control, you’re going to get too big to work, you’re going to get too tired, you’re gonna have too many medical problems. You might as well get it under control now, before it gets out of control. Because either you control it now or it controls you later. But you’re not getting out of it. The rent is due the bill is due everybody loves to be catered to until they get that bill because Jason and I had a great time at our one year anniversary at commander’s palace. But then someone had to lay down the credit card. And reality came back and hit us in the face. And because we were young married couple, we didn’t have a lot of money we had to pay on that credit card. We had to pay that dinner off for the next six months making payments on it. You know, it’s your choice. 100%, your choice, hundred percent your choice. make the choice, we can help you. I can write a custom program for you right now. And have you feeling good 10% of your body weight off every month. That is absolutely incredible. You can do that math, you know what 10% is. That’s how much you tied to your church 10% a month, you can’t afford not to. But if you choose not to, you will have to choose to do it, you will choose to do it later. It’s either now or later. That’s the bottom line. 10 pound take down comm that’s where you go to join the next rolling challenge. We have challenges every month and there’s always one coming up. If you missed the one starting this month, there’s one starting next month. The number 10 p o u and D take down.com I want to see you want it it’s a great way for $47. Just dip your toe into the lifestyle and figure out if it’s for you. We think the proper human diet of real food, water and sleep is for everybody. But you have to get used to me and figure out if you like the way I’m delivering the information to you you might or might not I think you will. But I come live to every day at 8am Mountain Time and I teach you something new. It’s incredible. So join the next challenge and I will catch you on the next episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle. Take care guys. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle. Do you have a question that you’d like me to answer raw and uncut on the podcast? Then all you have to do is head over to Apple podcast on your phone or computer and do three simple things. leave a rating and review telling me what you think of the podcast. And in that review. Ask anything you want related to health, weight loss or mindset. And if you want a shout out, leave your Instagram handle or name, that’s all. Then listen in to hear your question answered live raw and uncut on the next q&a episode, so I’ll see you on the next episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle.