See if this sounds familiar.
You’re eating sugar, or some other type of comfort food, and you feel good. The stress or fear or anxiety or loneliness you’re feeling melts away…at least for a while…
But once that initial high wears off, you crash even harder. You feel tired, sluggish, moody.
If that’s happened to you, none of it is your imagination.
You’re not crazy when you crave pizza, soda, brownies, mac & cheese, or whatever your comfort foods are.
These foods actually do trigger the pleasure center of your brain, and they actually make you, temporarily, feel good.
But they can also make you feel, emotionally, HORRIBLE.
See, your gut and your brain are connected, in more ways than most of us are EVER taught. Your gut is even nicknamed your second brain!
The fact your gut and your brain communicate very, very, regularly, is why it’s SO critical you feed yourself nutritious food instead of junk.
I’ll dive into this in much greater detail in my video, which you can watch by clicking below.
If you’re tired of feeling like crap all the time, you’ve gotta see this video.