It’s true, Code Red does have some non-negotiable rules, like drink water, sleep, get on the scale every day–along with eat certain foods that I’ve found promote weight loss in the majority of people, and avoid foods I’ve found stall, or lead to weight gain, in the majority of people.
But even so, no two people are exactly alike.
That’s why finding what works for you is a cornerstone of the Code Red Lifestyle™; and one of the main reasons why Code Red works for people who’ve tried and failed at everything else.
A great example of this within the context of Code Red is how some people can eat the full-fat dairy items Code Red allows in weight loss mode, and some people find it stalls them…or that they do fine if they eat a little less of those items.
And some people can eat meat later in the afternoon and lose the next morning, but for other people, they stall or gain if they do the same thing, so they eat meat only with their first meal.
All this and more is why I’m not a fan of cookie cutter programs that not only ignore your individual needs, they don’t teach you how to find your individual needs.
By trying to stuff you into a one-size-fits-all program, they set you up for endless failure and frustration.
Here you are, doing what they tell you to do, but it’s not working…and because you don’t fit into their cookie cutter program, you think there’s something wrong with you…or worse, that there’s no hope for you.
One Code Red, when people are doing “everything” right (and they really are, rather than doing stuff like skimping on sleep and water), and their weight loss stalls, we know there’s a reason, and my Certified Coaches are trained in helping you pinpoint the cause of that stall.
Look, when you get your weight off, you want it to be for life.
That means you’ve gotta find something you know you can do for life.
Do you wanna count points for life?
Do you wanna eat cabbage soup for life?
Do you wanna order processed, soy-soaked frankenfood for life?
Or do you wanna eat real food, drink water, and sleep?
At the end of my “What Do I Eat?” videos, I frequently remind you to find what works for you.
I do those to give you ideas, and they can be a starting place for sure.
But my exact food choices may or may not work for you.
If they don’t, that’s totally fine! Now you know, and that takes you one step closer to finding what works for you.
Whatever route you go, if you want it to work for life, it’s gotta be something that works for YOU.