Not every food out there touted as “healthy” is actually good for you.
Quite the opposite: Certain “healthy” foods can even make you fat and sick!
By far one of the biggest offenders is “healthy whole grains.”
There’s no such thing as a “healthy” whole grain, and the fact this food group is on the bottom of the current food pyramid is beyond disturbing.
Whole grains were not always a direct cause of obesity and disease.
But in modern-day society we consume bastardized versions of them; plus we consume wayyyyy too many of them.
In addition to being highly inflammatory, grains spike our insulin levels worse than many candy bars, and as you’ve heard me say, you cannot lose weight in the presence of insulin.
Another food touted as healthy is dairy. “Milk does a body good! You need milk for calcium!”
Sound familiar?
All that is dairy industry propaganda. What little calcium there is in milk is very difficult for your body to absorb.
More importantly, you can get all the calcium you need from the right vegetables.
Another problem I have with dairy is that a highly inflammatory thickening agent called carrageenan is often added to dairy products, increasing the level of inflammation they already cause.
If you choose to consume dairy–because I do allow a handful of full-fat dairy products on the Code Red Lifestyle™–don’t go crazy, and ALWAYS choose the full-fat version. Why?
Because non-fat dairy not only tastes disgusting, it’s got added sugar.
“Cristy, if dairy’s inflammatory, why do you allow any?”
For now, because it’s a step up from sugar, grains, and other foods that cause disease and obesity; and because I enjoy heavy cream in my coffee. Since I eat a little dairy, I’m not gonna ask you to do something I won’t do myself.
I will say that if you’re someone who’s eliminated dairy from your diet, you’re on the right track.
In my video below, I’ll talk in even more depth about why dairy and grains are not “healthy.” Make sure you click the image to check it out!