Are You Living For Your Child? – Episode 29

cristy code red diet

What Is This Episode About…

People say, “I’d die for my child!” But no one ever says they would “live for their kids”. It’s so noble to shout that you would lay down your life for your child, but why don’t you take care of your health and live for your child?

Have a look at some startling figures. As many as 33% of the people in this country are obese, while 66%, that is two-thirds, are overweight. Have you looked around at how sick and fat our society is? This is the first generation of children that will not have a longer life expectancy than their own parents. 

Every single time you lift the fork to your mouth, you are either shortening your life or you are lengthening it. But nobody thinks about the crap you’re shoving into your mouth in the name of food. Nobody thinks that you are on your way to orphaning your child. You are setting it up to where you die at 54 years old, because your diabetes went unchecked and now your spouse has got to raise your kid. Nobody’s talking about that. But in this episode, I’m going to be taking it up with you, so stay tuned. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Every time you put that pizza into your mouth, you’re shortening your life (10:41)
  • As parents, we are just trying to get by; we are not thinking long term (12:29)
  • You’d rather pay for diabetic medication instead of managing blood sugar (14:43)
  • Do you love your kid enough to take care of yourself? (16:02)
  • Take care of yourself or you can’t take care of other people (17:00)
  • Joe Cross said he was sick because he put everything ahead of himself (17:33)
  • I’d love to see you all live for your kids (19:02)
  • The 10 Pound Takedown is a great place to get started (20:39)

Learn More About The Content Discussed…

Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.

Join the next 10-Pound Takedown Challenge here.

When Was It Released…

This episode was released October 9, 2019

Episode Transcript…

The Transcript Is Auto Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors

Cristy:             00:03 I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle, where we believe food holds the power to heal or poison and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight-up truth because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening.

Cristy:             00:29 Welcome back to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. I am your hostess with the mostess Cristy Code Red. I don’t know why that was funny to me. It was funny. It was funny ‘coz it’s probably ‘coz it’s corny. Oh you guys, I sure appreciate you being here with me right now, right here, right now because I know your time is so precious. I know that for me personally, I don’t have unlimited time to be listening to podcast.

Cristy:             00:55 In fact, there are three, and mine’s, one of them by the way. There are three. I subscribe to three podcasts. I just subscribe to my own because sometimes I forget when it’s coming out and I’m always so excited to listen to the next episode and I only subscribed to two more and it’s not, it’s just because I’m just so very, very, very protective of my time and I can’t listen to my podcast while I’m doing something like working ‘coz I’m not one of those people that can multitask like that. I can listen to it when I do my hair and makeup or when I’m packing or something like that. But even if it’s a complicated podcast, I still need to think about, okay, what do I need for workout clothes? What do I need? How long am I going to be gone? You know, I need to think about what I’m doing.

Cristy:             01:33 So I don’t have a lot of time to podcast and I’m pretty sure that neither do you. So I want to say “thank you” for spending your time with me. I don’t take that for granted. I don’t take that lightly. In fact, that’s a good segue to read a couple of reviews that we received. Oh you guys. So very nice. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for rating and reviewing Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. Here is from, I’ll read you the name at the end, the top says: “Weight loss, mindset, inspiration, amazing, inspiring, uplifting, hilarious tooth serum podcast series. We all need to hear all in big letters. Thank you so much Cristy and the entire Code Red team for the enlightenment. And finally, finally the truth about fat. Don’t waste another minute. Listen to all of these gems and get ready to experience the paradigm shift in your thinking about weight loss.

Cristy:             02:25 My goal was to listen to each one before the September Takedown  Challenge begins. Absolutely one of the best decisions I’ve made. First ever review of any podcast.” T L Tish Mac. Wow. What a review. Thank you. Thank you. T L Tish Mac. What a name. What a review. Five stars. Thank you so much for taking your time to do that. Patty case. Smith says she writes, she doesn’t say she writes five star sharing code red with the family. It says at the top. I so enjoy listening to Cari and Cristy and Cari too. I just the code, read myself the code red myself. What is that? And I let my husband do his thing. He jumped on the bandwagon three months after me and is now down 40 pounds. Thank you. Cristy. Spelled my name right to Patty K Smith. Thank you. I’ll read one more. This is from mom too, for girls.

Cristy:             03:22 Oh, mom to four girls. I see. I got it. I got it. Mom to four girls, four girls at the top. It reads five stars. Wow. Just wow. Just listen to the mastering code. Red with the family episode with both Cari and Cristy and just wow. It’s what I never knew that I needed to hear. The dynamic between these awesome sisters is addicting. They feed off each other and they deliver the no BS info that we all need to hear. Big bold letters. I look forward to the code red podcast every single week. Oh, mom of two girls or mom to four girls. Thank you. Thank you to all of you who wrote in and did the rating and reviewing you guys. Again, I don’t take that lightly. I know how valuable your time is. Your energy is your compliments. I don’t take any of that lightly.

Cristy:             04:12 Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, 10 pound take down challenge guys is happening. You can get in on the next challenge by going to a 10 pound take after this podcast. It’s so easy to remember. It’s the number so easy. You can find this a lot of different ways. You can go to the website code red lifestyle. You can go straight to 10 Pound Takedown. That’ll take you right to registration. You can find out when our next challenges get in while the getting’s good. That’s the best way to start. That’s the best way to start. (IMPORTANT: The Ambassador program has been discontinued since the time of this podcast.) And we just launched our code red ambassador program where you can become an ambassador, a code red ambassador, and you can actually get paid for referring people to code, right? I mean like paid like money, like cash.

Cristy:             04:58 Like seriously, I’m not fooling around here. How much do you get paid? Well, let me tell you, you get paid for every single person that registers for the 10 pound takedown under your ambassador code. (IMPORTANT: The Ambassador program has been discontinued since the time of this podcast.) I will pay you that full registration fee. So your friend registers for the challenge using your ambassador code for $47 so code red gets that money. I turn around and I give it right to you. Yes, I do the full $47 in guys. That adds up like that ain’t no joke. You know, that could easily just a few registrations, just a few referrals under your share code and you’ve got your yourself, your car payment made. Like that is not a joke, but why not? If you believe in something, if something has worked for you, if you love it, if you are set free by it, why not share it?

Cristy:             05:49 Why not share it with the world? You can text it, you can email it, you can post it to your Facebook, you can post it to your Instagram bio. So many ways to share your affiliate code and get the word out there and make a little money. Come on. I’d rather pay you then pay the ad agency. Come on show, get out there. Let’s keep this grassroots movement going. People are being healed. They’re getting hope and healing from code red. Just like you did. Might as well make a little green. Make a little cheddar off of me. I don’t mind it. I’m excited to pay you out each month. That’s how confident I am. And you might be thinking, well gosh Cristy, how does code red make money? I’m so confident that your friend, your family, your coworker, your cousin, whoever you referred, is going to love code red, that they’re going to stick with it.

Cristy:             06:33 Don’t worry about how I make money. Don’t worry about it. I just want to thank you for the referral. I want to thank you and it’s a win, win, win. Think about it. A win cause we’re, we are acquiring a new client, a new customer, a new rebel, a win for you because you’re making money and a win for the client because they’re taking their life back. It is a win all the way across for all parties involved. (IMPORTANT: The Ambassador program has been discontinued since the time of this podcast.) So become a code red ambassador by going to code red forward slash ambassador and learn about it. It’s easy. Okay, you got to have a PayPal account is so super easy. Get yourself an ambassador code. But let me just warn you right now, you cannot contact our customer service department and say, my mom and my sister, they registered for the challenge. You just forgot to use my code.

Cristy:             07:19 Can I get paid? No. I’m not running a charity here guys. You need to actually follow the rules. Okay? You get it. You feel me? All right, so let’s talk about today’s freaking awesome subject. You guys. Oh my gosh. Everybody talks about living for their kid. Well, I live with my child. Well, I would die for my child. I would sacrifice my own life for my child. And you would like we as parents, we would sacrifice our lives for our kid. We would lay down our life in his moment’s notice. We would step up. We would say, yeah, take me. I mean, we would do that. Think back when your child was born. Think back when I knew I knew a comedian, I think it was Jim Gaffigan or something. They said, what about those mothers that are still counting? They’re at kids’ ages in months and they’re saying, my son is 323 months old.

Cristy:             08:14 You know, so think back, but even if you’ve got a son this 26 years old or whatever, think back to when your baby was born. Think back to that moment that your child is born, or think back to the moment where you heard your child’s ultrasound heartbeat for the first time. The second that you heard that heartbeat or the second that that child was born and actually looked in your eyes, that actually released it triggered a gene. It woke up a gene in you. Actually, physiologically it happened on a primal level. There was a gene that was activated in you like that. It activated that gene immediately and from that very second, from that second, it happened in a blink of an eye. You knew that there was absolutely nothing that you wouldn’t do for your child, that you had laid on your life in a moment’s notice, that you would give up your life, that you would sacrifice whatever you had to, that you would do whatever that you had to do for your child.

Cristy:             09:16 It is primal guys. It is in us. You cannot help it. It’s that instinct that is in us. As soon as we have a child, I never had any children of my own, so I’m laughing. I’m trying not to laugh at myself speaking like this. However, I do have three nieces and one nephew, and when they were born, I felt not to the degree that you parents feel, but I did feel some level of that instinct that gene turned on in me as they were still a part of my DNA. They were still a part of me and I still felt, I’m not even going to try to claim that I feel what you’ve parents feel because I know I didn’t, but I know that even childless people like me can still feel a degree of what your children feel. In fact, studies have shown it, MRIs have proved it had proven it, proved it or proven it.

Cristy:             10:05 I think that, I don’t know if I got that one wrong, so I’m speaking as if you know, just bear with me here on the, on the verbiage and you guys know what I’m talking about. Show when our children are born, right? We have this instinct, this DNA that is turned on immediately in us. We would sacrifice our lives for our children and we would. That’s not a joke. That’s not just something we throw around and say, we absolutely would. We would lay down our life for our children, but are you living for your kid? Are you showing up each day for your child? Are you living for your kid? What do you mean by that, Cristy? Well, every single time you shove that Papa John’s pizza in your mouth, you are shortening your life. Where that’s really dramatic. Christy will have you looked around lately?

Cristy:             10:52 Have you looked around at the 66% overweight rate in our country, 33% of this country is obese as 66% two thirds are overweight. Have you looked around it at 50% diabetic rate here? Have you looked around that? 33% of our officers, our police officers are overweight and that the average correctional officer has the lifespan of 58 years. Have you looked around at how sick and fat our society is? Have you looked around at how our children, this is the first generation of children that will not have a longer life expectancy than their own parents. So, Oh I’m sorry if I sound dramatic here, but those are some pretty dramatic stats. So every single time you lift the fork to your mouth, you are either shortening your life or you are lengthening your life. We all think is so noble we think is so noble. Did what?

Cristy:             11:50 I’ll tell you what my kids come first that for my kids, that’s not a joke. You really would. But everybody says it and they think it’s just so noble. But nobody thinks about the crap you’re shoving into your mouth. Nobody thinks that you are on your way to orphaning your child. You are setting it up to where you die at 54 years old. Cause your diabetes went unchecked and now your spouse has got to raise your kid. Ain’t nobody’s talking about that. Nobody wants to say that. Just like everybody wants to say, like our challenge, our challenge is we drink a gallon of water a day. Oh boy. Let the haters come out a gallon of water a day. Oh my goodness. Barbara [inaudible]. Oh, but ain’t nobody saying nothing when you’re drinking a half a case of diet Coke a day. Same thing. Nobody says anything because you know why?

Cristy:             12:39 Because we, our scope is day to day, month to month, paycheck to paycheck. That’s what our scope is. Our scope is as parents, we’re just trying to get by, right? We’re just trying to pay the rent. You’re just trying to pay the phone bill. You’re just trying to get your kid through middle school. Hello? Middle school. Oh, I hated it. I absolutely hated it. I had a horrible middle school experience, so I understand if you got middle schoolers, they’re just, sometimes they’re just a little brats and they hate school. You hate them and everybody’s miserable. Okay, then you know, so I get it. I get it that you’re just trying to get through. I get it that you’re just trying to keep the house from burning down. I get it. That you’re just trying to get to the next paycheck. That every day, every week is a struggle that you might be taking care of an elderly parent, that you might be just trying to get your dog poop picked up every day, that you’re just trying to get dinner on the table.

Cristy:             13:31 Just trying to keep these kids alive for crying out loud so you’re not thinking longterm, but you need to be thinking longterm because every single time you being bong ordered dominoes because you just are so freaking exhausted. You can’t think to put something on the table. So you just do the easy route. Every time you do that, you are chipping away at your health and your life and what good is that doing for your child? What does that doing? Nobody. No good. If you die at 39 years old, at 56 years old, like seriously, we’re waiting longer, longer to have kids. So a lot of parents, I mean they could be 58 years old before their kid graduated high school would you don’t start taking care of yourself now. This is going to be rough at that age. It’s going to be rough on you.

Cristy:             14:21 18-year-old. You can’t even climb the bleachers to your kid’s graduation because your knees hurt so bad as you have all this extra weight on your eating crap. You shouldn’t be eating, which is causing inflammation. How about you got a bum foot because you’re not keeping your blood sugars in check diabetic type two well, a baby baby. Well, no, no. So you’d rather pay the $1,200 a month a diabetic medication just to manage your blood sugar instead of managing it. Don’t give me, don’t know. No. Listen, every time you lift that fork to your mouth, every single time you are choosing to be around for your kid or not to be around for your kid, nobody wants to deliver the child. You do, but you’re not thinking about it that way. You’re just thinking about it like it’s not going to happen to me.

Cristy:             15:11 Nobody ever thinks things are gonna happen to them. Nobody ever thinks they’re going to be the one that gets cancer. Nobody ever thinks that they’re going to go into a diabetic coma. Nobody ever thinks that they’re going to drop dead from a heart attack. Nobody ever thinks that’s going to be them. That’s always the other guy. That’s always the story. You read on Facebook and you go, Oh, Oh, poor Sally. Oh geez, Leah, she’s got three kids, 14 nine and seven. Oh, poor Sally. Maybe we should start a go fund me. Maybe I’ll take her over a casserole. Oh, Oh, poor Sally, because Sally’s husband was too busy working himself into the ground, wasn’t paid attention to his health, got himself into a bit of a heart attack. Huh? Hunt John. Everybody thinks it’s so noble to say, well, I would die for my kid. That’s just like, yeah, that’s so powerful.

Cristy:             16:02 Like, yeah, that’s how much I love my kid, but you don’t love your kid enough to take care of yourself. That’s what it boils down to in bottom line. Don’t love yourself enough. A lot of you guys think that putting yourself first, you know you’re doing that martyr, that mommy martyr, bologna. You know that I hate, I hate that you’d like, you know, I stayed up all night checking on my kids 19 times during the night. Like it’s all noble because you lost a lot of sleep during the nights because you were like, Oh I was, you know, whatever you think you’re doing that has to do with your kid. You think that’s all noble cause you worried all night long. Well guess who’s life is shortening because you’re not sleeping. The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life. How does that saying go? The shorter you sleep or the less you sleep, it’s kind of like a catchy little phrase or the less you sleep, the shorter life you have, something like that.

Cristy:             16:50 But it’s true. I mean, we say it with code red, you ain’t sleep in, you ain’t losing. So, and I’m not going to beat this dead horse so many times you got to take care of other people. You gotta take care of yourself or you can’t take care of other people. I just, I get so sick of hearing it like just like the flight attendant says, put on your own mask before you put on somebody else’s like, you know me. I just don’t like that cliche crap like I get, but it’s so true. Come on. It’s so true. You truly and honestly, how are you supposed to care for your kids and grandkids? How are you supposed to walk them down the aisle when you got a foot missing because you didn’t take care of your blood sugar? They got out of control. You had ever a foot amputated or you’re impotent now at 56 years old, you want to be real.

Cristy:             17:33 We’ll be real because you didn’t take care of your health. Remember that documentary fat, sick and nearly dead with Joe Cross. I love that documentary. I like Joe Cross. I follow him online. He was wealthy. He had money and the private jet and women and parties and alcohol and drugs and smoking and all the things he did. He partied all the time. He worked all the time. Massive stress in his life, all the wrong things. He was prioritizing everything except his health and he got to be nearly 300 pounds. He was on loads of medication and he was on a destructive path. He says in the documentary, fast sick and nearly dead. I’m absolutely no that I would not have lived into my forties even. I mean, he said that he was really, really sick because he put everything ahead of himself. You guys are listening to me right now and you’re like, yeah, well Cristy, you know, you just don’t get it.

Cristy:             18:25 You just don’t get it. You don’t have kids, you just don’t get it. You don’t understand. It’s like they have a family. Okay, I do have a family by the way, and no, I did not actually birth a child from my loins, but I do have a family and I do and I have taken care of my family. I have stepped up and take care of my family and a lot of different cases. I have gotten up in the middle of the night and I’ve taken a red eye flight to my family. I have stepped up to the line for my family. So I understand what it’s like to be there for your family, but not at the expense of my own health. No, and it’s not okay for me, and it’s not okay for you. I’d love to see you all live for your kids instead of throwing out that phrase like, I would take a bullet for my child.

Cristy:             19:09 I’d lay down my life for my child, and you would, and I would, but every time you choose the drive through, every time you beep, boop, boop, boop, boop. Yeah. Papa John’s. Can I get an extra large pepperoni? Yep. Let’s go ahead and with sausage. You kids want sausage? Yeah, you want some olives? Can we do olives on half of it? Actually, everything’s done online now, I think, but every time you choose that option, instead of putting a pot roast in the crockpot before you leave for work and then having it done when you get home, every time you choose the Costco lasagna, every time you choose to TV dinner, every time you give your kids Eggo waffles, every time, every time you make those choices, you choose three times a day. You choose with. Every time you lift that fork to your mouth, you choose.

Cristy:             20:01 You do have a choice. I am begging you to realize this. I am begging you to live. If you don’t want to live for yourself, live for your kids, and if you want to live for your kids, be there for your kids and your grandkids. Walk them down the aisle. Be there when they have babies. It take care of your stinking health. Come on. It’s real food, water, and sleep. It is not that hard. It’s just a matter of convenience. It’s a matter of you running to the store instead of planning ahead because she just didn’t get up and nobody feels like getting up early when you feel like garbage every morning. It’s just a, it’s an awful cycle. That’s why the 10 pound take down is so good. A great place to get started because you get started with a challenge. You dip your toe in, you detox from the crap, you start to feel better.

Cristy:             20:50 Your energy is better. Of course, your clothes fit looser. Of course, the scale goes down. Of course, the medications are adjusted. Of course you’d get off medications, but that is a place to start for your health because every single day you’re just chipping away at your health. Every day that you continue to shove that crap in your mouth, you keep saying you’re going to start tomorrow. You keep saying you’re going to start Monday. Well, guess what? There is no tomorrow. Today, right now, two o’clock on a Tuesday, one 30 on a Thursday. It doesn’t matter what day it is. It doesn’t have to be Sunday night that you make that decision. Well, I’m getting healthy tomorrow. Oh, everybody makes that decision after their full, when they’re full, when they finished their meal and the dishes are cleaned up and they’re feeling really good on a Sunday night.

Cristy:             21:37 Everybody’s going to start tomorrow morning. I’m telling you to start right now. I’m telling you to say enough. I’ve had enough of this. I am worth more than this. I am worth being there for my kids and showing up and being my best self. Gosh, if you’re not gonna do it for you, do it for them for crying out loud. Do it for your grandkids. Do it for your unborn great-grandkids, the start live in forum that is noble. That could be your “why” until you discover your own “why” really is you, and that’s okay to want to do it for yourself. That’s okay to be good enough. “I’m Good enough. Just me. I’m good enough. I’m smart enough. I’m sexy, I’m beautiful.” It’s okay to say that about yourself. It doesn’t make you a bad parent. If you just say, “You know what I am, I’m doing this for me because I am worth it.”

Cristy:             22:32 So yeah, so live for your kids. But ultimately I’d rather you say, “I choose me. I choose me because I want to be around for me to enjoy my life.” Here’s your kids are gonna grow up. They’re going to have their own life and then what? And then what? It’s just you or you and your partner or you and your dog., that’s the best place to get started. Get started with the challenge. (IMPORTANT: The Ambassador program has been discontinued since the time of this podcast.) Join our ambassador program. That’s even better. Make some money. Spread the word that is a grassroots movement right there. That is how we spread this news – Ambassador program. I think it’s going to be a game changer for you. It’s going to be a game changer for your loved ones, going to be game changer for Code Red. I’m excited to have you on this podcast. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you for watching you guys. I’ll see you next Wednesday. Bye.

Cristy:             23:26 Thanks so much for listening to this episode of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. Do you have a question that you’d like me to answer raw and uncut on the podcast? Then all you have to do is head over to Apple Podcast on your phone or computer and do three simple things. Leave a rating and review telling me what you think of the podcast and in that review, ask anything you want related to help, weight loss or mindset, and if you want to shout out, leave your Instagram handle or name. That’s all. Then listen in to hear your question answered, live, raw and uncut on the next Q and A episode. So I’ll see you on the next episode of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle.