Eat real food. Drink water. Sleep.
Those are the big “secrets” to losing weight, keeping it off, and taking control of your health. It’s what I teach my clients.
So, what do I mean by real food?
When you grocery shop, real food is the food located in the outer aisles. It’s meat, seafood, vegetables, real butter, avocado, eggs, nuts, and seeds.
SO many people in this country never shop those aisles.
Or they shop just as much on the inside aisles, where all the processed, chemical-soaked junk is.
Even a so-called packaged “health food” can be full of chemicals. They add stuff to preserve it and make it taste better. Check out the ingredients list and see for yourself.
This is especially true if it’s low-fat. When you take the fat out of food, it tastes like cardboard.
So food manufacturers add sugar and chemicals to make it palatable.
Packaged, processed food has only existed for a few decades. For ALL of human history prior to that, we ate real food found in nature.
And all the sugar we eat now? WAY more than our bodies can handle.
Our bodies don’t know what to do with the chemicals or extra sugar. Sooner or later, these build up and our bodies react.
It might be with disease, inflammation, chronic pain, allergies…or there may be no outward symptoms at all, and then one day, POW.
If you’re used to eating processed convenience food, the concept of eating real food may seem totally alien.
Look, it’s not as hard as it sounds.
Start by making seasonings and spices your friends. Plain old salt and pepper can work wonders with flavor, even on a yummy big chef salad. Before you shake your head and go “Yeah, right,” try it!
(I don’t recommend the table salt you see everywhere, just because it’s so processed. I use Himalayan Pink Salt. It’s packed full of minerals.)
Onion powder and garlic powder (or onion salt and garlic salt, if you want the salt included) go great on just about anything. You can use them on steak, chicken, pork, vegetables – the sky’s the limit!
Eat more food that comes from nature, and less food that comes from laboratories and factories.
My clients do this and they reap the benefits. Weight loss is only the tip of the iceberg.
If you need some ideas to get you started, my cookbook has 136 easy, delicious recipes. You can order it at