Every once in a while, I’ll see a female Code Red Rebel post about how frustrated she is that her husband is only “sort of” doing Code Red, yet losing weight faster than she is.
Code Red works regardless of gender, and while there are more and more male Rebels, the majority of Code Red Rebels are women.
However, because all these female Rebels start cooking and eating differently once they join Code Red, their partners often end up eating differently, too.
And if that partner is a husband or boyfriend, he’ll often lose weight faster, even if he’s only partially following the program. Why? (To be clear: I am NOT condoning men cheating on the program.)
One word, ladies: Testosterone.
Men and women both have all three sex hormones in their bodies, but obviously, healthy men have higher amounts of testosterone than healthy women.
And because, throughout human evolution, men were the hunters and protectors, male biology is hardwired to be leaner, faster and stronger than female biology. Healthy men naturally carry less body fat than healthy women.
Therefore, their bodies return to that lean state more quickly and easily than women’s do.
If you happen to be a woman who’s ticked off at or jealous of her husband because he’s half-assing it and losing weight faster than you are, here’s some tough love from Cristy:
Let it go. There is ZERO point getting mad at your husband because his natural biology enables easier, faster weight loss. It’s the way it is.
So save yourself the torment of comparing yourself to your husband (or anyone else, for that matter).
Focus on your own weight loss journey. Follow the program to the best of YOUR ability.
And instead of acting jealous and whiny, celebrate his wins right along with yours.
You’re both moving in a direction of better health. That is freaking awesome, and something you should BOTH be proud of.