How many diets have you tried?
Five? Ten? So many you’ve lost track?
What about “magic bullet” gimmicks, like weight loss pills, patches, shake memberships, or processed frankenfood delivered to your home? Too many to count?
Look, I get it. We all want the easy thing. The quick fix. Ain’t nobody got time for a “lifestyle change,” right?
The diet industry knows how alluring quick fixes are, and they use that allure to sell you bullcrap weight loss products.
Some work, some don’t. But that’s not the point.
“Diets” have failure built in. They’re something temporary you do to lose the weight. When you stop doing them, you go back to what got you fat in the first place, and you gain everything back. A lot of people end up weighing more than they did before starting a diet.
Same with diet pills. What happens to your weight when you quit taking them?
So you keep taking them. Or you keep buying the shakes, or the patches, or the frankenfood, or counting points.
Who wants to do all that forever?
I call my company the Code Red Lifestyle, not the Code Red “Diet.” And the custom programs I write for my clients to help them lose weight? I call them nutrition programs.
Not very sexy, is it? Not the way a magic diet pill or shake powders or “eat whatever you want” programs are.
“That’s weird, Cristy. Why do it that way?”
Because I want to open your eyes to the fact that real, nutritious food, plenty of water, and quality sleep are the REAL secrets to losing weight, keeping it off, and taking control of your health forever.
You don’t need overpriced mail-order foods, expensive, risky surgery, complicated recipes, weight loss medication, or even exercise, to lose weight.
I know because I didn’t need that stuff when I got fat and lost weight. Neither did my sister, Cari (although she tried most of it, including a weight loss surgery that went wrong and had to be reversed). And neither do my clients.
Before you start spending $400 a month on home-delivered frankenfood, $10,000 on weight loss surgery, or a monthly program where you have to count points for the rest of your life, pick up a copy of my book, The Code Red Revolution.
For less than $15 you can get all the information you need to lose weight and keep it off.
No exercise. And you eat real, regular food you can buy at any grocery store.
Check it out before you spend another dime on weight loss gimmicks.