Chocolates, candies, baked goods, and date nights with drinks and rich desserts are Valentine’s Day “traditions.”
So are the bulging waistlines, upset stomachs, guilt, and kids bouncing off the walls from the sugar that come afterwards.
This year, why not try something that doesn’t revolve around food? You can still have a great time, express love to friends, family, kids, and your special someone, without gorging on sweets and baked goods. Check out some ideas below.
10 Non-Food Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Kids
1. Silly Putty. It’s fun, it’s versatile, and kids can let their imaginations run wild. It’s gonna provide hours and hours of entertainment, as opposed to candy, which they eat once and then it’s gone.
2. A Small Toy. What kid doesn’t love toys? Find a small toy or two you’ll know they’ll love and put it in a red gift bag with some red tissue paper.
3. Bubbles. Kids love blowing bubbles. You can find bubbles in department stores, grocery stores, online, and even some pharmacies and gas stations.
4. A Coloring Book. Pick up a coloring book and some crayons or colored pencils. I have yet to meet a kid that doesn’t love to color!
5. Balloons. Blowing up and playing with balloons is a BLAST. Grab a couple packages of balloons and let the laughter ensue.
6. Games. There are AMAZING kids’ card games and board games out there. Put the apps away and show your kids how much fun an in-person interactive game is! Check the toy section of your local store, the mall, or someplace like
7. Puzzles. A colorful 100-piece puzzle is not only tons of fun, it teaches problem-solving, spacial reasoning, and a sense of accomplishment when they finish it. Puzzles can be purchased almost anywhere, including online.
8. Sketchbook and Markers. Ask your kids to draw you a Valentine’s Day picture to hang on the fridge, or to write down 10 reasons they love you. Join in and write down 10 reasons you love them. Decorate it and frame it!
9. Glow Sticks. They’re colorful, exciting, and glow in the dark. Turn off the lights and let the kids have a blast.
10. Valentine’s Day Crafts. Check Pinterest for TONS of DIY holiday craft ideas you and your kids can do together. Keep them entertained for hours and have something special to treasure forever.
10 Non-Food Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Family & Friends
1. Lip Balm. A lot of people have chapped lips this time of year. If you’re really adventurous, try making your own to give as a gift.
2. Gift Certificate. Who doesn’t love a gift certificate? You get to pick what you want from a store you love.
3. Beautiful Journal. A lot of people LOVE pretty journals. If they don’t, swap out an address book or yearly calendar book.
4. Picture Collages. Buy a beautiful collage frame and fill it with pictures you know they’ll love. Memories last longer than any food.
5. Hand Soap. Find some sweet-smelling hand soap that comes in a cool container. Everybody needs to wash their hands, right? This way they’ll have fun doing it.
6. Essential Oils and a Diffuser. Essential oils have a TON of health benefits. And a diffuser gently sprays them into the room. They can help relieve stress, make falling asleep easier, and more.
7. Bookmarks. A pretty bookmark with a special saying is perfect for anyone you know who loves to read.
8. Tote. These things are so handy! For Valentine’s Day, pick out a tote with a beautiful message or their favorite animal.
9. Spa Date. This is a great one for a girls’ trip, mother-daughter trip, or relaxing with sisters.
10. Mini Golf Date. It’s fun, it’s often hilarious, and it doesn’t require hiking across the countryside in winter like regular golf would. Mini golf is a great time for family, friends, and even you and your significant other.
10 Non-Food Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for That Special Someone
1. Timed Gifts. Round up some small, fun gifts your special someone will love, wrap them, and add a note to each gift saying what time it should be opened.
2. Love Coupon Book. Buy one or make your own. Include breakfast in bed, a back rub, chores, movie night, a scenic drive – whatever your special someone will love.
3. Do Dishes and Housework. If you’re a guy whose wife or girlfriend does the dishes, housework, and/or laundry, offer to do them on Valentine’s Day. She’ll love it! (Ladies, if your man offers, don’t micro-manage!!)
4. Jewelry. A pretty necklace, ring, earrings, bracelets – you can’t go wrong with a beautiful piece of jewelry.
5. Spa Kit For Her OR Him. Most ladies love spa kits and you can get them everywhere. They also make great gifts for guys. Shaving cream and razors, deodorant, cologne, soap or body wash – whatever he’ll use and enjoy.
6. Nail Polish. Find your lady’s nail polish brand of choice and get her some more. If you buy it from a department store, ask for help gift wrapping it.
7. Makeup. Buy your wife or girlfriend more of her favorite makeup. Ask her friends if you’re not sure. Women who love makeup can never have too much!
8. An Oil Massage. You can’t go wrong with a relaxing, romantic oil massage.
9. Scented Rose Petal Bath. Bath bombs or bath oil and rose petals for the lady who loves relaxing baths. What could be more romantic?
10. Sticky Note Love Notes. Write something special on each sticky note, then hide them in your significant other’s lunch, car, purse or wallet. Put them up around the house. You can have a lot of fun with these, keep it simple and sweet, or use a combination.