When most people join the Code Red Lifestyle™ and switch to eating the way we eat on Code Red, uncomfortable and temporary physical symptoms may emerge.
It doesn’t happen to everyone. For some people, it only lasts a day or two, or it’s pretty minor.
For other people, it’s pretty rough, and here’s why.
First of all, when you’re constantly eating the typical sugary, starchy processed foods a lot of people eat, you’re filling your body with more chemicals than it can handle, so it has no choice but to start storing them in your fat.
When you stop eating that crap, AND when you drink water to help your body flush it out of your system so it doesn’t get re-absorbed, your body finally has a chance to kick all that stuff out.
But just like a mean drunk at a bar, all those years (maybe decades) of chemicals stored in your fat tissues aren’t gonna go quietly.
So while your body’s flushing it all out of your system, you’re gonna feel like crap.
You might have headaches, nausea, feel like you have the flu, be fatigued, have brain fog, and so on.
If this happens to you, HANG IN THERE. Once your body’s got that stuff flushed out (it takes about a week, on average), you’ll wake up and it’ll feel like a new day.
Make sure you get all your water in and consume salt (it helps!).
Another thing that happens is, because Code Red is a high-fat lifestyle, your body needs time to transition from using glucose (sugar) to fuel itself to using ketone bodies (i.e. fat) to fuel itself.
During that transition phase, your body throws a bit of a mad fit.
But again, hang in there, because once your body’s made the switch, you’ll feel incredible.
If, for some reason you don’t–for example, you feel tired, you experiencing cramping, stuff like that–your electrolytes may be off. It’s common and is very easy to remedy.
Here’s an article on my help desk that’ll explain what to do: https://support.coderedlifestyle.com/portal/kb/articles/cramping-feeling-tired-general-malaise.
If you’re reading this and thinking, “Wow, Cristy, I don’t know if I wanna try Code Red if this is gonna happen,” here’s what I have to say:
Sometimes we’ve gotta hurt before we can heal–emotionally and physically both.
This detox period is your body flushing out decades of crap you’ve been feeding it. Compared with how long the sugar and processed foods have been building up in your system, one week of discomfort isn’t that much.
Drink water, consume salt (or salty foods), get extra sleep, and ride it out.
Because when detox ends, and your weight’s dropping off, it’s gonna be MORE than worth it.