What Is This Episode About…
You’ve got to have a solid enough “why” that is going to push you through your weight loss journey. And this is the point where people often get lost. They lose their compass. Your “why” should always be your compass. Like it should always point you towards true North. Your “why” should always be at the forefront of where you’re headed in weight loss. And this could be not just weight loss, but maybe your health journey after you’ve lost weight, and are starting to exercise, too.
When you’ve got a “why” that makes you cry, it’s a different ballgame altogether. Talking of the journey, at first, you are enjoying when you lose a lot of weight at first. It’s just like when you first start your Master’s degree, you’re enjoying writing papers. You like going to class or whatever it is you’re doing. And then, about halfway through, about 50 pounds into 100 pounds, you start getting weary. And that is normal.
It’s a grind. Code Red makes weight loss so much easier than it is with the starvation, low-fat baloney that’s out there. However, it’s still a grind. You’ve got 100 pounds to lose. That’s no joke. That’s a grind. So you get halfway through and you start to forget. You start to forget why you started this journey in the first place. That’s why the “why” is so important!
In fact, in our 10-pound takedown challenge, “Remember your why” is one of the daily videos. Early on, we have our rebels writing down why they’re doing this, and it could be a list, could be one, 15, or maybe be 56 things – we don’t know what’s going on in your life. But we have you stick it at different places, so that you can always be reminded of that. It’s not a matter of “if”; it’s a matter of “when” you are going to slip or want to give into slipping, be tempted and want to quit. The stronger your “why”, the steelier your resolve to latch on to what you’ve set your eyes on. Let Cari and me walk you through what it takes to have a strong “why” in this episode. Stay tuned.
Key Points of Discussion
- You guys listening to us make Code Red what it is. We can’t thank you enough! (2:57)
- Is your “why” strong enough for the long haul? (6:16)
- Struck by arthritis, she couldn’t hold a hairbrush; that must have been her “why” (10:22)
- You have to recommit to your health every day (11:16)
- The more the hurt involved in your “why”, the more it seems to push you through (12:49)
- As you travel with Code Red through life, you may notice your “why” changing (13:55)
- “I was sweating, I was humiliated. And that was my “why”. That made me cry.” (20:04)
- “I was miserable. You’ve got to hang on to that when you feel like giving up.” (21:36)
- Maybe you need to say, “I’m not going to settle for being mediocre.” (22:59)
- Make no mistake about it: You’re in a battle for your health (24:24)
- As long as you hold our hand, we will get you through this (26:10)
Learn More About The Content Discussed…
Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.
Join the next 10-Pound Takedown Challenge here.
When Was It Released…
This episode was released November 06, 2019
Episode Transcript…
The Transcript Is Auto Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors
Cristy: 00:03 I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle, where we believe food holds the power to heal or poison, and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight up truth, because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening. Welcome back to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. I am your hostess Cristy Code Red and I’m here with my sister sometimes who joins me on podcasts. Cari Thompson, thank you for being here.
Cari: 00:42 Thank you for having me. Once again, I love your audience. I love their comments. I love that they are sharing this podcast that they are rating, reviewing and subscribing. I love them. I just feel like they’re all family.
Cristy: 00:54 They are the reason that we have climbed the rankings and we are getting a lot of attention and then this podcast is going out into the world. You’ve got, I mean this is all you guys.
Cari: 01:05 Message of hope and healing from one person to the other. Truly the grassroots movements are the ones Cristy, that get the most power behind them. The most fire.
Cristy: 01:16 Yeah, and that’s how the ketogenic high fat, low carb lifestyle is going to be spread. It’s not going to be, it’s not going to come down for our government.
Cristy: 01:24 Proper human diet of real food, water and sleep ain’t coming down from the government. They ain’t looking out for you. Okay. No they aren’t. It’s gonna not gonna come from your doctor because hey, a lot of them are just being fed a line of bull from big pharma and from outdated education. It’s gonna be from us telling our neighbors and cousins and sister-in-laws.
Cari: 01:43 I had someone write to me on the help desk today and this is what it said. It was talking about our ambassador program (AMBASSADOR PROGRAM HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED) where people get paid for referring people. If you guys haven’t had a chance to check that out, but all that to say is that she said, “I really want my friend Lindsay. I’ll make that up, to get the credit because if it weren’t for me watching her day after day in the office, I would’ve never taken this step.”
Cari: 02:11 They can’t watch Cristy everyday in the office. They can’t watch me everyday in the office. They can’t sit and chat with us. I mean, you guys get to know us because of the podcast and we have YouTube and then the course Facebook and our website. But the truth is, is that you? Yes. You looking at me right now, you’re the reason why people know about code red. So if it weren’t for Lindsey, this gal never would’ve signed up. Even if she saw an ad or she heard Cristy talk. It’s really about you guys. And I tell people that they come to our events and they say, Cristy, I just want to thank you because of you. My son got onboard because of you my, my cousin got on board. No, it was because of you. They right. I mean your, your, the ripple. I would never would’ve reached that person.
Cristy: 02:57 That’s the so I agree. You Sis. I mean it’s, it’s the ripple effect that huge. It is the code red revolution. A, you are code red. You guys listen to us right now. You are code red. I realize I am the Mohawk, but you make up the movement and we can’t thank you enough for being an ambassador for us, for being the mouthpiece of code red, for spreading the testimony. What does that old saying? Cari, preach it all times, but if necessary, use words. I love that they’re watching because really what is the difference between Kristi sitting on a sidewalk holding a sign that says the end is near with the blue Mohawk and what’s going on? Now with all the differences, you guys are listening and you’re spreading the word. And of course she’s legit and she’s backed up by research. But I mean, there’s no difference between someone blabbing their beliefs and someone who really knows it.
Cari: 03:47 It’s all about the people behind the movement. That’s what it’s about.
Cristy: 03:51 That’s what it’s about. We believe in you. You are code red. Today’s podcast is sponsored by fresh pressed all of oil. You can go to coderedoliveoil.com we have partnered up with and Megan, the owners of fresh pressed olive oil and they hand pick the olives. Well they don’t actually pick them. They hand select them. There we go. That would be, that would be incredible wouldn’t it TJ? Sorry. But a lot of work. Hey, do you do any Robinson and Megan, his wife, they go to the country’s right. Cristy 18 tastings. Yeah. They hand select which olive oil they want to process for that quarter. And that if you bill, if you belong to the fresh press, olive oil club, the coderedoliveoil.com. If you go there, you can get involved.
Cristy: 04:36 We did, they spent, they send you three new bottles every three months. Every quarter you get a new box. And it’s so exciting. Cari, do you notice? So how excited are rebels? Good. I get excited every time I, my new one we just got out at the time of this recording. The Australian oils, they go to Australia and in the Mediterranean, Italy they have different places. They go each each quarter and in fact right now they are in Italy picking out the next set of olives. That sounds so funny. But anyway, when I got the box I was like, Ooh. And I’ve been doing everything from frying eggs to putting it on salad. It’s so delicious. One on every dollar, $1 procedure kind of olive oil. Your first bottle is $1. You want me to say it? [inaudible] Code red olive oil.com you’re going to get a whole slew of recipes that, well I can’t believe the recipes that are included.
Cristy: 05:27 Your code, red approved items. Once you sign up they will send you those recipes. Yes, and first bottle is $1 guys. That’s like a $39 value. There’s a large set, there’s a small set you will not regret eating and consuming good quality olive oil. Remember as olive oil sits on your shelf, it is not like wine. It does not get better with age. Those polyphenols and all those good things for your body actually diminish, diminish as time goes on. So you need to go to code red olive oil.com sign up. You’ll like TJ and Megan. They are really salt of the earth or should I say oil? Love the earth. Sorry I had to do it. I’m sorry Cristy. I had to do it. We appreciate them and we only team up with companies that we believe in. Yes, we have a synergistic relationship with and that is TJ and Megan for sure.
Cristy: 06:16 So they’re putting out a quality product that code red rebels can get behind. Okay. Excited to get to our topic. It’s a catchy little phrase here. It’s called, what did I say? Pick your remember the Y. There we go. Remember the why that makes you cry. That’s like why? What do you mean guys? Whatever you are doing in your life. And I realized that were in weight loss and getting and we’re getting healthy here, but you’ve got to have a solid enough why this going to push you through. And I think that this is the point where people get lost. You, you lose your compass. Your why should always be your compass, right? Like why should always point you towards true North. Your why should be always at the forefront of where you’re headed in weight loss. And this could be a not only just weight loss, that’s what Cristy and I do, but maybe your health journey after you’ve lost weight, starting to exercise.
Cari: 07:14 Maybe you’re in graduate school and you’re getting your master’s degree, maybe you’ve decided to go to nursing school, maybe you’re doing cosmetology school, maybe you’re on the lineman school. I don’t care what it is, I don’t care if you want to do couch to 5K, your why should always be your true North. And I think that’s where people tend to get confused when they lose theirs why. And when you got a why that makes you cry, it’s a whole different ball game.
Cristy: 07:41 You know? You can even take it pretty deep and say, why are you fostering those kids? Because that is a really tough situation that you have chosen to be in. Or maybe you adopted a special needs child. You have put your shop in a tough situation and you’ve chosen that boy, you need a strong why to keep you going, because what happens, Chrissy, is that weight loss.
Cari: 08:05 Like anything, it’s a journey. It always seems really fun. At first, you lose a lot of weight at first when you first start your master’s degree, you’re enjoying writing papers. You’re you like going to class or whatever it is you’re doing. And then about halfway through about 50 pounds into a hundred pounds, you start getting weary. And that is normal. Getting weary is normal. It’s a grind. I mean code red makes weight loss so much easier than it is with this starvation, low fat bologna that’s out there. So code red is easier. However, it’s still a grind. You got a hundred pounds to lose. That’s no joke. That’s a grind. So you get halfway through Cristy and you start to forget. You start to forget why you started this journey in the first place. So it’s so important. And Cristy, I love this. When you say this, you say, write it down.
Cristy: 08:57 Write it down. I was just getting ready to say that. What we do on our 10-pound takedown challenge is we talk about fish on our challenge. This was one of the daily videos. Remember your why. You know we do it early on and we have our rebels right down with a pen and a paper. Old school. We have them write down why they’re doing this and it could be a list, it could be one, it could be 15 things, who knows maybe be 56 things. We don’t know what’s going on in your life, but we have you stick it. Then on the, usually it’s one of three places you’d have a bathroom mirror, the refrigerator or your car dashboard and those are the three places that you usually, so you can always be reminded of that because it’s not a matter of if it’s a matter of when you are going to slip or want to be slipped, be tempted and want to quit.
Cari: 09:42 And you know Cristy, how when you have a compass, you don’t have that compass in your backpack. When you’re hiking, you don’t put it in your pocket and walk around. You take the compass out and you hold it in your hand and you look at it and you go, okay, that’s North. Now I wouldn’t know North if you let me loose outside. I’m just saying some of us had been destiny spit, you know, blessed with spatial intelligence. I wasn’t one of them. So I, I joke like I even know where North is. My dad used, our dad used to be like go North and I’d be like, Larry left or right. But anyway, you take that compass out and you look at it and you say, where am I headed? What am I doing? Well, the same should be true with your why that you write down.
Cari: 10:22 It should always be like Chrissy said right there. So you can say, this is where I’m headed. We don’t shove this in a Bible. We don’t stick it on the, we put it somewhere up front. So you know, and boy, Cristy, these wise, I’ve heard some horrible wise working for you over the years. I love coach Jade [inaudible] talking about rheumatoid arthritis. I’m sorry, not rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis. I don’t know why I thought RA. I apologize Dave. And talking about being a young woman, you guys in her twenties and not being able to play with her kids or get up and down the stairs or even brush their hair. Cari, she, because she couldn’t hold a hairbrush. You guys. That’s a why and when Jade was losing weight and things got tough, boy howdy. I bet she could say, I want to be able to hold a hairbrush.
Cari: 11:12 I want to be able to dress my kids. That’s pretty powerful stuff right there.
Cristy: 11:16 You know? And speaking of this is a daily recommitment. You have to recommit to your health each day. And people are, they forget that part because we recommit every day to our relationship with Christ. Right? You get up, you know, you just might say a morning prayer or some sort of a of a meditation. You, you connect spiritually with your maker, with your savior or whatever you believe you commit to your relationship with, to your marriage, to your, to your partner. I know that miles and I, it sounds so silly to say it out loud, but no matter what, no matter where we are, no matter what we always get up cause we get up at different times and whenever we first see each other for the first in the morning, we always get up, stop whatever we’re doing and give each other a hug.
Cristy: 11:56 And it sounds so, but it’s, it doesn’t, it didn’t matter one thing. Yeah. Well I didn’t like do it purposefully. I always get up and run to him and give him a big hug in the mornings. Yeah. But we could be like, we’ve been on vacation and then we would be like sh on the yacht when we’ve cruised around like the coast of Spain on that yacht. Miles would be in the, in the dining room first and I would come up out to the dining room, we’d see each other for the first time. He would stop what he was doing. He would get up and he’d give me a long hug in the middle of the dining room instead of just, Hey, what’s up? And sit down. Hey, what’s up with you? You know, kind of like that. And it was just kind of a thing.
Cristy: 12:28 So that’s a way we kind of recommits our love to each other. You recommit to what you have going on in your life and there’s nothing. This is just as important as everything else. Your health, what are you going if you don’t have your health? So you recommit by looking at that Y every day and re rehearsing it or remembering it or reflecting on it.
Cari: 12:49 Now Cristy, I’m going to go on the limb here and say this about wise [inaudible] but I think, okay guys, this is Instagramable ready? Write this down. Write this down. It’s going to be famous someday. I’m teasing. So the deeper the hurt of your why and how clear it is to you, and the stronger it is, that equals your ability to get through those hard times, the more hurt that was involved in your Y, it seems to push you through more.
Cari: 13:15 Have you noticed that Cristy, if your why is, and I’m not making fun, but I’m going make, I’m not making fun, but like Yolo, five pounds. So bikini. I mean that’s great. Like I’m glad you’re going to look great in your bikini but that’s not okay. Like giving why is my why to get like I want to get pregnant. Yeah, like that deep-seated ache in your soul. Like when your why makes your soul ache, makes you want to sit on the bathroom floor and cry and you keep that in mind. That will get you through some hard times. Oh, I could not agree more. Now something interesting as you walk this health journey and as you travel with code red through life and as you stay on, stay on a good healthy path, you might notice that your why changes. I have noticed that my wife changes.
Cristy: 14:07 Has, has your why ever changed? Right? Of course. Losing my a hundred pounds was a completely different way than my way to begin getting in shape was a completely different why. My why used to be, I don’t know, it just, it just changes. It’s so funny because as I age and as we age, hormones shift and change in our bodies change and I just noticed different changes in my body. I mean nothing bad, nothing just kind of is what it is. But like, and this sounds so superficial, but I just noticed that lately, I can’t tolerate like because I’m in maintenance, I might be able to have, Oh, I mean occasional wheat, you know, on a code red lifestyle. We cut out all grains and I know that you know what I’m getting ready to say, but cause I’ve told you the story before and you guys have heard me talk about this, but a couple of weeks ago I recently had a couple of corn tortillas.
Cristy: 14:54 Those darn corn tortillas. You’re gone. And it was just a small ones. But I’m not kidding you. And I’m, I’m sorry, I’m not laughing. It’s just that it has, it actually caused the very next day. Stop laughing at me. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. You’re making me laugh. The next day I was in so much pain. She’s putting her head down. You guys can’t see this. She’s trying not love. I’m telling you, it was like, it was, it was miserable, depressed, sick. And I was depressed and I was bloated and I had so much stomach pains. So now I don’t know the kind of my why of staying away from grains, just like I’ll tell you, I don’t ever want to feel that again. And so it’s kind of funny how we have different wise at different times in our lives that get us through your wide might be, I want to be able to walk my daughter down the aisle.
Cristy: 15:38 Well, your daughter gets married and now what is your why? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it has to, is going to shift.
Cari: 15:44 Cristy, can we talk about some of the whys without revealing details that we’ve heard and less, it’s okay. The whys that have made us cry and wise that have made the owners of the Y cry. Oh my gosh. I have heard stories about, we know a rebel who was married forever and her husband left her and made it sound like it was the wait. I mean, I don’t know if that’s truly it, but that’s deep. That’s why that’ll make you cry and to come back. I mean I don’t believe in being spiteful, but let me just say if you’re going to do it, that’s a great situation. That’s a good one. I’ll never forget when my ex was like, you’re a bag of bones. And I was like, yes.
Cristy: 16:30 Now clearly I am not a bag of bones, but I’ll never forget what an in soul he meant that to be an, I took it as a total compliment. I was like, shit, I’m funny. I’m not making funny money, anybody with the anorexia. But this woman said to me, it broke my heart, but it woke her up and it was, I’m never let someone else make me feel like that again. My why is I’m taking my life back so I’m in control of my health and I can never be in that situation again. I think that my the hardest Y for me to read online cause guys we have, one of the great things about the code red lifestyle is we have an incredible deep-rooted support system and one of our biggest group is about 18,000 people at the time of this recording and it grows every month and you can get in that group and just about all rip your heart out.
Cristy: 17:18 But I shot like a lot of them that I, when I go through and I read them, it would be people that want to get pregnant because then they can’t because of their health and they desperately want a child. They desperately want a baby and a half PCLs or they have, they just, they’re unable to carry a fetus because their body is so healthy and the body is so incredible. It’s not going to let it let you carry a fetus if you are unhealthy and the body has this incredible and that’s so hard. Like they are desperately trying to get healthy because they desperately want a baby. That’s why that doesn’t make you cry. Cristy and I did at the Auburn event and they don’t mind me saying this, I don’t even know if I have Brandon and Sarah came up to me and they are where they would love to get pregnant and they just could never, and it was, they just kind of thought, well that’s just never going to be something cause we’re just big people but they’re losing a ton of weight and now it’s a possibility that they could actually get pregnant and they their destiny desperately want kids.
Cari: 18:10 They’re an awesome couple. I love meeting them. That’s a way that’ll make you cry and let me tell you when they have hard times, guess what they’re going to think about all they’ve gained from this journey and moving forward from there. And it just, I’ve heard so many stories like that. I’m trying to think of another one, Cristy. You know my why that made me cry was definitely trying to get into that old wooden rollercoaster and there’s something emotional. At the time of this recording, I’m preparing for an event where I’m going to be speaking and you know, writing down my story and I told Chrissy this a couple of days ago. It made me surprisingly emotional. I tell my story all the time to code red rebels as a part of the challenge. I repeat my story. I’ve been very open about my story about not fitting on the wooden rollercoaster and having to get off and being 240 250 pounds and so it’s not like I haven’t told that story, but Cristy, something about having to write down that story and I kept saying to Cristy, I want to show them rollercoaster Cari, which has become a little bit of a funny joke, but we keep saying, I want to show them rollercoaster Cari.
Cari: 19:19 I want to show them rollercoaster Cari and I want to put on my thing rollercoaster, Cari. That was my why and it was that moment, Cristy, there’s something about writing it that has made me emotional and you wouldn’t think that. But that moment when Chrissy, I could not get the strap [inaudible] for those of you who have not heard it, the strap around my hips, and again, Cristy and I are curvy girls like we are not like straight up and down in the hip area. Like, thank you, grandma. Terahertz. We were not built that way, you know, I mean our hips are proportional to us, but back then when I was heavy, my hips were not proportional and the man had to help me and he pushed and pushed and pushed on the seatbelt. You guys and couldn’t get the seatbelt in. And I was so humiliated.
Cari: 20:02 I had to get off the ride. I was sweating, I was humiliated. And that was my why. That was my moment. That made me cry. And every time I tell this story to a group of rebels, I tear up and it’s like, it is not new. It’s not hidden. It’s not like I’m exposing something, but it’s the why that makes me cry. And let me just tell you something. You all have had stories like that. I’ve gotten emails. I was talking to a rebel at the Auburn event and she talked about, Oh Cristy, I won’t say her name, but at Disneyland going down the water ride and she was in the front going like this. And when the people behind her did some kind of fun, you know how they take the pictures, you can do a funny. Yup. And they got off when they were like, Oh, there’s a blankety-blank fat woman in the front will have to go ride the ride again.
Cari: 20:50 She’s in our picture and she blocked the April. She was so big that she blocked the people behind her and she did not realize they did not realize that she was standing right there. Oh, now let me tell you. Let me tell you something right now. Rebels. That’s a why that’ll make you cry. And you don’t think that that lady, when she was going through her weight loss journey, that she didn’t say water ride Disneyland. That was on her why and when it’s tough and when the Oreos are staring you down and when the Doritos are calling your name and when everyone’s having freaking margarita, Tuesday you are a member. How it felt to be on that water ride. And that’ll straighten your right back out. You’ve got to have a strong why. And it may be why that makes you cry. And it may not be, but you have to stay focused on that.
Cristy: 21:36 Why you have to recommit your why every day and you’re gonna feel like slipping up. I know that my, why a char to follow the water ride one. But it’s when at my heaviest, my gut, my knee would hit my gut when I was cycling on my road bike and my, I just was so thick and I would just spill out of my clothes and I had so much inflammation, I was miserable. I just remember riding so hard and being such a fast and strong cyclist, but being so fat and I don’t ever want, I don’t ever want to get on my bike and feel that again. I was miserable. And that’s what you got to hang on to when you feel like giving up. Because of the faith in the middle, when you’re just kind of grinding, you’re losing a point to point to 0.2 each day and it ain’t much, or it doesn’t feel like it’s much.
Cristy: 22:17 You gotta really dig down and say, I’m not quitting and this is the reason I’m going to hang onto this.
Cari: 22:23 The problem with being in the middle in beside the why is that you just feel so good. You know, we have a family member that’s lost over 70 pounds and they feel so good and the compliments are rolling in and you can wear all the cute clothes in a size you never thought you’d want to lose, but you got to keep going. You gotta keep going. And when you start to feel like that rebels, here’s my suggestion from someone who’s lost the weight and kept it off. It’s time to sit down and look at your why and go, okay, so then what is it? Is it what Chrissy talked about in her thing about don’t settle for mediocrity. Maybe you need to say, I’m not going to settle for being mediocre.
Cari: 23:03 I’m not going to settle for almost hitting my goal. I’m not going to settle for going halfway. Then stopping. Yeah, I feel better. Yeah, I look better, but I’m going to keep going to the end. So maybe then it’s time to rewrite your why.
Cristy: 23:16 Rewrite your why. Say that four times fast. You know, we, when we’ve seen people fall off the wagon, it’s because they have forgotten their why. I mean it’s just not, they’ve thrown away the piece of paper off the fridge. Yes. Fell on the floorboard and quit looking at it when it was on their dashboard and taped to their dashboard so they couldn’t put the car in drive without being able to see it there and all that went away and they just got caught up into other things in their life. They never kept recommitting to it every day. Then I noticed them.
Cristy: 23:44 Who did I see today? Oh, I just saw somebody today who was a good 60 pounds back to overweight after I’d gotten all that weight off of her and I just was like, you. You just forget. You forget. Hey, and that is why you should get, this is totally a different setup, but that’s why you should get the fat clothes out of your closet because when nothing fits in your closet, that’ll be a good way. I mean, you know, you go to put on every pair of jeans you own and there tight it goes, okay, I need to recommit myself to my why and all my, and of course that’s more of a maintenance thing, but as you’re losing weight, one of the biggest things that helped me was getting rid of things that didn’t fit. It’s the same idea with adjusting your why. This is a battle, folks.
Cristy: 24:24 Make no mistake about it. You’re in a battle. You’re in a battle for your health, and you’re fighting Nabisco and you’re fighting Nestle, and you’re fighting Baskin Robbins and you’re fighting McDonald’s. You truly are. Don’t make any mistake that you’re in a battle and unless you have your gun loaded and ready to go, you’re going to lose and it’s not your fault. It is the smartness of all those biochemists that are working for these companies that have got you fooled and have got us all addicted. So that’s why it’s so important to remember the why that made you cry 10 pounds ago, 20 pounds ago, 30 pounds ago, 40 pounds ago, because McDonald’s ain’t stopping. They aren’t going to go, Oh, Betty, you lost 50 pounds. Okay, we’re going to quit making big Mac sauce. No, they are right there. You know, I’ll continue to do that.
Cristy: 25:17 And the deck really is stacked against you guys is stacked against you. When you go into a lumber store like home Depot and you’ve got candy at the, where you buy your screws in lumber like that is, to me, that was just like, are you kidding me? I can’t even get lumber without being bombarded at every turn. But guys, code red stacks the deck back in your favor. Yes, you do this by staying connected to each other. We do this by having counseling courses for you. We do this by, with the four books I’ve written. We do this with the Instagrams I do every single morning coming to you live, reinforcing you saying you can do this, I’m here for you. We do this with our coaching groups or you cannot lose his life if you just stay connected to code red. We make it to where you can.
Cristy: 26:01 And there are other programs I’m sure out there. I don’t know. I mean I’ve researched my competition, but nobody quite has a strong of a community as we do. And we make it to where, man, as long as you hold our hand, we will get you through this. Right. And that is so key because like Chrissy said, it’s not if it’s when it’s gonna get tough, it’s gonna get hard. And you have to always keep in the forefront of your mind. What was my, why do I need to change my, why do I need to adjust my, why do I need to refocus on my, why do I need to tattoo it on my forehead? So every time I look in the mirror, I see it. I mean, what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do to finish strong rebels? You’ve gotta finish because you are fighting a war.
Cari: 26:45 I don’t understand this. People that aren’t prepared, they leave the house hungry Cristy, and they get so frustrated with themselves when they pull in and get a taco. It’s not your fault. You didn’t load your gun and get ready for your war. This wasn’t on your dash and in the forefront of your mind when you grab those horrible eggs and those pickles and that beef jerky, and then you left the house so you’re not preparing yourself. And then you wonder why. Your why has to be. What does the Bible say? Write the word of God on your forehead and over your doorframes and everything. Like get it forefront. You know it’s gotta be right in the front of your mind. In my code red revolution book, I actually have a section where I talk about putting yourself on video and talking about on video, how you feel.
Cristy: 27:30 Anytime I’ve ever, I’m a recovering binge eater. Anytime I’ve ever fallen off the wagon and I have binge eaten and then I’m miserable right afterward. Cause that that euphoric feeling only lasts for just a couple of minutes or even a few seconds depending on what you eat and then you’re sick. Right. And I would be doubled over in pain and I would say, why can’t you remember how you’re feeling right now? Well, guess what? Remember it. I mean, write it down. Write down how terrible you feel when you do something like that recorded on a video. Cry to yourself on a video and beg yourself your future self to not do that again. I love that tip. That is so powerful. That is so powerful. We just, we laugh at the fact that we have to recommit. We all commit to other things and we won’t recommit to our health each day, but it is a daily recommitment because it is a war.
Cristy: 28:18 It is a battle out there and the stack is deck to get you this. I was like, that sounds so good. Is that a new saying? I love it. I didn’t even think twice about it until you laughed. I was like, yes. Amen. Nailed it. Yeah, right. Go Cristy guys, we really hope that this has kind of shaken you to the core and it’s woken you up. Some of you guys who might be off the wagon, some of you guys who might be disconnected from us and you’re listening to this and you’re quietly in the background thinking about this and you’re like, you know what? I do remember when blank was when I wanted to do blank. And then you know guys, we welcome you back to Code Red with open arms. We love you. We want you back. Rewrite down your why on a fresh piece of paper and a fresh piece of tape and stick it to the fridge, stick it to the bathroom mirrors, stick it to your dashboard.
Cristy: 29:03 Guys, we want you back. You can do this. You can keep going. You’re worth it. You deserve this.
Cari: 29:10 And this is going to be an amazing story to tell someday. You know, who knows? Maybe you’ll be facing a bunch of future baby rebels and you’re going to stand there and say, “Let me tell you about my why that made me cry. Let me tell you how I got to stand here in front of you guys.” Some day that could be you. There are no limitations to your testimony and to your story.
Cristy: 29:32 Oh, that is so true. You might be a future Code Red coach. I mean who knows, who knows? This is going to be a great story, but you’ve got this day committed every single day. Recommit, recommit, recommit. So, guys, we hope you enjoyed Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle on “Remember your why that makes you cry”. Join us next time and go to 10poundtakedown.com for the latest registration for the next challenge. We’re excited to have you onboard and we’ll talk to you all very soon. Thank you Sis.
Cari: 29:59 Thank you. Bye, everybody.
Cristy: 30:03 Thanks so much for listening to this episode of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. Do you have a question that you’d like me to answer raw and uncut on the podcast? Then all you have to do is head over to Apple Podcast on your phone or computer and do three simple things. Leave a rating and review telling me what you think of the podcast and in that review, ask anything you want related to helping, weight loss or mindset. And if you want to shout out, leave your Instagram handle or name, that’s all. Then listen in to hear your question answered, live, raw and uncut on the next Q and A episode. So, I’ll see you in the next episode of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle.