Look, I get that feeling hungry isn’t your favorite feeling, but the way I see people carry on about it, you’d think they were being tortured.
Like I always say: Ain’t nobody gonna die from skipping a meal.
That being said, the way we eat on the Code Red Lifestyle™ is VERY filling for most people, which means you naturally eat less, and you get more bang for the buck with what you do eat.
In fact, most Code Red Rebels find they save money on food, and can go for hours without feeling hungry.
But there are a handful of reasons you may still feel hungry on the Code Red Lifestyle™.
Before I share them with you, I wanna clarify what I mean when I say hunger.
I’m not talking about “hangry,” and you having the shakes and a sweaty upper lip.
I’m talking about you feeling empty. Maybe your stomach is growling, maybe it’s not, but it feels nice and empty.
1. Hormone fluctuations.
If you’re a woman who hasn’t been through menopause, that time of the month may result in increased hunger and cravings. It’s temporary, so hang in there, and drink some hot tea.
Also, since hormones are stored in fat, they’ll enter your bloodstream as you lose weight. This, too, may result in hunger or cravings.
Because the sensation of hunger is created by hormones, people whose bodies are really screwed up may not ever feel hungry. Then they join Code Red, their hormones start balancing, and the sensation of hunger returns.
Hunger is a GOOD THING.
2. Lack of sleep.
When I tell you sleep is THE #1 rule in weight loss, the fact lack of sleep increases hunger and cravings in most people is one of many reasons why.
The water you drink helps curb your appetite, and so will getting enough sleep.
3. Not eating enough healthy fat.
One of the biggest problems with the low-fat diet is, it’s not very filling. You MIGHT fill up at meal time, but typically you’re hungry again in an hour or two.
Fat is filling and satiating. Make sure you’re adding healthy fats, like nuts, avocado, butter, seeds, eggs, coconut oil, ghee, and so on, to your meals.
4. Less volume.
On Code Red, we don’t snack between meals. Plus, Custom Program clients get custom calorie amounts.
In either case, you may be eating less volume than you’re used to, and your body’s throwing a fit.
Hang in there. Your body will adjust in a few days.
I know hunger is a distracting sensation.
But you’re not starving out just because you don’t eat between meals, or because you’re experiencing hormone fluctuations.
Most Code Red Rebels don’t feel like they’re starving all the time, like they did on other programs, and that’s one reason (of many) Code Red’s so popular.
5. Exercise.
Exercise increases hunger, and because of that, a lot of people who exercise consume more food without realizing it, gain weight, then tell themselves, “Well, I’m putting on muscle.”
Odds are, you’re not.
It does depend on the type of exercise you’re doing, and how much of it you’re doing.
If you’re walking your dog half a mile twice a day (which I consider movement, but not “exercise), it’s unlikely to affect your appetite.
If you’re busting your hump with heavy weights in CrossFit, on the other hand, or running 10 miles a day, it probably will.
If you choose to “exercise” in weight loss mode (especially on a Custom Program), be mindful of the fact you’ll likely feel hungrier.
Whatever its cause, don’t let the sensation of hunger send you off the rails.
It’s totally normal, and it’s a good thing, because it means your body is digesting your food and balancing your hormones.