How To Introduce Your Family To Code Red (And How Not To Do It!) – Episode 26

introduce family to diet plan

What Is This Episode About…

Introducing Code Red to family members could be tricky! In this episode, we will be giving you tips and tricks on how to navigate this rocky terrain and also what NOT to do. 

Whether it’s your first time going on a weight loss program or it’s your 25th attempt, we think it’s best that you prove it to yourself that you can stick to it before introducing the lifestyle to your immediate family. Once you know that you can stick to it, then you loop in your family. 

This lifestyle shift takes a lot of effort on your part, but it also takes a lot of effort from your family, especially if they aren’t in weight loss mode – or have no desire to. 

Combine this with the fact that one of our biggest rules when you first get on Code Red is you’ve got to clear out the pantry and you have an interesting situation. 

So what do you do when you when this is one of our core rules but you have this family that is not interested in your new lifestyle?

Stay tuned and Cari and I will walk you through it.

Key Takeaways

  • If others in your household are not on board, it gets tough (9:10)
  • Prove it to yourself first, and tell your significant other it’s working (15:05)
  • If your partner is not on board, put the junk food out in their garbage! (16:35)
  • Not talking about weight, but about healthy choices (22:56)
  • Moving kids along the road of learning; making it fun (26:31)
  • Don’t judge other people in the grocery store (36:31)

Learn More About The Content Discussed…

Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.

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When Was It Released…

This episode was released September 18, 2019

Episode Transcript…

The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors


Intro:          00:03 I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle where we believe food pulls the power to heal or poison and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight-up truth because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening. Welcome back to Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle


Cristy:          00:30 Everybody. Hi, I am your host Cristy Code Red, but I am joined and I’m so glad I am joined by Cari Thompson, my second in command, she’s running Code Red. Thank you Cari for being on here. 


Cari:          01:00 Cristy, I think that this has become hands down my most favorite thing to do. I love it. I mean I love getting to talk to you of course, and then getting to see you and talk to people and, and you know when we, your podcast, of course, is super high rated anyway, but when we do these podcasts together, people love it. I don’t know if it’s just like the Yin and Yang or what. Well, you know what Dad told mom, dad told mom, mom finally got him started on Bluesy new or podcast and he was just like, well, now how do I do it? You know like dad, like this.


Cristy:          01:19 Now how do I do it, honey? You’re like and sold it way out dads. Yeah, right. Holding it away out to hear. I’m sorry Jesus. Forgive me for making fun of hope. All right, so dad said, well now I can hardly tell the two of them apart. Yeah, I know. I can’t see either. Wait a minute. Your our father, you fathered us and you can’t tell us apart. Well, then I guess you better watch the youtube recording. Yeah, that’s right. Yeah, right. Speaking of Youtube, Cari, you know what I’m wearing right now. You know what, I’m, those should be watching a Youtube. You can see that I don’t wear glasses, but I have one knee. I am wearing my Swanwick Sleepwear Glasses. So for those of you listening on podcast sets, that’s awesome. I’m going to describe it to you, but those of you who listened on a watching on Youtube, I have on my classic day wear Swanwick glasses and we partnered up with the Swanwick, which is an Australian owned, family-owned company a few months ago because sleep is so important.


Cristy:          02:18 And so they make several different kinds of glasses. But our two main glasses that carry an eye use in every member of our staff and all of our coaches and all of our rebels is the day where, and the nightwear right now wearing the day wear glasses to reduce eye strain from the screens and from the blue light. But then they make a tinted lens for, well, you know nightwear and it drastically reduces what the blue light that blocks your Melatonin and prevents you from sleeping. Oh, they are amazing. And you know, I don’t, I just think that sometimes everyone’s like wet. But when you think about it, we are in front of technologies so much these days. Cristy, your phones, your computer, when you go to the doctor’s office, everyone’s got a screen, have a screen in that room. When you go to the grocery store, there are screens.


Cristy:          03:02 When you go to the bank, there are three or four screens you have to look at. You aren’t exposed to blue light all the time and it really messes up your circadian rhythms. It’s not good for your brain, you know, really, we were never engineered to be around blue light, so our human brains are not used to that. You know, maybe someday we will evolve, you know, like cave in Kentucky here that I was in, they have an Eilis fish and Eilis fish. Well, that took a few years to become Eilis because it’s so dark in a cave. They don’t need eyes. So maybe someday will be adapted to blue light. But for now, you need Swannies to come on through. It’s really screwing us up and show what Code Red can offer you, which we’re so thankful for this and excited. If you go to and you want to order a pair of their Swannies, that’s the nickname for them, and you enter the code red, you’re going to get 15% off. That’s a good chunk of money. Yeah, and for now I’m going to go ahead and put them up on my head because there’s a glare in the camera, but when I know, well I’m on, we’re on her device to 16 hours a day. 


Cari:          04:02 I know Karen and I are, you know, so Cristy, I’ll drive across town for 10% off. That’s all I’m saying.


Cristy:          04:15 I love the save money 15% goes a long way. I wanted to show you guys all that. Definitely get your glasses, Cari. I want it to read before we get into this awesome podcast. We’ve got 363 ratings so far on the podcast, which by the way has not been out very along. I think we’re on episode 20 something at the time of this recording here. Afive-starr rating called thank you. So I’m going to go ahead and give a shout out to this person, but it’s a very, just a bunch of letters and numbers. A K, l d nine eight three seven one. Recently my daughter expressed having social anxiety because she was caring too much about whether people thought about her. I sent her your podcast. Nobody cares as much as you think. And I told her to listen to it.


Cristy:          04:58 I’m so thankful to have you in my life, Cristy. And now my daughter’s life. You give such good words of wisdom and cut straight to the chase. I appreciate everything that you’re doing, not just for me but for everyone. God bless you and your team Kendra in Puyallup. Oh, I’ll pull out Washington. So who am I saying it wrong? Oh Wow. Wow. Well Up. Okay. Got It. They’re all gonna be like messaging us. Yeah. Who can be like dear the code. Right. So thank you Kendra. And I’m show thankful that your daughter was able to find here is Mama Jack. 71 says love being a rebel. Amen. Code read forever. And we’ll just go ahead and read one more since, cause I know we just, this is from two you guys in your names too. I think it’s pimple smiles do Pymble smiles gave us five stars.


Cristy:          05:51 Thank you for that. And the caption says rubble for life. Christy is so real and has the biggest heart. Her passion for this, her life’s work is awe inspiring. I just signed up for my fourth challenge so I can get these last pounds off. I have literally been maintaining not in maintenance for the last 10 months and it’s time to get really committed. These podcasts are great support. Thank you Christie. You are a lifeline. Thank you so much to Pymble smiles for your awesome review. Well I could just go on and on. I see another one that says you saved me. Oh come on. Oh No, no. Listen to something when you’re driving Christi, either you could listen to some, somebody yakking it up on a station or you could turn on a podcast and learn something. That’s why you and I are so into furthering our education and staying up on the things with this lifestyle.


Cristy:          06:39 And Nutrition and health and science because I’m going to listen to something while I’m sitting there doing work. I might as well. Why not? You know, it’s funny because people always like, what music motivates you. You work out what you wrote. I go, I listen to books on audio, business books, or I’ll listen to podcasts. I mean, look at this. I’m going to show you guys, this is what is on. So this is Joyce Meyer. I’m holding the camera, the phone up to the camera. I was working my way through a podcast called what is sin, part one. And so I guys, this is what I listen to. I mean, I’m not, I don’t do the music thing. But anyway, thank you all so much for your ratings, your reviews. Thank you for going out of your way to tell us how we’re doing and to, to give us love.


Cari:          07:19 It makes us really feel good and just, we take it, we really take it to heart, so thank you. Yeah. Sometimes we feel like we’re in a dark basement just doing these recordings. Yeah, right. Those of you who can’t see I’m my basements dark because it’s, it is super hot outside so I am just keeping all the lights off and keeping it cool. So show today we’re going to talk about and Annabel just walked up. She pushed the door open. We have new doors installed to make my living room and doing it in office. So she just walked up to my leg and pressed against me. And now let me just see if she’s going to lay down. Okay. She is, she wants to and she wants out. Guys, we want to talk about introducing Code Red to your family and what to do when a nobody on board with you. Yeah. Cristy, are we talking more? Do you want to think of it like immediate family or do you want to think about extended family? What do you think? In my mind I think is going to be, they’re going to be the best and we can talk about both, but let’s definitely hit on immediate family. People that live in your household. Boy, howdy. I think we got, yeah, get rid of everybody. That truth bombs are coming.


Cristy:          08:28 You know, and it’s hard because one of our biggest rules when you first get on Code Red is you’ve got to clear out the pantry. Cause Cari and I are both proximity eaters and most of us are, if it’s in your house, it doesn’t matter. Your willpower will wane, especially at the end of the day and you will eat it. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when you have a weak moment. We both have weak moments. I’m telling you, you’re going to reach for it. So cleaning out your pantry is job one. Well, how do you clean out your pantry when you’ve got spouse, kids that eat pop tarts and goldfish crackers. And this could go the other way. You know, we’ve certainly had rebel husbands that have lost quite a bit of weight and the wives were not on board or partners. So you know, we’re not saying husband, wives couldn’t be partners as well.


Cari          09:10 If your partner, your significant other, the person you decided to spend this part of your life with does not onboard. It makes it tough. Even if you’re a single mom or a single dad and your kids aren’t on board. Different situations though, it’s a different situation. If a someone who helps pay for the household that is a part owner isn’t on board, then the children that you support are onboard. In my mind Christy, those are kind of different situations. Yeah, right. And you could be a roommate situation. She’ll let’s shake the spouse. Let’s take the spouse or the significant other. Your partner both pay 50 50 of the house and we’re just going to say 50 50 obviously there’s different situations for different people, but she’ll, let’s say you are gonna make a change in your diet and you don’t want to be around the crap anymore, but your partner doesn’t want to and you’re a 50% so my kind of harsh Christy, very Christie, very black and white way to look at this is, is look, because I live with a man who doesn’t eat code red show.


Cristy:          10:14 I’m laughing cause we’ve had this discussion. I’m not laughing. I love miles. I think he’s amazing and it pisses me off. I’m sorry Jesus. It pisses me off because, because he has six pack abs and he just, and he’s not a garbage gut, but gosh darn it, he’s not code red and he, and it’s not right. It’s not fair. So you and I gotta be careful we and these guys not fair at all, so, but life isn’t fair. They’re also not this beautiful either. Even at 60 years old, he still has the adequate amount of testosterone. He still has good lean mass on his body. He still has a high metabolism. He is still, so I take that, let me tell you what my viewing Cari, she might want to soften it or you might be on board with what I say. If you are a spouse or partner of somebody, you have got 50 50 owner of that house.


Cristy:          11:03 Therefore you got 50 50 a say show on what is left in the house of what’s in that kitchen and fridge. Show it that spouse has got, that partner’s going to come your way a little bit. I mean, if you’re saying, hey, come on, why are you bringing the Josephinum, the chips home, you know, and Rosa, Leah, those really good Mexican restaurant chips, you know, why are you bringing those home? You know, those tempt me, you know, like you gotta be able to find a middle ground on this. I think it needs to be a discussion. I don’t think it needs to be a, you’re going to do a mile away and we’re going to get rid of all the crap in the house. And I think it needs to be a discussion. And you know, I know with my husband when I, I mean I was eating coke red before, but when we really buckled down, he was okay with that.


Cari:          11:46 But it wasn’t like I’m going to tell you how the grass is going to grow. I definitely was like, okay, what do you think is negotiable? He was like, can I still have rice? Of course he’s not in weight loss mode. He can have rice a small amount. And again, this is not a code red weight loss approved food, but that was a sacrifice or a halfway, I’m not going to cook up rice. I don’t like it. Now Have Christie, we’re married to my husband’s. She’d be like, get the rest out of the house cause I love rise but it’s not a thing for me. So I think there’s a give and take with that discussion. Don’t just assume, let’s make a discussion. And you know like the other thing Christie, sometimes they’ve heard you do this 25 times and do I think code red will be different?


Cristy:          12:25 Absolutely. Do I think this is the time you’re going to take your life back? Yes. Do I believe you’re committed? Yes. But you gotta realize that your significant other has maybe heard you do this so many times. I’m going to take this pill, I’m going to start going to the gym. I’m going to start with this, shake a, I have this special patch I’m going to put on my arm starting Monday. We’re getting rid of all the crap. So they first might not believe you keep that in mind like, you know, and I’m not, again, not judging you, not judging them, but you gotta keep that in mind. There’s a dynamic in play, broken promise after broken promise, after broken commitment after Brooklyn commitment. The great thing about code red is it’s real food, water, and sleep. It is the proper human diet. It is what we were designed to eat.


Cari:          13:09 And it’s what we’ve been eating for a millennia until processed food came along and, and so, but you’re right. I mean, that’s what doesn’t go out of style. It’s not a fad but drink. Right. I didn’t even think about that part. They might’ve been seen. Can we tell that story? Yeah. Our Kasey, our Cassie, Adam’s, our chief compliance officer, because she had had, how much weight did she lose Christie and four months, 75 pounds in four months. [inaudible] Five pounds in four months. Y’all. She ain’t bigger than a minute. I’m just saying. And Kasey did not. And again, she loves her husband. She wasn’t keeping anything from him, but because she had tried so many things and failed, guess what she did? She kept her mouth shut. When she started code red. She didn’t say a word. She just did it. And then once her testimony became obvious, he was inspired and then it was easier to get this stuff out of the house.


Cristy:          13:57 Do you see what I mean? And now they’re both amazing code red people. We’ve had her husband at many events. He’s an ambassador. She is an amazing staff that we couldn’t live without. So I mean, you see what I mean? Like she let herself be the example. So instead of being like rule and cleaning out everything and making everybody mad and causing a big fight, there are lots of different ways. But one way maybe what Carsey said, hey, I’m 50% you need to come part way the other way. Maybe I’m going to do this for a couple of weeks and then I’m going to let how I look and how I feel and, and my attitude and how much better I’m sleeping and how much better I feel about myself. Be The testimony to maybe start that talk about let’s get the junk out of the house. I liked that.


Cristy:          14:40 And we did have a client I want to finally, she would do really well and then she’d fall off and finally, and I’d tell the story a lot. We identified that she was sneaking into when she was having a moment, husband’s junk food twice. Said, well, could you have a conversation with your husband? And he had no idea that his junk food was causing her to stumble because they never talked about it. So man, I totally agree with you. I would love to, you know, start it and prove yourself, kind of, you know, prove it to yourself and then maybe sit down and say, all right, here’s the deal. This is really working for me. Can we get your junk food in a Rubbermaid bin in the garage or can we keep it? Miles keeps Carey and make sure he’s not listening. Miles’ keep it.


Cristy:          15:24 Miles keeps, I found tortilla chips in his office. I can a little hidden spot. Not tortilla chips, corn chips, corn chips. So I’m sitting in like Oreos, like superheroes, the kind that you would scoop a chili or something, you know, and I was sitting in his leather chair talking about something. I look over and I see like GM than a crack between the wall and his in his desk there were free no chips, right? And I go, what? And he goes, don’t look over there like that. He stashes it in his office. And I didn’t even, I mean it was, I’d never, you, Cristy would not even in a moment of weakness, go down to his office and eat that word. I would never even go into his office. I had a child, my niece Ellie lived with us when she was just getting ready to leave high school and she would be like, Aunt Cari, I’m going to go get this horrible thing.


Cari:          16:12 I didn’t want her to eat. And I would be like, that’s fine, but keep it in your room. I would not go into Ellie’s room and go and search for this thing and eat it. But if it were Dan upstairs in the Pantry, I would have totally eaten it. So I’m like Cristy, that client Christie was talking about, as long as it is packaged up and somewhere separate, I do find, so there’s nothing wrong. If your spouse, your significant other is not on board, pack it up, put it out in their garage, put it in a row, Bay tote. If you need to write on there, whatever your name is, Betty, no. Or not for Betty, not for Bob. Whatever. That stops you a red tote and you go, oh, okay, well seriously it’s not mine. That for me really works. I’m like, Christy, if there’s a bowl and M&M sitting up, I’m going to eat him.


Cristy:          17:02 It’s a proximity, but I won’t leave right now after this podcast and go get M&Ms in the store. I wouldn’t even think to do that. Yeah, it really helps in miles knows he kept whatever cause he knows I love chips and he kept him in his office and I’ve found little things, but I don’t ever go, it was a smart move all the way around because there’s no junk in our actual pantry and things that I would eat. There’s nothing in there. So I’m so thankful about that. So that’s an idea. But if you have a partner who is not code red and not on board and maybe doesn’t believe it, and maybe even kind of trash talk or talk you and says, Oh, another one, another bullcrap died, you’re going to waste our family money on or whatever. However far they take it, the worst thing you can do is say anything about it.


Cari:          17:43 Let your testimony speak. Let your actions speak your commitment. Speak. Oh, they’ll ask [inaudible] just like everybody in your life when they see you losing weight. We had a relative, I won’t say who, just in case people listening and this person has lost a significant amount of late weight with Code Red and none of the other family Kristy was saying anything. And I said to this person, oh, they noticed they don’t want to say anything because they’re jelly. That’s my personal opinion. So trust me, your spouse, your significant other, your husband, your wife, they’re going to notice, Oh yes, they will. So you need to walk the walk, walk the walk. And you were just talking about Cassie and Tim. Tim when I’ve done many interviews with Cassie and Tim about their, how this whole, the whole thing happened. The first thing Tim said was not, I started to catch on when I noticed her weight loss.


Cristy:          18:38 No, he says, I started to catch on and ask questions when I noticed her attitude change. Really? Yes. He says, I just noticed she was acting different. She was happier. She had more energy. She was up earlier in the morning. That’s when I noticed that something was different and so I started to look into and then I asked her, Cassie, what’s going on? And she said, well, I’ve been on this code red thing and I’ve dropped 18 pounds so far. Wow. Oh my God. But that’s not the first thing they’ve noticed heap. So they’re going to know though. They notice, they notice don’t make any mistake. People are watching. Your spouse is watching your kids and watching your mother-in-law’s watching your sister’s watching your neighbors sees you. When you get the mail, they notice the worst thing you could do is nag them. Yeah. Don’t make it your fight.


Cristy:          19:23 Just, it’s just like I’m going to an event with family, extended family, and they’re like, why are you drinking that water? You’re going to flood your kidneys and then ma’am, don’t argue. I give a talk on what to do when you get to your doctors and I tell my clients, our code, red clients, don’t argue with your doctors. Don’t try to argue the science. I mean, just let your numbers, let your BMI, let your weight, let your other lab work. Let that be the testimony. Just don’t, it’s not worth it. I personally don’t think that’s a battle. I would watch the Bible say it’s better to live in a hovel alone than in a mansion with a woman who’s nagging. You are right. Very proverbs. I just kind of butchered that. Can Somebody look up that? But it’s true. You’d rather live in nothing than someone who’s just nagging.


Cristy:          20:12 You constantly just let, I think if it’s a spouse or a significant other, just let them do and you just beat. Let this be the catalyst to say, this time it’s going to be different this time, ed, things are going to be different. Bob Or Jean, you know, whatever the name is, whatever, whatever, whatever. Bill, I don’t care. Like John Christmas. Okay, Karen. He always says Karen, Karen, we love him. Anyway, that’s how we would deal with partners, right when it comes to kids. Now Cari has kids. I do. I’ll say what I think, and I think Cari’s gonna agree, but guys, you can take what she says to the bank because she has kids. When it comes to guys, I think do not make a big deal about the change. Slowly replace their pop tarts or goldfish crackers. They’re egos with Code Red Waffles. So don’t say anything.


Cari:          21:06 Don’t make a big deal about it. I agree. Cristy, I’m using the the eyebrow. Can everyone see that? My kids say, mom, how do you do that? Mama, I’ve been practicing. I can’t do that. I’m like, Oh, this is years of being aggravated at kids right here. And for those of you listening, not watching, she’s raising one eyebrow or way up in the hill looking at the camera. It’s funny, we all have that look, all of that to say, hey, that is what is saying is right on. Ultimately you’re the boss. Ultimately, this is going to sound harsh, Christie. I don’t know if I can say it. Do it sis do it. If your child ends up with diabetes, that’s you. Yeah, that’s you. I mean, it really is. And you know what? I’m in a situation where I have a child that struggles with some issues.


Cristy:          21:58 I don’t think that they’ll ever listen to this and you know, weight being one of them. And I say to myself, if this child ends up with diabetes because she’s beat her pancreas up because she’s been allowed, when not with me to eat whatever she wants, what do you do? That’s on me. So ultimately, even though you’re trying to be a great mom, we’re really not there to be their friends. You know, ultimately you have to protect their health. You really don’t want them to come see us. And there are two different lines. I like what Cristy says about gradual, and I don’t think you have to make a big deal of it. I’ll tell you, even though I do this job and my daughter Anne Marie can recite to you all the code red, she knows what Code Red Foods aren’t. She knows what Code Red Foods are. She thinks when Christie goes away that she’s going to be the next code red as what she thinks.


Cristy:          22:46 She also wants to be a Disney imagineer. I told her she needs to learn her nines times tables. Okay? Yep. But a, all that to say, even though she knows all that, we don’t talk about weight, we talk about healthy choices and if you guys can just take that as the stance you take with your children, depending on the age, healthy fuel, you know, little Billy, you want to do great in the basketball game today. Let’s give your body some pepperoni and some cream cheese and let’s give your body, you know, some good yummy water and maybe you know, some all lives though, that’s fuel Billy for the game instead of fueling with something else and you got to take the age they’re at. We talk about healthy choices all the time with Emory, we’ll go to the store and she wants something to eat.


Cristy:          23:35 I’ll say, well, what’s a healthy choice? And she’ll be like, oh, okay. And she gets the heart pack of hard boiled eggs or those little protein packs. Again, not ideal, but when you’re in those situations. So try to, I like the idea of making changes gradually and just slowly moving those things out. I like the idea of talking to them about healthy choices and giving, empowering them to make the choice. And then I liked this idea and I mean this is going to shock some of you. Okay. It’s deep. No, there you go. You can’t have pop rocks. No, you can’t have Pepsi. No, you do not need to eat a twinkie before you go to bed. In the words of Carol, Tera Hurst, our mother, if you drink some water and go to sleep, you won’t be hungry. I’m just saying that’s what we heard all the time growing up. Cristy, am I wrong or am I wrong?


Cari:          24:28 Oh my gosh. In parents. Let me tell your moms and dads, don’t bring it home. Stop buying it. Do you honestly think that those kids can turn it down if it’s here at home, nobody can turn it down if it’s here and home. And now I want to just clarify. I’m not some Nazi parent that is not letting my child ever, I’m not one time back when I was heavy Christie, I met this dietician and her kids came over to play with my kids and I had Cheetos because I was a quality mother back then. And and the little boys that were the dieticians kids said are these carrot sticks? And I thought, oh, somebody that these kids did not know what Cheetos were. Well you know what props to that mom now. Now Fat Cari was like, I think someone should call it child protection.


Cristy:          25:16 Because back then I didn’t see the significance of what this woman had to do to protect her children from eating the junk food because they were the same age as my kids. And Trust me, my kids knew all about Cheetos back then. So, you know, I think that it’s a matter of perspective and, and now I’m just like, the answer is no, no, no. Again, I don’t say no to everything all the time. You know, at school when they do well, they call it clipping up. They’re going to give her something. Am I gonna write a note to the school and tell them that she can’t have that one little now and later? No, I’m not like, I mean come on. But at home I can control what takes place in her packed lunch. I can control what takes place. But you know what? She does get Christy once a week she can pick a school lunch and she comes home and says, I make good choices, mom.


Cristy:          26:14 I had the fresh fruit again is fine for kids. I had the fresh fruit instead of the canned fruit cause I know there’s sugar in it and she says, I got a baked potato but I didn’t eat the whole thing again, she’s a kid. Different situation. But do you see what I mean? Let’s get them to be critical thinkers. Let’s move them along that road of learning. How to be critical thinkers. Is she perfect? No. Does she want candy? Yes. But you know when I speak to kids groups and when I speak to kids in general, they want to be healthy, they want to take control. And so I find that educating the kids really helps, helps them understand why we do not eat the sugar. It is toxic to our bodies. It really is. Oh my gosh. And so it’s educating them and also we find that if you can have your kid have choices, would you like the Salami or would you like to blank the blank of the blank, which, which one do you want?


Cristy:          27:06 Which piece of fruit do you want? Which type of nut do you want? And make it fun. Christie and Marie, and I’m only using an Marie’s example guys, cause she’s the only one left at home. Everyone else has gone, but she loves a salad. She also loves this awesome garlic vinegarette that we have. She loves it. She says, Mama, that smells like garlic and oil in a bottle. I’m like, well that’s because it is. And guess what if she wants it on her salad? Oh yeah. I’ll go buy as many bottles as that child wants because she’s eating spinach, she’s eating carrots, she’s eating green salad, not just iceberg. I know it’s amazing, but you know, you have to let them have ketchup, but grab the sugar-free ketchup guys. It’s about these small, insidious changes that I think makes such a big difference down the road. Yeah, and we all should know.


Cristy:          27:53 I know my mom, I’m not, mom’s not the only one ever come up with this tip, but she’s really an adamant about letting your child help make the food. Oh, I love that. I love that. I do. And they’ll take ownership of it. Yeah. Make it fun. Like today, when Amery got home from school, she was hungry. So I took those little silicone and trust me, I’m no Pinterest mom. Okay, let’s make that clear. I will, I mean, one of our coaches was making a pin, Jada, and I was like, wow. Like that is the, I, I’m, you know, I cannot be doing that kind of stuff. But I just took the little silicone baking cups, Christie, and I put five of them on her little plate. And then I just did like a couple of olives in one, a couple of chunks of this and the other.


Cari:          28:34 I mean, and she just was like, oh. And she ate the same stuff as she would have been like, Eh, if I just put it on the plate. So, you know, it doesn’t take a little bit of effort. Yes. Do you have to make butterflies in the shape of a Barry’s? No. You don’t. I mean, I’m not, you know, come on. There’s only so many hours in the day. Right? I notice those moms sometime, like you said, Pinterest, mom, they’re like doing these. Oh my gosh. They do all these beautiful fluffy Ba Dah, Dah, Dah. My God. Like the Mickey Mouse. Correct. Man. Cakes. All right. Whatever’s gonna make ’em meet the code. You know? But guys can do this. You can introduce your family to Code Red and studies have shown it. They get two healthy meals at home. It’s enough to debunk whatever they’re getting from their friends at school.


Cristy:          29:17 So you can do this. Don’t bring it home. Don’t make a big deal about it. Be an example. Be a testimony. Don’t say anything. Light your actions. Speak for themselves. Yes, I agree. And it’s okay to come up with a mid road compromise. For instance, on the Code Red Plan, you would not take sugar-free pudding and mix it with heavy whipping cream and eat that all day long because that would not be good for your five-year-old. That’s a great alternative to ice cream. I love that. So, so kind of realize that even though you, the people that are listening are doing code red strict, you have your rules and regulations. They don’t have to weigh and measure their food and have avocados with every meal. I mean you got to kind of find that middle ground guys because you don’t want to turn them off from it. I’ll never forget Christie, and I think I’ve told this story, but when I was in high school, mom felt, I felt like I had a weight problem.


Cristy:          30:12 I went to mom, mom and dad, as you know, we didn’t have a lot of money growing up. She took me to some kind of program. They gave me a menu and mom went, and again we didn’t buy meat at the grocery store. Let me make that clear. You guys like we didn’t go and buy meat. We had deer and elk and whatever was on the farm. My mom went and bought fish and we, the only time we ever had fishes when we went fishing and she came home and cooked it up because that was what they told us to eat on the menu. And so that is so has stuck in my mind, not only my mom’s commitment to me and trying to help me, but that we didn’t try to adjust what we were already doing. The elk and deer at home was perfectly fine for me.


Cristy:          30:50 So remember what you have. Sometimes it’s just we don’t have to go buy the expensive fish at the store. They don’t have to do exactly what you’re doing and you could still get great results when it comes to your family doing this. Guys that we just asked you to get the kids off the sugar, the juice, the soda, we want them off of the sugar. They dig. They can do sugar-free popsicles. I had a parent say to me, so now my kid’s not supposed to have a good summer and I’m not split. You know what? I’m taking away all his how had memories cause I don’t let them have popsicles. No, you let them have sugar-free popsicles. We just want you to get the kids off. The sugar is not a big deal. I think Christie, if they can just take away, like you said, juice and pop and I think the outright candy and the processed carby crap.


Cari:          31:32 So your chips, your Hohos, your those kind of packaged your fruit snacks, any of that kind of stuff. Give them real fruit, give them real fruit, let them have real fruit. That is not a problem for these kids. And again this is, can I have a fruit roll up? No, but you can have a scoop of strawberries with a little bit of Stevia on it and some heavy whipping cream. Shh. On top a little bit for the mouth. They love that. I’m not saying that ever happens in our house. I’ve heard of it happening in Cristy’s house. No, I’m teasing. But I mean you don’t have to go crazy and be like, oh, we don’t eat that crap in our house. We don’t eat. Do you know how many grams of sugar is on a foot roll up? You know, come on, come on. Come on now.


Cristy:          32:13 Just because you can’t have it. Try to kind of come up with alternatives for them and that goes for your husband too. My husband loves banana pudding Christi and so I’ll get the sugar free banana pudding, make it with heavy whipping cream. He thinks he’s died and gone to heaven. He thinks I’m making some kind of dessert getting, again, we’re getting off the sugar. You’re getting your family off. The sugar is so easy to do. The these days, guys with the monkfruit and the Stevia is so easy to do with the free products out there. The market has risen to meet the demand of the people. The market will answer and it has answered. Cari and I went to Quito con Oh and there are so many sugar-free. There’s no reason why you’re family needs to have sugar. So introducing them to Code Red is not hard.


Cristy:          32:57 And getting them on the right path of good, healthy decisions is not hard. And when it comes to your extended family or your friends outside of the home, I would like Cari said, don’t argue with them. Don’t argue. They’re going to ask you one of two questions. It’s going to be, why are you doing that? Oh, that just tells you they’re not ready to hear. Don’t even argue. Don’t say anything. Or the second question is, hey, so what are you doing? What’s going on? They’re going to ask him, why are you doing that? Or what are you doing? Yes. And one of them means, all right, 10 pound take down challenges coming up. Your friend is ready to get on that challenge and learn about how they can get healthy and take their life back. The other one is you’re just prime for an argument.


Cari:          33:36 Yeah, I agree with you. 100% Cristy and rebels. You need to know what you’re going to say when somebody asks you. I have a set line before I took this position and it’s something like, Oh, I’m losing weight. I’ve been, of course this is because it was my sister. I’m following my sister’s plan. Or You could just say something like, Oh, you know, I’ve been losing weight. I’ve been eating real food. I’ve been drinking water and I’ve been sleeping. It’s so simple, and if they’re like, tell me more. You just say, Oh, I just got rid of all that process junk. You don’t need to go. Okay. When you’re in the fat burning mode, you’ll find that your body processes it just kind of with your line and that is your line. Memorize it, use it. You just don’t need to go there. It just, it gummies things up and people don’t want to hear it.


Cristy:          34:26 Oh, people really want to hear is weight watchers, weight loss surgery. You know, Oh, I’ve taken finfin wait, I thought that was off the market. Oh, I got her to the doctor down the road. I mean, you know, they, they just want to hear what you’re doing. Like Cristy said, when they have the right attitude, then they’ll be like, really? Tell me. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. Just have your line. Just know it and it’ll make your life so much easier. And guys, once again, it starts with you and it starts with you. When you get on Code Red and you get off the crap, your body starts functioning the way you were designed. The proper human diet, your skin is going to glow. You’re going to have energy, you’re going to sleep better. You’re going to have a better attitude. You’re going to just in the weight is going to be falling off and you’re just, your rings are going to fit looser.


Cristy:          35:08 Everything in your life changes. Your eyes are brighter. You just have a spring in your step. And that’s when people start to notice and that’s when they’re going to ask you. And so when it comes to your family, just be the testimony and then they’re going to come to you when you’re ready. But as far as your kids goes, guys, we gave you a lot of great tips and tricks for that. It’s not difficult. It’s not hard. Don’t make it harder than it is and your spouse will be watching you be cool with that. Just be understand where your sponsor’s coming from. If they’re like another, I mean, we have a cousin who spent $14,000 on diets over the course of 10 years. Yeah, your spouse is going to be a little bit skeptical. That’s you. I mean, I understand where they’re coming from. You’re spending family money on failed diets, so maybe they’re going to be a little skeptical and don’t, don’t fault him for that.


Cari:          35:50 And the main thing you don’t want to do, folks is you don’t want to be in the church potluck line with your plate. Be like, Nah, this crap is code red. Oh, red does not code red jet’s not code red. It’s just let me tell you, I’ll make some enemies. I’ve seen people do it. Don’t talk about it. Put your hard boiled eggs on your plate and put your veggies on your plate. Put your portion of meat on your plate and just go sit down and visit. Don’t make it a thing. It’s, and sometimes my daughter will cause, I mean she hears Code Red, she’ll be like, mom, none of this food is code red. And I’m like, yes, I know. I was like, I did it. Like I get it really funny. And another thing, remember, don’t judge other people in the grocery store when you look in there shopping cards, that upsets me.


Cristy:          36:36 I hear rebels that go through a challenge, a 10 pound ticked down challenge. I’m shamelessly plugging 10 pound take and they go through a challenge in there. The veil is lifted. They are now, they know and now they’re like, oh, I can’t believe that people, and I can’t believe people actually say things to other people in the line of the Winco. So you actually eat that you really need to switch to code red. Dear God, please don’t do that. Don’t unless the situation presents itself to you to where you can share. I mean, nobody wants Christ shoved down their throat. Like you know the people that Bible beaters and the people that TV evangelists are the people on the corner screaming at you. You need to get shaved, you know, and like nobody wants to hear that. Same thing with Code Red. Nobody wants to hear it.


Cristy:          37:15 Guys, don’t judge others. You were there once. Don’t forget that when I yeah, I’m very cringy Christie when I see those things because of think of the matrix. Okay. And think of when the red pill and the blue pill, what was his name? Oh, neo. I don’t know Neil. So think of Neil. Neil didn’t go back into the Matrix and walk around and go, you’re in a matrix. Everybody you need to understand. None of this is real. You’re hooked up to the machine. He didn’t do that. Okay? Just because he now knew about the matrix. He can’t unsee the matrix. Co-Driver eyeballs. You can’t unsee the truth. You know the truth. Now you understand what everyone should be doing and should be eating. You can’t go back into the Matrix and tell everyone, why aren’t you cold read it and yell at people. You’re just going to aggravate my mother-in-law. So sweetly said to me, why don’t you carry cards and give them out to people when you’re at the gym? Well, no, I’m going to get kicked out of the gym.


Cristy:          38:11 That’s it. Let me just tell you when I was heavy, as someone would’ve given me the card, I would have given two thumbs up, but not my thumbs, if you know what I’m saying. Yep. You just remember that just because you have seen the matrix doesn’t mean everyone else has and it’s going to take them some time. So again, let your example. Let the fact that you walk the walk be the testimony they need to ask you about what’s going on in your life. I that and I think that’s a great, a great plot. Place to end reminder guys. I’ve been wearing the glasses 15% off. When you enter code red into the coupon code at the end at checkout, by the way, you’re going to actually put them in your car and you’re going to go to the cart and then it’s going to have a little part where you, you’ve done this before, you know all code, read all one word and you get 15% off and that money goes back into code red and we appreciate your support and we definitely love the fact that you are reducing eyestrain and then, more importantly, you’re able to sleep better, which is why we partnered up with the Swanwick Sleep & the that’s where you can get a monthly challenge going on.


Cristy:          39:10 We want to have you in that challenge guys. We need you also stop Cristy. Oh, I love this. This, I know we have a lot of after-hours events and all over the country going on this. I’m sure there’s an after-hours event that’s near you, so if you go to Code Red and you would click on events or you just do you forward slash after hours, you’re going to see what’s going on and where you can come and meet us. You can meet me and Cari and our coaches and our leaders a whole team. You can come have dinner with us if it is so much fun. We love events, so please come and meet us and I know at the time of this recording we have code red live 2019 coming up and get your tickets out as well.


Cristy:          39:49 So lots and lots and lots of great things going on with code red. We’d love to have you involved. Cari, any last words for Paul’s? See this is so I don’t want to go. I know you guys want to hear the extended version. I’m just teasing. I’m seizing, but thank you, Cristy. I appreciate you unpacking this because it is, it’s tough to walk the journey and especially if you feel like you’re walking in alone. But then one thing I want to say to you is even if your family, even if your kids, even if nobody that you’re related to support you, we’re here to support you. We’re here to support you on this podcast. We’re here to support you on our Facebook page. We’re here to support you on our lifestyles page. We’re here for you. We understand we’ve walked your path and we are here for you.


Cristy:          40:31 Yeah, we’ve got a lot of platforms guys. We have youtube, we have Instagram. We have got so much support for you. Please take advantage. You do not need to do this alone. If your family’s onboard, we have got you. We will love you. We’ll link arms with you. We’ll stand with you. We’ll get you through this process and we’re not going anywhere guys, so thank you for watching. Thank you, Gary, for being on here. Rebel, weight loss and lifestyle. Go to Code Red if you want information on our stuff, we can help you. We have lots of program plus options I’ve written or books go and get some help. Thank you everybody and have a good one. Bye, everybody.


Outro:          41:08 Thanks so much for listening to rebel, weight loss and lifestyle. If you’re a code red rebel and you haven’t already downloaded your free code red lifestyle on the go guide, the now is your time to get a copy of this guide will teach you how to stay code red approved even with your crazy light schedule to get a copy right now, all you need to do is open your podcast app, go to this show notes and click the link to get your code red approved on the go guide. So I will see you on the next episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle.