“Cristy, you’re fat. What if someone sees how fat you are?”
Before I tell you who said that to me, a little background.
Several months ago, some friends and I agreed to run the Rim to Rim race in Twin Falls.
I’m 43, and though I ran throughout my boxing career, and I run almost daily with my dog, Annabelle, this was my first official race…EVER.
Plus, I’m not a good runner.
I’m heavy, clumsy, and slow.
All summer, June through August, I trained for this race. I ran further than normal, and practiced running up hills, since Rim to Rim involves a lot of climbing.
I was actually feeling pretty good about it.
Then came my late summer trip to Spain.
I still got runs in, but they were far more sporadic than I wanted. Plus my weight fluctuated.
A few days after returning from Spain, I packed my running shoes, sports bra and toothbrush for the overnight trip to Twin Falls.
And I felt terrible.
I was overweight, PMS, jet-lagged, and constipated.
As I cruised down Interstate-84 at 85 miles per hour, doubt crept in, and I began second-guessing myself.
“Cristy, you’re fat. What if someone sees how fat you are?”
“Cristy, you haven’t trained in three weeks. What makes you think you can do this?
“Look, Cristy, you feel like crap. No one would blame you if you just canceled.”
I felt like a joke. A phony.
I was showing up unprepared, which, in my mind, was disrespectful to the race committee and other runners.
I was this close to canceling and hiding out in my house for a week until my body got back to normal.
But, as badly as part of me wanted to, I’M NOT A QUITTER.
I’m a Code Red Rebel, and we don’t quit.
We don’t back down.
We don’t go back on our word.
We push through even if we don’t feel like it, and we see it through to the end.
We do hard things.
As I trudged through almost eight miles of Rim to Rim, I was dizzy, my heart hammered in my chest, and my ears buzzed.
My vision blurred, my muscles cramped, and my throat felt like someone had me in a chokehold.
But I didn’t stop.
I didn’t even slow down.
And I sure as heck didn’t quit.
I finished strong and I finished proud, because that’s what Code Red REBELS do.
Have you given up on the weight loss rat race, because you’ve tried it “all,” and nothing’s gotten you the results you’d hoped for?
I get it. It’s crushing.
But don’t quit. Don’t throw in the towel.
Give Code Red a shot.
Or if you have done Code Red, but you’ve fallen off the wagon, reach out, take my hand, and get back on.
Whether you’re looking to experience success on Code Red for the first time, or you need some “oomph” in your motivation tank, the 10 Pound Takedown will get you there.
The next 10 Pound Takedown starts soon, and I’d love to have you.
Just promise me one thing: That you won’t quit. That you’ll give it your all for 30 days.
Here’s where to register for the 10 Pound Takedown:
Rebels don’t quit. We may stumble…we may even fall…but we don’t quit.
So don’t quit on me. Register for the 10 Pound Takedown, and let’s DO this.
Image: Luanne Horting