One of the things I hear most frequently from my Rebels is, “Cristy, I can’t believe I waited to so long to join Code Red!”
These are usually people who wait several months after learning about the Code Red Lifestyle™ to actually try it for themselves, only to be blown away by their results.
Often they also have to see someone they know succeed with Code Red, and watch that person for a long time.
Either way, when they finally decide to just try it and see what happens, they end up kicking themselves for not trying it sooner.
It’s an interesting phenomenon.
But to me, it makes total sense.
When you’ve failed at weight loss over and over again–perhaps even your entire life–the thought of getting your hopes up again, only to feel that crushing disappointment once more, is absolutely grueling.
Part of you just doesn’t believe you can do it. Even if you believe Code Red works, you don’t believe it’ll work for you.
There are, of course, the skeptics who think Code Red doesn’t work, period.
Many come around, after doing their own research, or seeing someone else succeed and end up healthier, thinner, and happier than ever.
Then there are those who never try it, yet run around insisting it won’t work, or that it’s “dangerous” (though how anyone can believe real food, water, and sleep are “dangerous” is beyond me).
Look, there’s a lot of industries out there who want to keep weight loss (and even weight maintenance) confusing, and full of contradictory information.
So what’s the solution? How do you wade through all the sludge and find the truth–or, as I like say, find what works for you?
Simple. You try it and judge for yourself.
Until you do that, you can’t possibly know, with 100% certainty, whether Code Red will work for you.
“But Cristy, I’m scared of failing again.”
So what’s the worst that can happen if you do fail? You end up exactly where you are now?
If so, then what have you got to lose? If you’ve already failed a bunch of times, what’s one more?
More importantly, what if you don’t fail? What if this is the answer you’ve been searching for, and you’re wasting all this time and energy hiding from it, or tying yourself up in knots wondering whether to give it a shot…time and energy you could be putting into setting yourself free from feeling like a sick, miserable prisoner in your own body?
The simplest way to experience the Code Red Lifestyle™ is with a 10 Pound Takedown Challenge. For $47, you can dip your toe in the lifestyle and see whether it’s for you.
If it’s not, you’re done and that’s that…so long as you give it 100%. You can’t try for half a day and decide Code Red “doesn’t work.”
But if it is for you…if it does work, and you find you don’t want to stop…do you really wanna risk missing out on that?