What Is This Episode About…
“When people try to argue with us about our program rules, skirt the rules, cheat, do the workaround and look for shortcuts, that just means they’re not ready to lose weight. The pain of being heavy isn’t greater than the pull of their old life.”
In this episode, I am with my sister Cari Thompson the COO of the Code Red Fitness and Nutrition. And today she’s going to share with us her journey to weight loss. What was her defining moment, the pain that it caused her and how Code Red Lifestyle helped her lose over 100 pounds!
She’s also here with me to talk about why some other people are just not ready yet to lose weight. What are the excuses and reasons that they still use just to continue on the crap of bad eating habits or simply being heavy?
This is going to be a fun, straight-forward sister chit-chat! So stay tuned, as we talk about the pain of being heavy must be greater than the pull of your old life to help you get started on your weight loss journey and be a success.
Key Points Discussed:
- Get to know Code Red COO (01:26)
- Code Red works after trying everything to lose weight (02:46)
- How Cari lose 100 pounds in the Code Red lifestyle (05:14)
- Know the defining moment to say I am ready to lose weight (07:49)
- Signs you are not ready yet for the Code Red lifestyle (09:41)
- Cari’s roller-coaster story (12:22)
- Photos are big turning points to some people (15:05)
- Timing is everything (15:59)
- One of the great things about the 10-pound takedown challenge (20:37)
- Tips on what to do if you’re not ready yet (22:17)
- Giving you hope and healing (26:20)
- The pain must be greater in doing the Code Red lifestyle (27:35)
Learn More About The Content Discussed…
Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.
When Was It Released…
This episode was released August 28, 2019
Episode Transcript…
The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors
Intro: 00:03 I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle where we believe food pulls the power to heal or poison and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight-up truth because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening.
Cristy: 00:28 Welcome back to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. I am your host Cristy Code Red. I’m excited because I have my sister Cari with me. Cari, thank you. Oh my gosh, this is, I think probably if you could just pay me to podcast with you all day long and we didn’t have to do any other work. I’m just saying if that job opens up, let me know because this is so much fun. I think there are people who actually just to get paid to do this. But I don’t, but it’s not us. We have to do other things. It’s becoming one of my favorite parts of my job. I mean definitely the top three. The top five. I agree. I love it. Yeah. I could just have my headphones. I’ve got a fancy mic. I’m good to go. Cristy. You are. You’re good to go. You look legit. And Cari, for those of you who don’t know, you guys all know who I am, but Cari, introduce yourself real quick. I think it’s been a while since the audience has heard you on a podcast since we were in the closet. Yes at your house.
Cari: 01:26 My name is Cari Thompson. I am not only Cristy’s older sister. Yes, I will admit it. I am the COO here at Code Red Fitness and Nutrition. I lost over 100 pounds doing mostly the Code Red Lifestyle. But let me tell you, I should’ve listened to my sister years before because I am a failed weight loss surgery survivor. In fact I just went to the doctor here not too long ago dealing with the consequences of having weight loss surgery. Again, no judgment, but there are consequences, medical consequences to choosing that route. So I really wish that I had listened to my sister and done the Code Red lifestyle. And of course never, ever really address my issues until I started doing the code Code Red lifestyle and lost my weight and have kept it off for years. So Cristy asked me to come on board with her almost two years ago and I am just so excited to be doing this.
Cristy: 02:19 I’m on this recording. I think we just had our two year anniversary. Whew. All, all the quick wait, that’s Christmas. New Year’s. Yeah. I wanted to take a second and I’ve been doing this now lately sis and read a couple of reviews. Oh, fun. Those of you who have gone to the podcast and you have left a rating and a review. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, I would love to shout you out. Here is Jessica Brisson. Jessica Brisson gave it five stars. She said at the top Code Red works after trying everything to lose weight and keep it off from LA. Weight loss to weight watchers shots, pills, shakes, starvation, weight loss surgery. I have found something that actually works. Code Red works. I am off blood pressure medicine, diabetes medicine. I can play outside with my kids. I’m not hungry. I’ve lost 40 pounds so far and I have 30 more to go in just a few months. I can live this lifestyle without feeling deprived. Thank you, Cristy, for helping me get my health back and helping me switch my old way of thinking. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Jessica Brison.
Cari: 03:25 Oh, here’s one from Cari. She gave it five stars. It says, always have your sister on. I don’t know where that came from.
Cristy: 03:39 Here is one more. Will we one more? Um, the FiveStars is at the top. This person’s head. It finally makes sense. And the name is Salem, Denby, d. E m. B. E, Salem. Denby. I’m sorry if I’m screwing that up, but that’s what he or she says and now I am finally getting results. You can’t eat for training and weight loss. Just wow. Thank you, Cristy, so much. Oh yeah. Eating for weight loss is as night and day different. That’s far as the east is from the West than eating for performance. So if you’re a performance athlete and you’re overweight, if you’re what we call a fat athlete, or as Miles says, a fat lead, you need to get the weight off. You know? That’s pretty funny.
Cari: 04:23 That is, and that is very true. Cristy, every time somebody wants to come to our program and they’re like, I train 10 days a week for eight hours a day, I’m like, oh righty, here we go.
Cristy: 04:34 I know when I spoke at a runner’s club one time, oh, it was a big runners, Boise area runners club, and when I stood up there on the stage, I looked in all those athletes, a lot of them, a big chunk of them, they were overweight and it was, they were all runners. It was a runners club and it was just broke my heart because I know it would be so much better for them and they get that weight off. One more. This one more. This she are for life. FiveStars love it. It’s like sitting down and having a conversation with Cristy, love her truth and passion. About spreading weight loss and health. Awesome. Very, very good. I’m going to plug my phone back in that way I can charge while I’m talking to you, sis. There we go. So guys, the reason I wanted to have Cari on for this one, because this is a really great one. This is one that she can speak to personally. Like you heard from her earlier, she lost over 100 pounds, so she was, she has been there. She understands exactly what you’re going through and that’s why I love it when we get people that try to tell us, well, I can’t do this Code Red because I can’t drink the water because I had weight loss surgery or I cannot edit all these excuses. And Cari’s like, Bologna. I overcame it. You can too. And a big subject, a big thing, and that we all, oh my gosh, we hear about this all the time, is the pain of being heavy has to outweigh the pull of the crap or aid.
Cari: 05:58 Yeah. That’s excellent. I love the way you said that Cristy, the pain of being heavy in the consequences has to be greater than yes or no. What? That’s the right direction has to be greater than what is currently going on in your lifestyle. Then what? Then the bull crap food. Then the ridiculous late-night eating. Then the just the McDonald’s drive-through again, not knocking on McDonald’s. We love it, but well actually you don’t love it, but okay. We just ordered the eyes to look when she’s trying to keep us from getting sued. I know like I got renew that insurance policy, so no, we love, we love the ICU. McDonald’s dicey. A great product. Always fresh-brewed, but the pull of being heavy has to, Cristy. The pendulum has to switch shifts. You know how they have the scales and it has a tip. Yeah, they didn’t tell it tips, Cristy, nothing that anyone does is going to make you tip. You can’t force anybody’s scales to tip. You can’t force the equation to be greater than on one side. There’s just no way. And we see people try to get their families to tip. I always say, Cristy, this is what I always say. My famous line, Chris, he’s got famous lines. I’ve got a couple, well, it doesn’t hurt bad enough. No, it doesn’t. Sad enough.
Cristy: 07:18 You know, one of our coaches Sheli Fulcher-Koontz, she has been at the time of this recording, we’re coming upon three years as a rebel and three years keeping her weight off. And I remember the day that she sat across from me, and this was back when I was doing one on one and she sat across from me in the coffee shop downtown Boise and she wrote up the check for a one on one program with me. That’s again, back when I did that, I don’t do that anymore. And it was a significant investment. And she said, I’m ready right now. She said, but if you would’ve talked to me yesterday about this, I would not have been ready.
Cari: 07:49 Yes, that is excellent. And Cristy, it has to be, and there’s a moment, there’s a defining moment. And like Shelley said, not the other day, but the other. Okay. So, and this is what I’ve always maintained. Everyone has a line in the sand for Cristy, it’s five pounds. And she’s like, okay, that’s enough. Gotta tighten things up, you know, got to really make sure I’m hitting my watermark hitting and Cristy’s good about that. She’s not a very good example because she’s good about it. But you guys, have you ever watched a TLC’s “My 600-pound Life”, their line is just in a different spot than your line. So for some people it is. I heard one of our rebels say, I refuse to buy bigger Brahms. I kept buying them bigger, buying a bigger buy and bigger. And finally I just said, I won’t buy another size. That was her line in the sand. For some people, it’s when the extra-large scrubs at the hospital where you work don’t fit and you don’t want to go to the two X. For some people it’s the day the doctor says, I just listened to one of our coaches, Minnie Brown say that the doctor said to her, your A1c is this high. That was her moment. So everyone’s line in the sand is different. Everyone has one. Cristy, like don’t be fooled into thinking they ain’t got lie in the sand just cause they weighed 300 pounds. It doesn’t hurt bad enough wherever they are to do it.
Cristy: 09:11 Same thing I’d like to say is everybody’s got a price. We all can be bought for a price. No. You know carry. And I know when people come to us, one thing that we just kind of shake our heads and just kind of go, oh, we know when someone’s not ready, when that pain of being heavy isn’t great enough. When they try to argue with us about our program, because we guys, we know there ain’t nobody getting weighed off people better than Code Red. I mean nobody, nobody, I’d put ourselves up against anybody in this country show me a weight loss program. I’ll put ourselves side by side and we will beat him out every time. Yes. And we don’t allow anybody to come on our program and argue with us, with Cari, me, our staff, our leaders or our coaches. But we always know Cari when someone comes on and they’re not ready because they argue and they want to try to get the, we call the workaround. Yeah, Cristy, I’m not gonna use the actual product, but can I use my like lark drink that I’ve had every morning for the last eight years that has vitamins and minerals, yen, 12 grams of carbs. Like No. If you’re a LARC drink was going to work for you, it would have worked and you wouldn’t need us. So can I have zoodles of soy happiness pruned by the Gods of the heavens? No, you can’t just eat your lives. The wait stop. It’s just constantly fighting with us, constantly butting heads with us with the rules, constantly trying to get the workaround, always trying to look for that shortcut. And that just tells if that person is not, they email us and we have our customer service department that works day and night clearing out emails through the inbox and through our customer service system. And they’re always asking, well, can I have this? Can I have that? Can I have, what about this? And it’s constantly we carry and I just said, hey, you’re just not ready yet.
Cari: 10:59 Yup. Kombu Chas, really good for SEO. What’s no, again, if it was going to work, you wouldn’t need us. You, I always say this, you’ve tried it your way and obviously now you need us. So let’s go from there. And I agree with Cristy. You know Cristy, I find it interesting being an ICU nurse, again, my background is open heart in ICU. I would see people come in losing a leg in infection in the bone osteomyelitis related to losing that leg related to the high blood sugars, gall. Chrissy, you think that that would be the line in the sand. But for some people it’s not. For some people it’s when their eyesight goes like you’re headed there, make no bones about it. Folks like don’t even try to think that this is not happening because every time you consume sugar, okay, remember it’s a dose related Hepatotoxin. So every time you consume sugar you are going to cause some sort of dose-dependent, not related. Sorry Chrissy, you’re going to cause some kind of damage. So you were all doing it. It’s just different degrees of it. So you’d think having to have open heart surgery or having to get you guys, have you seen the shows when they take the wall out of the houses, where is your line and why doesn’t it hurt bad enough? I mean why? Again, the point is somewhere for everyone.
Cari: 12:22 For me, Cristy, it was being on that roller coaster ever. The famous roller coaster. I was just gonna say, could you tell us where your line one is? Cause that is a, just a such a crazy story, but I think it would be having to go into the big lady stores and buy stuff. Cristy, you would think it would be the times I sat on and big ladies that are with me, like people that remember sit on the closet floor and cries surrounded by a pile of clothes all around you trying to figure out what would fit, how can I not look as fat as I really am? And maybe that wasn’t it or it was the time again, when I had to go up in a size of scrubs. But those were not my lines. They really weren’t Cristy. It was the time I went to six flags and the time that I did not fit into the roller coaster because my hips were too big and they could not get the seatbelt buckled and that was my line in the sand again, my line took me, my journey took me down, you know, the weight loss surgery road, and I had to squiggle and go around the mountain 8,000 times before I finally got where I am now and maintain a healthy weight. But let me tell you, that was no joke, but that was my moment. But let me tell you, this is interesting like you’re talking about Shelly. I wonder Cristy, if that had happened to me a month before, if it would have had the same, I don’t know the same effect. I always think of your skiing picture, that picture where you look great, you’re in awesome shape, but you look a little heavier than you want to be. Now, 20 pounds heavier sounds heavier and it’s, it makes you go wow. Best shape of your life, but totally different than you look now. Like where was your line? Where you go, Whoa, wait a minute. You know, I can’t keep doing this.
Cristy: 14:02 Yeah. And I know, I can tell you right now that my gut, you used to actually hit my knees. They hung down and hit my knees when I was cycling and I remember I really, yeah, one time miles and I kept taking these trips to, we would every spring to get out of the cold, we would go to California, to La and we would ride with the cycling group.
Cristy: 14:22 And I was excellent. I mean, when I was in my fittest, I was also my fattest and I was in excellent shape. So I had no problem climbing thousands of feet of climbing a day. That was not the issue. But I remember specifically putting on my kit and my cellulite and my fat drills just busted out of it to where it was just pinching off my circulation. I was so uncomfortable and I’m like, I just, how is it that I can burn thousands of calories a day and be so heavy? I was at my heaviest, which was one 74 for me, which I need to be at one 54 and so that was 20 pounds overweight for me, but it really showed up on me, but I noticed a lot of people carry, they notice themselves in photos. That’s usually a lot of people’s turning point.
Cari: 15:05 Photos are a big thing when like there’s a famous comedian that goes, can you imagine when they always talk about obesity on the news and you look around, they pan the camera and you’re like, who’s that guy? Wait a minute. That little shirt looks familiar. That’s me. So that is what happens. I’ve caught photos and been like, Hoo. Oh my gosh, that’s me. That is a big turning point for a lot of people photos. You’re absolutely right.
Cristy: 15:30 Yeah. Photos are huge and you guys, you just, you have to understand that the pain really just has to outweigh, I don’t know, the psychological or what’s going on in people’s head when they’re scrolling through the Internet and we come across one of our ads for the 10 pound take down. I guess they’re kind of looking at it and kind of thinking about it and then they email us and argue with us. And so it’s like, I wonder what’s really going though. I know I need to lose weight. They’re thinking, but they just still haven’t. Papa John’s delivered to their house every other night.
Cari: 15:59 Well, it’s easy to justify. It’s easy to say like I did, I’m big boned or I’m just a curvy person or I’m, you know, and some people know and they still aren’t ready. We, I have an example of people that went through two people that went through the challenge and one moved on and got a custom program and has lost a lot of weight. The other one, the one on vacation together and the other one was eating whatever they wanted and one person was really on track and it’s not that one person has more willpower. It is not that one person is a better person. You guys stop assigning these, these values to your ability to not eat crap food because it’s not a value issue. It is simple, and I talked to the person who stayed on track and they said it’s not their time, it’s not their time. The pain of being heavy is not greater than the pain of the junk and it the scales have to tip. They really do. So maybe for you, you know you just aren’t there. And Cristy we’ve had people that signed up for one challenge. It wasn’t right. They kind of have but did it the next one they’re were like, it’s my time. It is my time and I’m telling you when people do determined that’s all it takes. Emily Smith works for us. She is our systems coordinator, does all of our computer stuff. I Dunno, want to know how it works. I just want to know that it works and Emily makes it work 130 pounds in a year on the Code Red lifestyle. Cristy, when she made up her mind and she didn’t talk to me, she saw me all the time at army events. She didn’t say a word until the very end. She asked me some questions. She signed up and that girl did the grind because the pain of not being able to fit into ballgowns when she went with her husband to army events, the pain of not having to wear and hiding behind the and wearing the really big, you know, baggy dresses from certain companies that make leggings, that pain finally was greater than not shoving tater tots in her mouth. She talks about missing tater tots and she said, but it’s not worth it, Cari.
Cristy: 18:06 Yeah, and you look at Cassie Adams, our compliance officer lost 75 pounds in four months and nobody, this is the thing that gets me, is she lives kind of in a secluded place and she doesn’t have a lot of people around her. Nobody was around and she did the grind every single day and to this day has never wavered. That’s amazing to me. I mean I, it’s just somebody who’s got their minds made up. It has nothing to do with willpower. It has. I love that you said that. Especially like, you know, we have a family member that’s losing weight right now and getting ready to go on a trip at the time of this recording and just has her mind made up. Yes. Not gonna Stumble. She said, how many vacations have I taken that I just, I gained or I felt like crap because I was shoving too much sugar.
Cari: 18:50 Well you just ate your way through a vacation. Christa got a Facebook message from an old army wife friend and she said to me, actually I got several, several army wife friends. One was ready, one wasn’t and this one said to me, Cari, I’m thinking about doing Code Red. I only have 10, 15, 20 pounds to lose. So it wasn’t very much, she said, but I don’t do well with deprivation. And I read that meaning I don’t want to cut anything out. And I thought well then how do you expect to lose weight? But I didn’t write that. I was very nice. I said Code Reds, not the program for you. And I wasn’t mean. But I said to, Cristy later on, I was like, not ready, not ready. Cause the pain of that 20 pounds is not enough. Clothes still fit. Yeah, they’re tight. You don’t look as good and things. You’re having to wear Spanx more often, which by the way, not knocking Spanx that they want to sponsor me. That’s fine. You know what I’m saying? And here’s another example. Another army wife gets a hold of me. She says, Cari, I know it’s ridiculous because she’s thin, but five pounds are driving me crazy. And I said, welcome to Code Red. We can help you with that. Five pounds. There is no judgment. Yes. Where she draws her line, it’s five pounds. The pain of that five pounds for her is too much. It’s worth it to give up the junk food for her to lose that five pounds and feel better. So it again, it’s not about how much you have to lose. It’s not about where you are in your journey. It’s not about your willpower is not about any of that. Sometimes it’s not about open-heart surgery or replaced knees or back hurting or severe migraine headaches. You know, it’s just about it being your time and everybody is so different. Everybody is different.
Cristy: 20:37 You know, we get messages constantly. Um, I get over a hundred DM’s per day and I answer every one of them myself at, at the time of this recording. And Cari gets her share of messages and we don’t mind asking us questions about the program. You know, like just trying to get an idea how it, you know, what kind of food and what kind of rules as we do of our rules. We do have our rules of, if you’re on the challenge and you get a list of the foods to eat and foods to avoid, you get a list of the rules. You get the tracking sheets. That’s one of the great things about the 10 Pound Takedown Challenge www.10poundtakedown.com. People just have a few questions, but we can always tell and you know, any more sis, I’m not even saying anything except you’re just not ready yet. When I get questions like when can I have my wine again? You telling me I can never have pizza? I’m thinking they’re just not sick of it. Yeah, they’re just not ready that come with time because technically that doesn’t have sugar. Oh, somebody wants their cake and eat it too. No, no. If you’re serious about losing weight, you’re going to say no to the alcohol. And if not, it’s not your time.
Cristy: 21:37 You’re not ready. And that’s what I’ve said. I mean I just did a Q and A on Instagram and I just, and the person put that little question in there like that and I don’t know if you saw that, but I reply to the question and my answer was, you’re just not ready yet. You’re just not ready. You’ll come to see us when you’re ready. And believe me, everybody comes to Code Red. Even the haters do. They all come to Code Red cause they know and nobody’s better at getting the weight off someone that we are and they know that real food, water, and sleep does not go out of style. They know that real food water is sleep is not a fad. Oh well, Code Reds a fad. How is that a fad? How is that as a proper human diet? How’s real food, water, and sleep? Not the proper way that humans should live.
Cari: 22:17 Absolutely. Cristy, I would encourage anyone who is struggling with knowing if they’re ready or not. One thing that you could do is it would be a great opportunity for you to write down the things that you are missing or hurts or how is your weight affecting your life. You know, I don’t feel like being intimate with my spouse. I don’t feel like I haven’t been aware, and maybe it’s a little for you like I don’t want to wear a tee-shirt. I want to wear a baggy shirt instead and make a list and look at it and ask yourself, and then I look at that item, the Oreo or whatever it is and just say, is that worth this, this list? And I think that that kind of puts it in perspective. You know, we get aggravated with our weight and then we kind of table it and then we get aggravated. Cristy, I never even looked in full-length mirrors, never looked in full-length mirrors. But when I sat down and you weigh the pros and cons, like you’re making a good decision, you can say, you know what, I’m ready again. It has to hurt and if it doesn’t hurt bad enough, it doesn’t hurt bad enough then not shoving, you know, double chocolate chunk chips in your mouth. That’s the bottom line.
Cristy: 23:30 You know, uh, one of our other coaches rewrote, see, I knew reefer for years, not like years. I knew her for three years before she came on Code Red and we were in the same women’s coaching group with the same coach. And so I would see her at events, you know, every month or something. And she was always kind and respectful. She didn’t make fun of me or anything, but she would laugh, not at me or Code Red, but she would laugh at the idea of ever cutting out the crap food. She would say, I’m just an Italian grandma and that’s just bread and pasta that is just in bread. I don’t think she drank wine, but bread and pasta. That’s just how I eat. And it was so funny that all that time that she saw me, all the success stories, all the good thing she knew about Code Red, she could tell you about Code Red, but she refused to do it. She didn’t want to do it. And all of a sudden it was just her time and 80 pounds down at 59 years old and she’s sitting at 121 pounds now at 60 years old and maintaining her weight. Now she’s one of our certified coaches. But three years, she saw me every month. It just didn’t hurt. It didn’t hurt until it did
Cari: 24:35 Cristy. It’s almost like our relatives. We have relatives, we can, Cristy and I come from a big family, big and big, big and many people big. Yes. And they know like what do they think? We’re over here doing like diet plan. I don’t know what they think we’re doing, but anyway, they know what Code Red is. And yet we have so many of our family members that continue to suffer from obesity and all the complications that surround that, even though a phone call or a text. And we would set them straight and we would help them out and their whole life could be different, but they don’t.
Cristy: 25:08 So I think they think we’re like just over here just playing or something. Like, I mean, Code Red is spreading across the world. I mean there they’ll send us a picture like saw code, read my book in the airport or saw my book in a bookstore or something and I’m thinking, yeah, you know, like we’re really spreading the message of hope and healing. But they don’t see it as a way to combat their own obesity and diabetes.
Cari: 25:26 No, they really, really don’t. And Cristy and I are always like, we can help them and it’s so easy. We probably even give them a family discount for having things. Right, right. Because again, Cristy, our end game is not the money aspect, like custom program, accountability, whatever. You, you know, we were just talking about this. I don’t care if you listen to this podcast, you get all the information you need, you lose all your weight and you keep it off then and you didn’t spend a dime with Code Red. How Luhya you do a $47 challenge. How will you buy $20 book on Amazon and that works for you? Great. Maybe you to do custom programs, whatever it is. We just want you to be healthy. We want you to be able to tie your shoes up. Being out of breath, we want you not to have to check your blood sugar five times a day. That’s what our endgame is here.
Cristy: 26:20 Yeah, absolutely. It’s not a numbers game for us, you know? It’s about the quality is by getting you hope and healing any way we can. That’s why we offer the challenge, the book, the Companion Workbook, my success journal, the meet and greets, the after-hours with Cristy. That’s why I travel every week. That’s why I carry it as she does. We’re always looking for ways. What can we, how can we do to help you to you, but at some point, no matter what you choose, the pain has got to be greater. The pain of being heavy has got to be the greatest pain to make you go, you know what? I’m not bringing cupcakes home anymore. I’m not bringing that alcohol home anymore. And guys, let me tell you something, keep me up at your house is job one. You cannot Cari and I, I don’t even have it in our house. We can’t. We’re covering sugar addicts. We can’t have it in our house.
Cari: 27:08 I literally walk to my fridge, I was a little bit stressed out earlier and I was like, hey, open the fridge. And I went like there’s lettuce and that’s it. Like I’m not going to cheat with lettuce. And I went and I shut it and I was like, knock it off Cari. But it was true. I was like my moment. The other thing is guys, if you have somebody in your life that you love and you’re pushing into Code Red, remember, remember this concept we’re talking about today? Because a lot of you listening, the pain was greater and you’re doing great on the Code Red lifestyle. But just keep in mind, keep in mind fat Cari and all the experiences I had to go through all the painful things and then that roller-coaster moment was my moment. So really keep that in mind when you’re struggling with other people. It’s not, they are not bad people. They aren’t choosing the crap. I mean technically they are, but they’re caught in societal brainwashing and sometimes they just have to find them. It’s like the Matrix, the blue pill and the red pill. They have to take the blue pill and they can’t do anything about it until they understand and they don’t know what they don’t know yet. You know,
Cristy: 28:13 there are so many ways for us to help you. Like I just mentioned is always the 10 Pound. Takedown www.10poundtakedown.com there is the Code Red Revolution, Blue Book Code Red revolution.com I have written several books. I have ebooks, we have the youtube channel, which is bursting with information and content for you. We have my Instagram at Cristy Code Red where I go live every single morning between six and 6:30 AM to just be there for you to answer questions, to support you, to educate you, to give you information, to give you love. So many ways. Our Facebook groups, you know, there are so many ways our certified coaches for you to get the help you need when you’re ready. We are here for you. This is not just one way. There are more than one way to skin a cat. In fact, I’m smiling because I’m, Miles was joking. I think that the saying goes, there are more than one way to skin a cat, but people like to say there are many ways to skin a cat. And my dad, our dad and miles were talking and one of us said that and miles said, you know Larry, I really don’t think there are many ways to skin a cat. They’re just really, I can only think of a couple. So it just made me laugh because
Cari: 29:20 I used to say that saying when I was teaching nursing school, I’d be like, there are a lot of ways to skin a cat, ladies or gentlemen, you know, when I was teaching nursing school, like there are obviously some right ways to do one thing, but there are lots of ways to teach nurses how to do things and they would kind of look at me and I thought, well I don’t think anybody young enough knows that saying anymore. I probably should quit using it and scaring them to death.
Cristy: 29:41 When you’re raised on a ranch in, in northern Idaho, you know you skin things because you have harvested for food and yeah, we kind of, you know, because a couple of farm girls, couple of ranch girls, we know what we’re talking about, but we get, we get skin.
Cristy: 29:54 We hope that this podcast has been helpful to you to really shed some light, not only on what you might be struggling with. But what your loved one might be struggling with because it’s really hard to watch your loved one. We know firsthand how hard it is to watch your family members, your friends, not be ready and you are ready and you’re getting healed from nutrition and they’re not. They’re getting worse and it’s just like you just wanna scream and pull your hair out.
Cari: 30:19 Yeah, I agree. I agree. And thank you, Cristy, for letting me come and talk about this is such a, a topic that’s near and dear to my heart because I’ve walked that road so I do understand guys, thank you for joining us on the Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle with Cristy and Cari and the 10 Pound Takedown. You know, register for the next challenge we’d love to have you on. That’s a great starting point to see it. This lifestyle is right for you. We think it is because we think real food, water and sleep are right for everybody. But thanks for being here with us. We’ll talk to you guys soon. Bye, everybody.
Outro: 30:50 Thanks so much for listening to this episode of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. Do you have a question that you’d like me to answer raw and uncut on the podcast? Then all you have to do is head over to Apple podcast on your phone or computer and do three simple things. Leave a rating and review telling me what you think of the podcast and in that review, ask anything you want related to help, weight loss or mindset. And if you want a shout out, leave your Instagram handle or name that’s all. Been listening to hear your question answered live, raw and uncut on the next Q and A episode. So I’ll see you on the next episode of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle.