It’s usually a red flag when someone brand new to the Code Red Lifestyle™ is already obsessed with when they can go back to eating the way they used to.
That’s like an alcoholic asking when they can go back to drinking.
Or a drug addict asking when they can go back to snorting cocaine.
That question is a symptom of the diet mentality. It’s where you make a temporary change to lose your weight, only to return to the foods and habits that got you fat and sick in the first place.
It makes no sense whatsoever, when you think about it.
It also goes to show how deeply ingrained the diet mentality is in our culture.
Here are a few more comparisons to demonstrate for you how LUDICROUS the diet mentality is.
** You drive your car over a spike strip, which shreds all four tires. You replace the tires, then drive over another spike strip and expect that this time, it will not destroy your tires.
** You touch a hot stove and end up with second degree burns. You wait for the burns to heal, then touch the hot stove again and expect it not to burn you.
** You accidentally cut your hand while slicing veggies. You let the cut heal, then cut yourself again and expect that same sharp knife not to split open your skin and draw blood.
You see where I’m going with this?
The foods and habits that got you fat and sick in the first place are not gonna keep your weight off. That means, if you want to lose it all, and keep it off, you ain’t EVER going back to your old ways.
Does that mean you can “never” eat that junk food again?
No, it doesn’t.
Here’s what it does mean.
Step 1: Follow the program. It’s simple. No cheats, no screwing around.
Step 2: When you reach maintenance, strategically reintroduce certain foods. You’ll have to decide, on a case by case basis, whether or not they’re worth it. Some will be, and some will not be.
Obsessing over when you “get to return to eating whatever you want” is a pattern I see in people who simply aren’t ready to be free from their weight problem forever.
Whatever you’re doing now isn’t working. It’s not gonna magically start working just because you make some temporary changes and then come back to it.
If I were you, I’d release the idea, for now, of going back to “eating whatever you want,” and focus on your Code Red journey. Give it 110% for 30 days on a 10 Pound Takedown. See how you feel – physically, and about yourself, and about life in general.
If it’s not an improvement, you can always go back to what’s not working, right? This isn’t prison!
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