What’s the best meat to eat on Code Red?

Let me make this simple for you.

Any real meat is fine to eat on Code Red.

Seriously, you can stop reading now if you want, because it really is that simple.

But I get why you’re worried about it, because you probably don’t believe that weight loss is simple.

You probably think some super secret herb that helped people in a secluded part of Egypt live to be 150 years old is what you need.

You probably think that whether your carrots are raw, steamed, or boiled makes or breaks whether that next pound comes off.

And you probably think you need $1,000 a month in supplements to lose weight and improve your physical wellness.

If so, it’s not because you’re stupid or gullible. You’re not.

It’s because there’s SO much information out there, you don’t know what to believe.

So you probably believe everything…because surely, if you’re still fat, you must be missing another new “secret,” right?


The “secret” is that there is no “secret” to losing weight and keeping it off.

You don’t need shakes, diet pills, diet foods, or exercise to lose all the weight you want.

You need the fuel your body is already designed to utilize.

You just need to eat real food, drink water, and sleep.

If you’re new to Code Red I know that’s hard to believe, so I’ll say it again.

Eat real food. Drink water. Sleep.

If you want the weight off for good, stop trying to out-gimmick your obesity, and turn to the simple things your body is naturally wired to thrive on.

One more time: Those are real food, water, and sleep.

Get started with Code Red and see for yourself.

Weight loss is NOT complicated.

Have you created your free Code Red Lifestyle™ network account yet? If not, here’s how to get your account!

1) On your computer, create your account at www.CodeRedLifestyle.com/App.

2) If you want the network on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.