What Really Makes You a REBEL? – Episode 35

rebel weight loss, weight loss podcast, code red podcast, fitness podcast

What Is This Episode About…

People think that being a Code Red Rebel means you eat meat, sleep a lot and never have sugar. And yes, that’s true! But what if you keep messing up and cheating? Does that mean you’re not a rebel? Great question!

Well, there’s a lot more to being a rebel than just the scale going down, so much more than just the weight loss. Yes, we lose weight by bringing ourselves back to the proper human diet. Yes, we lose weight by drinking water instead of Red Bulls, wine, soda, juice, or tons of coffee.

Yes, we heal. Our bodies are able to heal because we are nourishing ourselves on a cellular level

We’re eating the food that we were created to eat. It’s a proper human diet. Yes, real food, water, and sleep. We are no longer sleep-deprived. We are no longer chronically dehydrated. Our body is letting go of that bio-accumulated body fat because it no longer needs it. So, of course, the scale is dropping. 

To my mind, being a Code Red Rebel is about rebelling against what the society has brainwashed us into believing about diets, exercise, weight loss, food meal times, and what have you. 

We do not accept the idea that you’ve got to have your breakfast at eight and lunch at noon, and dinner at six, just because society tells us to. We do what’s right for us. 

We rebel against society telling us to eat three meals and two snacks because eating frequently is proven to do damage to the body in many different ways. It keeps insulin levels high. It damages the gut lining. It’s terrible for your digestive system. It’s terrible for the hormones. We don’t address our weight problem through exercise, because there’s no way you can exercise it off. 

Not everybody is hungry at 8 am, but the society says, “You’ve got to have your breakfast at 8 am with us. That’s the most important meal of the day.” That’s baloney. The most important meal of the day is the one that works for you the best way.

If you believe in the Code Red mission statement, falling off the wagon at any point does not mean you’re not a rebel.

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Key Points of Discussion

  • You can get started with the 10-pound takedown challenge, or with my book “The Code Red Revolution” (4:18)
  • Job one is cleaning out your cupboards (7:45)
  • We’ve been trashing our bodies for the past 50-60 years (10:02)
  • As long as she believes in the movement, she’s a rebel (10:51)
  • I’ve fallen off the wagon. Does that mean I’m not a rebel? No way. (11:10)
  • We have meal one, meal two, when it’s right for us, we eat when we’re hungry (11:39)
  • When it comes to cholesterol, you only need to be afraid of high LDL if you have high blood sugar (12:37)
  • They’re putting more stress on an already stressed-out body, out of guilt and shame (13:36)
  • If we are going to create a movement, if we’re truly going to have a revolution, that’s got to come from us (18:06)
  • We vote with our dollar every time we eat. That’s what I want you to believe. That makes you a rebel (14:33)
  • Top rules of keeping your weight off (14:54)
  • If you’re falling off the wagon and are hanging on with one arm, I can still work with you and pull you back (17:00)
  • You can be messing up and still be a rebel, just like you can sin and still love Jesus (19:23)
  • Struggling does not make you “not a rebel” (22:27)

Learn More About The Content Discussed…

Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.

Join the next 10-Pound Takedown Challenge here.

When Was It Released…

This episode was released November 20, 2019

Episode Transcript…


The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors


 00:00          Being a rebel is about rebelling against what society has brainwashed us into believing about diets, exercise, weight loss, food, meal times, the clean-your-plate club. What did we call it? The clean plate club remember that, back in the day when, well, you got to clean your plate. We go against that idea. We do not accept the idea that that’s how we’re supposed to live our lives.


00:31          I’m Cristy Code Red, and you’re listening to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle, where we believe food holds the power to heal or poison, and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight-up truth, because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening.


00:57          Welcome, welcome, welcome. Welcome back to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. I am Cristy Code Red. They used to say when they’d call me out in the rain. Cristy Code Red Nickel. Oh, it was the best sound ever. You guys back in my fighting career. Oh my goodness. So hello to all of you. Thank you so much for joining me on this episode. I love doing this, you guys. Having a bit of a rough day today and I just kept saying, you know what? “It’ll Make me feel better if I just record another podcast. What’s on my heart?” And all day long, I’ve been thinking: “What’s on my heart, what’s on my heart?” And I saw something and I said, “Oh my gosh, I’ve got to talk about this.” But first, I’ve got to read some really great reviews that just came into the podcast. So, sorry, I just burped.


01:46          I’m nothing if I’m not authentic. So sorry. I burped right into the microphone. This first review is “The Five Stars, Rebel proudest,” says at the top. This is from P Brunette 926. I hope I’m saying your name right, P Brunette 926. “I Found Code Red through a friend about four months ago and I fell in love with the lifestyle and results. I love the share code red with anyone who wants to know what I’m doing.” I love that. Thank you. We’ve got one from Tara Krueger and five stars. She says, a fantastic podcast. Cari and Cristy are amazing, uplifting, hilarious, passionate and inspiring. Wednesdays are my new favorite day code. Red has been life-changing for our family. I am so blessed to have found code. Read each podcast I learned something new and I have a good laugh. I love how they are so passionate about code red.


02:39          Thank you for all you do. PS, I was able to meet both of these ladies and they’re just as genuine in-person. Tara, thank you. Thank you. And the last one I’d like to read. Three you guys. I’d like to read three. The last one is five stars as well. Love this podcast is from Husker at heart. I absolutely love your no-BS attitude. This is exactly what I need. You and Cari are both such dynamic speakers. I have listened to your podcast over and over again. I’m constantly checking podcasts, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, all of your pages for new content. Whenever I am faced with a tough social situation where I might be tempted to cheat or just feeling a bit weak at that moment I pull up one of your podcasts or videos and it completely renews my strength in my commitment.


03:24          I am only two weeks in but I’m already down 16.8 pounds. I love this program. Thank you and thank you Husker at heart guys. Anytime you rate and review I am so grateful that helps us so much. We are ranked really high among the fitness to health, the nutrition podcast. We’re ranked really high and that’s all because of you so thank you. Thank you. Thank you for continuing to support rebel, weight loss and lifestyle just by rating, reviewing, downloading, sharing, all that stuff. One reminds you about Jen pound, take down.com that is where you can go to register for our new challenge. We have monthly challenges and that’s where you can get started. That’s the best place. Everybody wants to know. How do I get started? Like they just, they hear about, you know, code red or they see their neighbor or they, you know, they’ve had it with themselves, they’re fed up or whatever and they’re like, where can I go to get started?


04:18          The 10-pound takedown is always the best place. You know, you can always get started and get my book off Amazon or you can get it off from my own warehouse. You can go to code red revolution.com or you can go to Amazon and put it in code red revolution book and it’s going to pop up for like 15 bucks. You can get it on my website for 20 bucks and whatever. You can start there if you want or you can start at a 10-pound takedown challenge that’s going to give you 30 days with me coming to you live every day. It’s going to give you tracking sheets. It’s going to give you food list, what to eat, what not to eat, rules. It’s going to totally explain. It’s a great way to dip your toe into the lifestyle and a great way to get to know me and see if this lifestyle is going to be the best for you.


04:57          But I can’t imagine how it’s not cause it’s real food, water, and sleep. However, I might rub you the wrong way and you might not like my personality and that’s just might be the case. But it’s a proper human diet. This is not a fad. Remember, no shakes, no pills, no diet foods, no exercise. For those of you watching, I’m going to sit down here for a second. I was going to stand and then I decided to sit down. So, Oh, okay. There we go. That’s a lot better. I have a standup desk from Varidesk and it’s just awesome, but sometimes I just want to sit on my little stool. So, you know, I saw something on Facebook that I had to talk to you guys about because on Facebook I, for code red, I managed 15 Facebook groups. I own 15 Facebook groups and that’s where we conduct our coaching.


05:44          That’s where we conduct our teachings. That’s where the magic happens, right? That’s what we do at the time of this recording. That’s what we do until we find a different platform or whatever. But that’s what we do. And so part of my job, and I have people that do this for code red team members for code red that do this, but I really want to keep my finger on the pulse of code red. So part of what I do is I comb through the Facebook groups all day long and I’ll stop. I’ll do something else. I’ll come back through. I just want to see how the coaches are responding. I want to see what the vibe is and want to feel what the energy is with code red. I answer questions myself. I coach myself, I put videos. I mean, I’m constantly on Facebook all day long, 16 hours a day, and I don’t know what you think about that, like whatever.


06:27          But I saw something and it hit me kind of crazy. It just kind of like, Whoa, I’ve never actually heard somebody say this and I’m not going to read the whole post because it’s not necessary. But here’s what she writes. I’m never going to be a rebel. I continue to fail myself. There are about five sentences in this whole post, but that’s the main gist. She talks about how many times she falls over and over and over and over. I’m never going to be a rebel because I continue to fail myself. She’ll let’s talk about what it means to be rubble because this is, she’s not quite, I know what she’s thinking. Obviously we put so much emphasis and we were a weight loss company where weight loss experts will weight-loss coaches, but there’s so much more to being a rebel than just the scale going down and our really want you guys to get this because I don’t think that that girl is not a rebel just because she’s cheating just because she stays good.


07:28          Her post said that she is good the first half of the day, but she cheats at night. Okay. I mean we’re not going to go into the details of what, why is she’s failing at night. First of all, she’s keeping junk in her house. I can pretty much guarantee you that because at night I ain’t nobody wants to leave. I mean, she’s not, so I’m not gonna go over on that. I mean, that’s why job one is cleaning out your cupboards guys, because most of us are proximity eaters. Look, you put a box of lucky charms in my cupboard. When I get triggered, I’m probably going to go in and have a handful of it. All right, so no, we don’t keep junk food in her house, but she thinks that she is not going to be a rebel because she’s not staying on course and I don’t see it that way.


08:09          There is so much more to being a rebel than just the weight loss. Yes, we lose weight through bringing ourselves back to the proper human diet. Yes, we lose weight by drinking water instead of red bulls. Wine, soda, juice, tons of coffee. Yes, we heal. Our bodies are able to heal because you are, we are nourishing ourselves on a cellular level. We’re eating the food that we were created to eat. It’s a proper human diet. Yes, real food, water and sleep. We are no longer sleep deprived. We are no longer chronically dehydrated. Our body is letting go of that bioaccumulated body fat because it no longer needs it. Yes, that is happening. Of course, the scale is dropping. Of course, you’re closer or a fitting looser, but being a rebel is more about in my mind, cause it’s, it’s so much of its mental.


09:05          Being a rebel is about rebelling against what society has brainwashed us into believing about diets, exercise, weight loss, food meal times, the clean your plate club, what did we call it? The clean plate club member that back in the day when, well you got to clean your plate. We go against that idea. We do not accept that idea that that’s how we’re supposed to live our lives. That you eat breakfast at eight and you eat lunch at noon and you eat dinner at six just because society tells us, we reject that notion. We do what’s right for us. We don’t have three meals and two snacks because so we’re going against society’s brainwashing. That’s what we’re doing. That’s what we’re doing. We’re going against what society has brainwashed us into believing for decades almost said millennia, not millennia. We’ve been eating the proper human diet for millennia.


10:02          We’ve been trashing our bodies like this for the past 50 60 years. So there’s so much more. I mean, let’s break it down. We rebel against society telling us you eat three meals and two snacks because eating frequently is proven to do damage to the body in so many different ways. It keeps insulin levels high. It damages the gut lining. It’s terrible for your digestive system. You are terrible for the hormones show. We don’t address our weight problem through exercise because there’s no way you can exercise off your weight problem. You cannot out-train your fork. Okay? Not everybody who is hungry at 8:00 AM so society says you got to eat breakfast at 8:00 AM with us. Just most important meal of the day. Bologna. The most important meal of the day is the meal that works for you the best way. So these are all those things. As long as she believes in the movement, she’s a rebel.


10:56          You see what I’m saying? Like as long as she still understands where I’m coming from, she still believes the code red mission statement because believing it doesn’t matter to me that she fell off the wagon. It doesn’t, it doesn’t make her not a rebel. I fallen off the wagon. Does that mean I’m not a rebel? No way. That doesn’t disqualify you. That doesn’t mean you, you know, just be in it. I don’t even care of this. She does it every night. That still doesn’t make her not a rebel. That doesn’t disqualify her from being able to be a part of the movement. She has to buy into our belief that we do what’s right for us. That we do not do what other people say is right for us. We, Shay, was right for us. We have a meal one, meal two, when it’s right for us, we eat when we’re hungry.


11:43          We stop when we’re full. It doesn’t matter if it’s two 37 on a Tuesday. So what? It doesn’t matter if you want a steak at 7:30 AM so what? You eat, what you want when it’s right for you. You go against what they have brainwashed us and a believe in man. They have done a number on us, haven’t they? The education system. Oh my gosh. I mean we were all taught wrong. They’re taught wrong in medical school, they’re taught wrong in nursing school. Nutritionists are taught wrong. Registered dieticians are taught wrong. We were taught the food pyramid and even my plate is still not a whole lot better. The food pyramid was driven by industry, created by industry. The my plate still created by industry. It’s not the proper human diet. So we were all taught wrong and we are undoing decades of brainwashing, a decade of damage.


12:37          Oh my gosh. I mean, you know how many people are so incredibly afraid of cholesterol. There’s nothing to be afraid of when I have when it comes to cholesterol, you only need to be afraid of high LDL if you have high blood sugar, because why? Because in the presence of high blood sugar, the LDL particle becomes sticky and then sticks to your arterial wall and causes a buildup. That’s super simplified. But I have high LDL, you see me worried? I don’t have any other of the other health markers. There’s nothing wrong with me. I’m healthy as a worst. I have high cholesterol. Yeah, I eat steak all the time. Hello. That’s not bad. I’m super healthy, but we’ve been brainwashed into believing show many things that are false. You know how many people go to a gym that are shamed into going to a gym?


13:23          They are shamed into working off that dinner last night. Quotes. He’s with my fingers. Well, I’ve got gotta go to step class. I don’t feel like it. I mean they’re, they’re running on four and a half hours of sleep. They got massive stress. They’re putting more stress on an already stressed-out body, out of total and complete guilt and shame. So many things that we have been brainwashed into believing that has made a sicker and fatter than we ever have ever been in human history. That is what I need her to buy into. The whole notion that we are doing it wrong in our society that were taught wrong, that were on the wrong path, that we’re doing a pill for every ill and to buy into the fact that healthy people makes a lot of sense, but they don’t make a lot of dollars and that if we are going to create a movement, if we’re truly going to have a revolution that’s got to come from us, it’s got to come from the grassroots movement.


14:13          It’s not coming from our government. Nobody’s coming for us. You guys, nobody’s going to hit it to help us. Big pharma is not looking out for us. They’re looking out for their shareholders. We are looking out for ourselves and we are very, very powerful, especially together. We vote with our dollar every time we eat. That’s what I want you to believe. That makes you a rebel. Yes, of course. I want her to follow the rule. She needs to get the junk food out of her house. I know that’s what’s happening. I’ve been doing this for 25 years. I know that’s what’s happening because most people if it’s in their house, they will eat it. They are proximity eaters. It’s nearly impossible to pass it up. That is one of the top three biggest rules of keeping your weight off. The first rule is you stay on the scale every day.


14:56          The second rule is you always drink all your water every day. And the third rule is you never, never, never allow sugar to stay in your house ever. If you’ve got a five-year-old birthday party, guess what? The last three cupcakes they’re leaving with that last kid or you go give them to your neighbor John, and she’s not adhering. So she’s making things harder on herself and I don’t know her and I don’t know her situation. She’s making things harder on herself right now. So she, there are few things that she could put in place that would help her situation. And again, I don’t know her situation. I know that it’s really hard to live with people who are not code red. You can do it, but it’s sometimes a constant fight. That’s a different podcast for a different day. But she is still a rebel as long as she still believes, if there’s still a spark in her of hope if there’s still something down deep in her, and let me just switch this back around to you.


15:47          If you’re listening to my voice right now and there is still something down deep inside of you that still believes I don’t care if you hate me, I don’t care if you hate my Mohawk, I don’t care if I called you out wrongly. I don’t care if I never smiled at you on the street and you smiled at me. I don’t care if you wrote me an email and I never wrote you back and you’re so pissed off at me. I don’t care. All that stuff aside put me aside. If you don’t like me, that’s fine. If you don’t like my coaches, that’s fine. If you don’t like my colors or my logo, if you don’t like Cari, if you don’t like my mom and dad, that’s totally fine, but the movement, do you believe in the movement? You believe in what we’re saying? Do you believe in that?


16:26          That there’s truth here to what I’m saying, that I’m onto something. Do you believe that it’s not true? That the food pyramid is false and it’s making us very sick? Is keeping us sick? Do you believe that meat, vegetables, nuts, eggs, seeds, seafoods, and fat is the proper human diet. Do you believe in water over anything else? Do you believe in making sure you get your out? Your sleep at night are rebel and if there’s some spark of that inside of you, then I still have you. I still got to, I can still hang on to you. You know we always make the joke about falling off the wagon. You know there’s fallen off the wagon and then there’s, you know, actually fallen off and getting left in that last town or there’s falling off the wagon but you’re still hanging on with one arm.


17:10          Believe me, if you’re still hanging out with one arm, I can work with you. I got you. I will pull you back on that wagon. I am strong enough. Believe me, I got nice big muscles. I got ya. I’ll pull you back on that wagon. I’ll wrap my arms around you. I’ll love you. You can cry on me. I will hold you and we will start back over again. We’re not going to start back over tomorrow. We’re going to start back over right now. It could be two 37 on a Tuesday. We’re going to start back over right now. The people that have let go of the wagon, they’ve been left in the last town and they bought a house there. You can always come back. Of course. It’s just going to be a little hard. I can’t, it’s hard help somebody who, but that is not her.


17:52          That is not you. I know you still believe in your heart and what we’re doing and what we’re teaching and what we’re spreading, the message that we’re spreading. I know you still believe that in your heart. It’s just like Christ. So you guys know I love Jesus and I bring up Jesus because there’s nothing that Christ won’t forgive you for. There is no sin too big. I mean, there’s the sin of blast for me, right? I mean, but I don’t know a lot about that and I don’t really know what it truly takes to commit the unforgivable sin. I don’t really, I don’t even want to waste my energy trying to think about it. There’s a lot of things about the Bible and about God and spirituality. I do not understand what I do understand is or nothing that can separate me from the love of Christ.


18:31          There’s nothing, there’s nothing I can do to make him not love me. He’s not mad at me. He’s not mad at you and I’m not mad at you. I’m not mad at you for screwing up every night. You all think everybody thinks I’m disappointed all the time. My heart is hurt. You know what hurts my heart? The most of my heart is hurt when you don’t return my messages or you avoid me at Costco, you know, you see me in the mall and you turn and run the other way. That’s what hurts my heart. It doesn’t hurt my heart as much. If you’ve put on 30 pounds, it hurts my heart as much when you won’t talk to me. That’s what hurts my heart. But I still love you. I still want you back. You know? So don’t think that what makes you a rebel is staying on the straight and narrow.


19:17          No, that just makes you, you know, really good at following rules and it really good at. And yeah, of course, you buy into the program, of course, you believe, but you can still be screwing up and still be a rebel, just like you can still sin and still love Jesus. Yeah, you can still sin, but you could still be a Christian, right? I mean, just because you sin doesn’t mean, I mean, what would happen to all of us if, I mean we were living under the old law, right? And every time we sinned, we had to sacrifice a flawless calf on an altar. Oh my gosh. I mean, the old law was a tough life. Holy moly. What would happen if Jesus stopped loving me just because I sinned? Oh my gosh. And I don’t believe in living life either with Christianity or with code red of just fallen off the wagon all the time.


20:03          And just starting new back again in the morning. But I will say this, that someday that girl will get it, the penny will drop in and she’ll get it. It might take a while. It might take another year. It might take another month. I don’t know. But she’s gonna get it. She really is. If she just doesn’t all the way let go. So if you’re listening to my voice right now and you know who you are, I’d never said your name. You’re not too far gone. You’re still a rebel. You’re still in that group. My gosh. You posted it in the life group. At least you had enough wherewithal to reach out for help and speaking to help. We have had counseling programs. Do we have what’s eating you? It’s digital counseling. It’s an online counseling program for emotional eating. I took it. I went through the course. Yes, I did.


20:50          And it helped me a lot. It helped me just the other day. It helped me just today when I had something horrible happen and I was triggered, eh, we have code red and grieving online course to help you get through a grieving process without eating away your feelings. There really is a help, but you did exactly what you needed to do. You reached out and you are not far gone. Rebel, whoever you are listening to me, I got you. You’re fine. I don’t care if you’re hanging on by a nail by a fingernail and the train is picking up the wagon is picking up speed. I don’t care. You’re still there with me and I can work with that, but don’t forget what really makes you a rebel is buying into what we believe. We believe we’ve been taught wrong. We believe we’ve been brainwashed. We believed that our education has failed us.


21:40          We believe that big pharma has got their hands in everything and that money is the driver when guidelines are set up and that we believe you have got to do what’s right for you. Do you understand me? Do you see what I’m saying? And you know in your heart that this is what’s right for you because this is the way we were created to eat. We were never created to eat Hot Pockets and lean cuisines and Red Bulls and Eggo Waffles. We were never created to eat C-store burritos. Never. We were never created to drink copious amounts of Diet Coke every day. Never. And you know that. And you know how good you feel cause you’ve, you’ve dabbled in the Code Red lifestyle. Things have gotten a lot better, haven’t they? Yeah. No, you’re still a rebel. Struggling does not make you not a rebel, okay? Listen to my voice.


22:31          Understand my heart. You’re still with us. I still stand beside you. I will still fight alongside you to reclaim the health of our country, to reclaim the health of our kids, to reclaim the health of our police officers, to reclaim the health of our correctional officers, to reclaim the health of our first responders, to reclaim the health of our churches. I will stand beside you and we will fight and we will spread this message. You are a part of the Code Red revolution, because you are a Code Red rebel. It doesn’t matter how many times you screw up. It’s good to talk to you guys. 10Poundtakedown.com is where you go to get started. Join us on our next challenge, and I’ll talk to you guys soon. Thank you


23:11          Everybody. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. Do you have a question that you’d like me to answer raw and uncut on the podcast? Then all you have to do is head over to Apple Podcast on your phone or computer and do three simple things. Leave a rating and review telling me what you think of the podcast, and in that review, ask anything you want related to help, weight loss or mindset. And if you want to shout out, leave your Instagram handle or name, that’s all. Then listen in to hear your question answered, live, raw and uncut on the next Q and A episode. So I’ll see you on the next episode of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle.