My favorite mindset tip

One one of my daily live Instagram videos, a Rebel who’s done three challenges asked me to talk about determination and motivation.

I get some form of this question a LOT: How do I stay motivated, how do I stop sabotaging myself, how do I “stay strong?”

Look, I can give you all kinds of tips and tricks for how to stay motivated, how to think positively, and all that.

(And I do – I have videos and blog posts galore about mindset.)

But the “tip” that I see get the most and best results, including for me in my life, is this:

Make your freaking mind up.

DECIDE you’re gonna get this weight off.

DECIDE you’re gonna keep this weight off.

No “hopefully,” no “if it works out,” no “if I’m strong enough.” None of that wishy washy bullcrap. Why?

Because “sorta kinda maybe hopefully” mindsets give you an out. 

They’re you giving yourself permission to quit whenever you feel like it.

But if you wanna make something happen cap’n, quitting cannot be an option.

Instead, you make your mind up you’re gonna do this, PERIOD. 

That way, no matter what obstacles may cross your path, no matter how tempted you may feel to quit, you won’t, because your mind is made up and doing this thing is the one and only option you’ve given yourself.

“Okay, Cristy, but how do I know whether I’ve made my mind up?”

If you have to ask that question, your mind’s not made up. It either is or it isn’t.

Does making your mind up mean you’ll never experience doubt, never feel scared, never have moments where you’ll feel like quitting?


But if those moments find you, then because your mind’s made up, doing any of those things will not be an option for you.

Instead, you’ll find a way forward, because forward’s the only path you’ve given yourself.

Code Red Rebels do not hope and wish for the things we want.

We make our minds up we’re gonna get them, then do something about it.

And if getting your weight off falls into the category of something you want, do something about it.