What does it really mean to “enjoy yourself” on vacations and holidays?

There’s a lot of excuses you can cling to NOT to take your life back, and one common one I get from people is that they don’t wanna start losing weight because they have a trip or special occasion coming up, and want to be able to “enjoy themselves.”

What most people mean in this context is: Eat as much as I want, when I want.

Food is one of a million ways to “enjoy yourself,” so it’s interesting we get so fixated on it as the ONLY way to have fun and spend time together.

I’m not saying you can’t or shouldn’t eat anything on your trips, but seriously, food is just one piece of this puzzle, and we act like it’s the end of the world if any food discipline whatsoever is suggested.

Sometimes that’s just a mindset, but other times, it might be because you’re so overweight and unhealthy that you don’t have the ability or desire to do anything except eat.

I remember one Rebel, pre-Code Red, who took a second honeymoon trip with her husband.

All they did was eat…not because there was nothing else to do, but because she was over 100 pounds overweight AND had a lot of physical “poor diet”-related problems that kept her from being physically capable of doing anything to enjoy the trip except eat.

She and her husband weren’t even intimate, even though it was a second honeymoon.

The desire to “enjoy yourself” by eating everything in sight is pretty common. You’re certainly not alone in feeling that way.

But I owe it to you to point out that if eating to “enjoy yourself” is costing you the ability to enjoy anything else, it might be time to re-think it…especially if in “enjoying yourself,” you aren’t actually enjoying yourself.

Seriously, there’s more to do on trips than eat.

You can walk, you can see the sights, you can play games, you can visit and be present and connect with others.

Depending where you’re going, maybe there’s swimming, camping, rides, riding horses, zip-lining, adventures, rafting or kayaking, and so on.

If the price you pay to miss out on alllllll those other things is to splurge on food, again, is it really worth it?

It’s a question only you can answer, but my hope is that you’ll choose YOU instead of choose food at the expense of everything else you could be doing (including feeling confident and proud of yourself).

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