What do shark-infested waters have in common with the Code Red Lifestyle™?

People who join the Code Red Lifestyle, get educated, and lose weight they once believed would never come off, experience an “awakening.”

They become keenly aware of how prevalent bull crap food is, how sick it makes us, and how many people out there are still “living in the dark.”

So of course, they want to spread the message and help other people see the light the way they have.

I appreciate the enthusiasm, believe me!

But there’s something I value even more, and it’s something I would rather my Rebels do than walk up to total strangers in the grocery store and lecture them on the contents of their shopping cart.

So what does this have to do with shark-infested waters?

Watch the video below to find out…plus hear the very best way each and every one of my Code Red Rebels can spread the Code Red Lifestyle in a way that won’t alienate people.
