What Do I Eat? June 6, 2020

Keeping things simple on the Code Red Lifestyle™ isn’t difficult.

A fat, a veggie, a protein. That’s all you need for each meal.

Some foods count as more than one, making your meal even simpler (and still DELICIOUS).

Take avocado, for example. It’s high in healthy dietary fat, but it also counts as a vegetable. (Avocados are technically fruit, but on Code Red we count them as a veggie because of their nutritional value and fiber content.)

Eggs are another food that hit more than one category. They’re both a fat and a protein. So are approved nuts, like macadamia nuts.

In this week’s “What Do I Eat?”, I’m sharing one of my favorite two-in-one foods, that’s both a fat and a protein.

Click the image below to check it out!
