You’re not gonna nail EVERY day. So what do you do?

Look, it’d be great if we were all perfect and never made a mistake, ever.

But that’s not the way life works. We’re human and we make mistakes. That’s a given.

What’s not a given is whether or not we learn from them. Some do, some don’t.

(This isn’t permission to freely go off the rails, giggle and say, “Oh well, I’m only human, YOLO!”)

Whether or not you do depends on a lot of factors, including what happens when you make the mistake.

Do you beat yourself up and take it as permission to go even further off the rails?

Or do you STOP, see what happened and what you can learn from it, get back up, and keep going?

The answer’s obvious. Actually following through with it, however, can be something else entirely.

Click the image below to watch my video about what to do on the days where you don’t “nail it.”