“Why is my weight up? I’m following all the rules and I haven’t changed anything!”

It’s pretty common when you’re new to Code Red to believe you’re “following all the rules” when you’re actually not.

It’s just as common to find something that works and stick with it (which is smart!), but when it stops working, believe you “haven’t changed anything.”

The reality is, in all but a few very rare cases, you’re not following all the rules, and something HAS changed.

Let me give you examples.

One of the simple rules to consistent weight loss on the Code Red Lifestyle™ is to sleep 7-8 hours a night.

I will see people post in groups exclaiming about how frustrated they are because their weight’s stalled; rattle off everything they’re “doing right,” and then add on as an afterthought they they didn’t sleep well that night.

Sleep is the #1 rule in weight loss (not Cristy’s rule, THE rule). If you ain’t sleeping, you ain’t losing.

Not only that, if you aren’t sleeping, you’re not “following the rules,” since one of them is to sleep 7-8 hours a night.

As for “not changing anything” and seeing a weight loss stall, or even a gain, you may not have changed what you ate.

But did you change when you ate, or how much you ate?

Did you get up earlier?

Was there additional stress? Was your sleep off? Did you start and finish your water at different times?

If anything whatsoever about your day was different, that counts as a change.

Not every change like that will affect your weight loss. But it could.

Remember this before you rampage in frustration about doing everything right and not changing anything.

Double check and be sure you actually ARE doing everything right, especially the basics.

So many people want to dismiss the importance of the basics, but those basics are like the foundation of a house.

They’re not sexy, but without them, the whole thing comes crashing down.

MASTER the Code Red basics. They’ll get you a lot further a lot faster than one-off “tips ‘n tricks.”

The best place to learn the basics is on a 10 Pound Takedown Challenge. Use the button below to check it out.