Cooking more food than you need in one meal is a great way to save time, because you can put the extra in the fridge or freezer and use it for your next meal.
If you’re a meal prep master reading this, you may be thinking, “Duh, Cristy.”
But a lot of people who join Code Red don’t have the first clue about how to keep it simple when it comes their food. Their idea of simple was to put a frozen pizza in the oven!
Eating one-ingredient foods is one way to keep it simple. I’m talking eat bacon, eggs, and avocado, rather than spend five hours in the kitchen on some complicated recipe with 815 ingredients.
Another way to keep it simple is to make more food than you need to eat, and set the extra aside for your next meal. Depending on how much extra you cook, this saves a TON of time and energy
In this week’s What Do I Eat?, I used some leftover sirloin to make one of my famous Hot Mess Fridge Leftovers salads. Click the image below and see what else I added to my salad!