Did Code Red cause my…

My staff get occasional support tickets from people who join the Code Red Lifestyle™, experience some kind of health issue, and immediately leap to the conclusion Code Red “caused” their “new” health issue.

I get why you may leap to the conclusion eating Code Red is responsible for whatever’s happening.

You may be thinking, “But it’s the only thing I’ve changed!”

And if you’re at all concerned, see your doctor.

Take the foods list and rules list, show it to your physician, and ask if there’s a connection.

But also keep this in mind.

If you’ve been feeding your body garbage for decades, it’s a ticking time bomb.

We fixate on body fat because it’s so visible, but the truth is that on the inside, there are health problems simmering all over your body.

And at any moment, any one of them could show themselves. It might be a weird but harmless symptom, or it might be something that puts your life in danger.

Joining the Code Red Lifestyle™ has an amazing, positive effect on our health.

I’ve got clients who get off medication for hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, migraines, chronic pain, thyroid imbalances, psoriatic arthritis, and SO much more.

But even real food, water, and sleep won’t “magically undo” decades of treating your body like crap. They can help your body accomplish a lot more than you’d believe, but still, it’s not “magic.”

So before you assume switching to real food, water, and sleep is responsible for whatever’s going on, talk to your doctor.

Especially since, by instantly blaming Code Red, you may inadvertently turn a blind eye to the real cause of whatever’s going on.

One more thing: If you start Code Red and you’re on any medications, stay in close communication with your doctor, because, in all likelihood, your medication will need adjusted (and possibly eliminated altogether!) as you lose weight and your body recovers from the roaring inflammation it was struggling with.