Does this ever happen to you?
You go to learn something new, but it doesn’t jive with the way you’ve been doing things.
So first you’ve gotta do some UNlearning before you can make any progress learning this new thing?
I went through this when I got fat years ago.
Despite working out harder and longer than I ever had (considering I was a pro athlete, that’s saying something!), my weight kept climbing.
The thing I finally had to unlearn was that exercise was NOT a way to address a weight problem. End of story.
But man was that a tough one! I have a degree in exercise physiology, I was a pro athlete, and while I was a celebrity personal trainer, I also trained pro athletes.
And here I was, having to face the reality that the bull crap I was shoving in my pie hole was keeping me fat, and no amount of exercise was gonna change that.
People new to the Code Red Lifestyle™ face a similar battle when they hear what we believe about real food, water, and sleep.
And when they hear we eat dietary fat and reduce our carbohydrate intake, that really sets off alarm bells!
If that’s how you’re feeling right now about Code Red–you’re impressed by the results you’re seeing, but what you’re hearing conflicts with what you’ve heard all your life about what’s “healthy”–watch my video below to learn a few things that might help!