A mindset I cannot stand

I’ll just come out with it: Few things tick me off more than the victim mentality.

“Ooooh, this may derail me, I don’t know if I can handle this!”

“This is soooo hard, Cristy! I don’t think I can do it.”

Bull crap!

You. Do. Hard. Things.

If you’re a mom, you’ve given birth to a human being! Maybe more than one! Talk about hard!

Not only that, you’re raising that human being! You can do that, but you “can’t” eat real food, drink water, and sleep?

Or you “can’t” walk by your co-worker’s desk without digging out a handful of Hershey’s Kisses?

That is bullll-oni.

You are not a victim. Has unfair crap that you didn’t ask for happened to you? I’m sure it has, because unfair crap happens to us ALL.

But what you do with it is 100% up to you.

You can use it as a crutch and live helplessly and hopelessly mired in the victim mentality, feeling powerless to do anything about the parts of your life that are making you miserable…

…or you can kick that crutch out of the way and start owning the power and strength that’s already inside you, waiting for you to get out of your own way and unleash.

You can give up or rise up. You choose.

You know where giving up’s gotten you.

So this time–and every time–choose to rise up and take your life back.

You have it in you. Send the victim mentality packing. You do hard things, and you can do this.