On Code Red, we weigh ourselves daily. But at the same time, the scale is not the ONLY way to measure progress!
Your measurements, how your clothes fit, and how you look and feel all tell part of the story, too.
So does your blood work…but man, what a hassle to get blood work from the hospital.
Here are three reasons I dread going to the hospital when I need or want blood work:
1) It’s a time suck.
I have packed days most days, and the last thing I wanna do is leave Hazel (my dog) alone at my condo to drive to the hospital, wait around for my appointment to start, wait around for them to finally draw my blood…and either wait around for the results and then wait for the doctor to go over them…or leave and have to make time later to talk to the doctor about my results.
Plus, I don’t like the atmosphere of most hospitals, or engaging in awkward small talk while I wait around.
And all this is when they can finally fit me into their schedule! Waiting weeks to get an appointment is frustrating.
2) It’s a money suck.
You have to pay for them to draw your blood, test it, and for the doctor to interpret the results. The more tests they do, the more you pay. It’s several hundred if you’re lucky; over a thousand easy if you need or want more tests.
3) The tests aren’t necessarily the best ones out there.
What I mean by that is, most of the tests just tell you if you’re in the normal range. That’s all well and good, but normal isn’t always optimal. It can be frustrating when your blood work comes back “normal” but you know there’s still something off.
Since blood tests can show you what’s going on INSIDE as you transform on Code Red, I decided I wanted to make it more convenient and more affordable for my Rebels like you to get blood work done.
And earlier this spring, I found exactly what I was looking for: A company called SiPhox Health that specializes in at-home blood tests!
SiPhox Health will:
– Ship you a testing kit that is BEYOND simple to use and understand, requires only a tiny amount of blood (no needles – just a little finger prick), and includes everything you need to both get your small blood sample AND ship it back to them
– Test your blood for 17 critical blood biomarkers, all from ONE small blood sample
– Provide your results and make it easy to understand them
– Offer you an opportunity to talk to a medical professional for further help understanding your results IF you want to (totally optional)
Tests cover your cardiovascular health, metabolic health, inflammation markers, and hormonal/nutritional health.
SiPhox tests are FSA and HSA approved, too!
(I did one of these in June and I was blown away!)
You can get the Foundation Kit or go for the Upgrade Kit (for even more tests).
I’ve arranged for you to get a 20% discount on SiPhox at-home blood testing kits with promo code, CODERED. (Your discount should automatically apply at checkout, but if it doesn’t, use CODERED for 20% off.)
To cut the cost of getting blood work done by 88% (compared to most hospitals) AND save an additional 20% on a SiPhox kit…as well as read more about how the kits work, exactly which tests you get, and how your results are provided, head to https://coderedlifestyle.com/bloodtest.
SiPhox offers three testing options for you:
– A one-time kit purchase
– An annual subscription to their upgraded services (where you can also get unlimited kits for $85 per kit on top of the annual fee, which isn’t too bad when you divide it by 12 months)
– A quarterly subscription to their upgraded services (also sends you 4 kits per year)
Every option gives you:
– Personalized health insights
– Secure Health dashboard
– Free delivery both ways
– Results in 3-5 business days
– Integration with your wearable sleep, heart, and activity tracker
If you aren’t interested in their upgraded services (which you can read about on the website), just do the one-time kit purchase.
To read all about SiPhox Health at-home blood test kits and order your first kit, head to https://coderedlifestyle.com/bloodtest.