This is not normal

Recently a lady posted that she’s been following the Code Red Lifestyle™ for four years and in the past year gained 30 pounds while still following Code Red.

Without knowing her full story, I can’t say for sure what’s going on.

(It could be some kind of medical issue and she needs to see a doctor right away, because sudden, unexplained weight gain can be a symptom of pretty serious problems, like heart disease or cancer.)

What I CAN tell you is that people who are correctly and consistently following Code Red don’t gain 30 pounds in a year.

The key words, of course, are correctly and consistently.

If you go in and out of Code Red, that is not correct or consistent, so yeah, you could gain 30 pounds in a year, depending on how and what you’re eating.

If you overeat Code Red foods you could also gain 30 pounds in a year, because yes, you can get fat from just about anything if you eat enough of it.

If you regularly eat more food than your body can utilize, it gets stored as fat. If you regularly eat inflammatory food, that also triggers your body to store fat.

Some people claim you can eat as much healthy food as you want without getting fat, but that’s simply not true. Some people can eat well past their body’s full feeling, for example, and if they do it regularly, will still pack on the fat.

Regardless, overeating Code Red foods is not correctly following the lifestyle.

The Code Red Lifestyle™ includes two phases: weight loss mode and maintenance mode.

BOTH modes involve eating real food, drinking water, and sleeping.

Weight loss mode is about removing all foods that lead to weight gain in most people and managing your appetite (or getting a customized plan) in the way we teach to get the extra fat off.

In maintenance mode, we teach you how to reintroduce foods we remove in weight loss mode, IF you even want to (a lot of people don’t), without gaining back your weight. There is a strategy to it and it has to be done correctly or again, you will gain back weight.

Plus, not every food you remove in weight loss mode is smart to reintroduce. If it’s a trigger food, for example, you’ll have a tough time not overeating it.

The bottom line is that if you’re gaining weight during Code Red weight loss mode OR maintenance mode, you’re either not doing something right (which is the case 99.99% of the time) or there’s a medical issue. If it’s the latter, that’s a question for your doctor, so please seek medical treatment.

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