How is Code Red different? (people ask me this)

Every so often someone says to me, “Cristy, I’ve done every program out there. How is Code Red DIFFERENT?”

Instead of explaining it again, I asked my clients (both new and long-time) to tell me, in their own words, how and why they think Code Red is different.

Here are just a few of their answers:


Believe me, I’ve tried every weight loss program out there. I’ve counted calories, I’ve kept track of food points, I’ve tried shakes, and pills and soups. I can honestly say, I’ve learned more about my body, and what it truthfully needs since learning about Code Red. For me, it just makes so much sense. It has taught me how to eat the right foods to fuel my body. Code Red Has helped me so much with the mental aspects as to why we eat and do what we do. Being on Ringside chats, listening to Code Red podcasts and learning from mentors and coaches has been so helpful and once you know it, you know it. The proper diet, food water and sleep, is on my mind all the time. Even when I am messing up. I know better and know that each day is a new day and what we do with it and how we treat ourselves and bodies is up to each of us. Code Red has given me the opportunity to be a better version of myself. I love it. There truly is not a better way to lose weight. – Susan


Simplicity simplicity simplicity is why the Codered program works…if you work it. In past experience we try to make things too complicated and my ability to distract myself knows no bounds! I keep saying to myself, if you follow it the benefits will come. – Kathy


When I say I tried them all I ready have. Buy their meal, buy their shakes. After a while it just got to be alot of money. With Code Red I have all this stuff in my house anyway. That was the easy part. Getting my husband to hide his crap stuff was harder. But it’s working out. Just bought the VIP with the 10 lb takedown offer and I’m super excited. I really need this extra push. Done the 10lb take downs and lost 51. 20 + to go. Happy happy. Thank you Code Red. – Kim


I have tried a number of things and the difference is so obvious to me-Engagement!!

If you are willing to engage, you will be successful!

It’s almost like fishing, but we are on the other end of the line! Cristy, her coaches and her mentors cast out the tidbits, and the Rebels like the prize (healthier lifestyle) and we gobble up those tidbits, and are rewarded with NSV’s, SV’s, a Tribe and a plethora of knowledge and tricks.. CR is a community of love, understanding and compassion.

The more you put in, the more you get out!!!

Rebel on Friends 💜 – Betsy


Code Red is different? How? Easy, hard, keep it simple, make it difficult. You choose, you plan, and you get results. This has been the easiest hard I have ever experienced. I have tried every thing imaginable. But my old school teaching was the food pyramid. So wrong. I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes. I now control that through my food choices. The easiest hard is Code Red Lifestyle change. – JoAnn


Code Red is sustainable. I’m not having to buy products to keep my weight off, just real food. It’s not complicated, it is straight forward. You don’t get “extra points” for the weekend or a night out, it’s a complete lifestyle change.

I have found my grocery bill has been cut in half. People say it’s more expensive to eat healthy and I have found that I don’t have to buy as much even with 3 kids. – Christina


Code Red is based in science and not myths.  I needed that logic to believe in the changes that I needed to make.  Code Red is direct and to the point, no “sugar-coating” (LOL).  It is what you need to hear to make your own decisions.  This is something you decide is important.  Once you get into the lifestyle and your body feels awesome, you want to stay and you know how to stay there.  Yes, as we learned recently, there are always temptations and you have the tools to get back to where you need to be and they don’t cost you anything but your commitment and planning.  Sleep, Water, and Real Food. – Odella


I have studied health and diet for decades in my career. I learned a lot of things that work, but have never been able to tie them all together in a way that would help me lose weight! This is what Code Red does; Cristy has a gift of taking the good in nutrition information out there (what, alone, are unsustainable fad diets), pulls out the nuggets that work, weave them together, and give us Code Red! The specific eating guidelines, especially with REAL food, the community and the accountability – it is all a wonderful, complete package, simple to understand and implement, that has not only provided me measurable success in my first month, but has allowed me to SEE the end goal – actually SEE the possibility of me being my goal weight! (even though I’m just focusing on the next pound). You don’t get all this from anything else I’ve tried/read about/seen! I love it! – Erin


It’s the only program I’ve done where I don’t feel deprived, I can eat this way forever, and it works! – Michelle


Its the only program that I have actually lost weight and had the encouragement and support from rebels and the team. It is the ONLY program that heals inside and out. – Kaley


Code Red is different than other programs because you aren’t being deprived of most favourite foods. You aren’t starving yourself even though the weight drops quickly.

Also you have so much support on your journey and get lots of tips along the way. – Karen


Code Red has provided me the tools for weight management using real real food. I have tried almost every diet out just to regain my weight plus some. Even though I am 5 lbs over my goal weight right now, I am not panicked like I was with every other program when my weight started creeping up. I know that by following the rules, I will be able to lose the weight plus I have joined Ring Side to keep engaged in a community until I can re-apply for maintenance again. One valuable lesson I have learned is the importance of a like-minded community for overall success! – Michelle


I tried them all.  I found Code Red after a friend posted her success on Social Media in 2020. I got on, got serious, and lost 85 lbs.  In the past couple of years I’ve put back on 40.  In the meantime I AGAIN tried things that didn’t work.  What was I thinking? I even took a weight loss medication that made me so ill.  I recently regained my senses, got back on what I KNOW works and I can’t be happier.  I feel terrific and have more energy than I know what to do with. How quickly I forgot!  Amazing how real food, water, and sleep are the “magic” trick to getting and keeping my weight off.  – Angie


I’ve tried them all! Pills, pre packaged food (yuck), counting points, counting calories, you name it. None of my previous attempts were sustainable. I found a 10 pound take down challenge and ran with it and then did Rebel For Life. I lost 62 lbs. I was in onederland for the first time in years. (I fell off the plan letting my own self get in my way and I gained 30 lbs back) I have gotten my head out of my butt and joined transformation. Code Red just makes sense and is easier to follow, has better food and makes me realize how much better I feel with a bedtime routine and getting in my much needed sleep and also makes me get my water in even though I sometimes feel like I will never stop running to the restroom😂 but then I’m getting my steps in too so it’s all a win! – Jenny


On other “programs” I have lost weight but I felt and looked terrible, gaunt and sick. On the Code Red lifestyle I have so much energy, am very satisfied with real food, no longer have pain in my joints and best of all I look healthy, my hair and skin looks great because real food, water and sleep is the answer! Thank you Code Red! – Mari


I think this program is great. I’m not hungry nor looking for snacks. Other programs limit your foods so much that you are always craving what you can’t have until you feel deprived and you cave in.

I’m liking the real foods that were allowed and it fills me up. Also other programs want you to exercise more as you go. With this program you don’t have to exercise and yet you lose weight at a faster loss.

You get to choose many options on which program is right for you as you continue your journey. Also it’s not one plan fits all. Cristy gives you your numbers and does each person individually.

We really learn a lot about our old eating patterns and why, so we can change them for the better. – Karen


I have ADHD and constantly struggle with the “the next best diet” I have struggled with many different plans. That involve meal combos, tracking timing, drink this…add that…ect. I give them a go, spend a lot of money, impulsively buy them, stuck with a ton of things in my cabinet. Code Red is the only thing that I have come back to that works. It is simple so it

does not trigger my ADHD spins and anexity. Because it is simple easy to follow and I feel really good on it. It is a learning journey that has caused to to look inward see what is going on in me. – Shannon


Other programs ive tried were always temporary to get the weight down but there was never any plan of what to do next and no support on maintaining successfully. Other programs only cared about the food you were putting in your body, not considering the importance of water and good sleep. On one of the prepared food options I tried in the past actually ended up giving me horrible unrelenting migraines and I had to be hospitalized. Love the CR lifestyle, love learning why things are important instead of just going thru steps. CR is so simple to follow and works. – Ashlee


I hope these answers help you better understand how Code Red is different from other programs you’ve done.

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